
Google Apps isn't delivering mail to my lists

We host the email for our company with Google Apps, and we use email lists to deliver things to the engineering team ( We have automated exception emails that get sent out when there is an exception raised on a production server. This has suddenly stopped working for me on my newest server. The configuratio...

Debug an SMTP server with a proxy

I'm using Blackberry's ESS that includes support for sending an email to its own SMTP server which then pushes the email to the Blackberry device. When using Thunderbird to send to this SMTP server, it works perfectly, I can send multiple emails without problems. However, when using SmptClient, or a few third party componenets, and fin...

What strategy should i use to install smtp server on linux ? for multithreaded service

Hello all i need to implement service that sends users reminders via email , this should be multithreaded scheduled system this part is fine , but i need to install and configure smtp server for out going emails on the server , this is i have no clue how to do and what to expect my tools will be lamp combo on some Linux slice . ...

Catch-all SMTP server + GUI

I was reading this post about a NetBeans plugin which intercepts all SMTP traffic and stores it for display. I find it a great tool for developing locally when you have lots of email interaction and don't want to create {x} accounts. Is there any such cross-platform tool available outside of NetBeans? ...

SMTP not working in windows 7

How can I get SMTP to work on Windows 7 (developer box). I used to just be able to turn it on for a windows XP box. Is SMTP not included on windows 7? If so, what can I use instead as a free relay mechanism. ...

How might I perform DNS lookups using C/C++ on Linux?

How do I get similar functionality to the host command using a c api (or any other language for that matter)? I need more information than just an IP address given by gethostbyname(); specifically, the SMTP-related data. ...

CreateUserWizard can't send email (via gmail) due SmtpClient.SslStream being set to false

Hello, I’d like for CreateUserWizard control to send email notifications to created users. Since I don’t host my own SMTP server, I tried to use my gmail account to send those notifications, but I kept getting “Must issue STARTTLS command first”. One site suggests this is due to CreateUserWizard’s SmtpClient using System.Net.Sockets....

How to create a netcat relay on OS X ?

I'm trying to troubleshoot my postfix so I decided to route its traffic to my isp smtp relay trough a netcat relay: nc -l <someport> 0<backpipe | nc <isp-smtp> 26 | tee backpipe And I configured my postfix to connect to localhost:. But to get the netcat relay working it needs a FIFO pipe made with mknod backpipe p and apparently this...

Add SMTP AUTH support to Python smtpd library... can't override the method?

So, I wanted to extend the Python smtpd SMTPServer class so that it could handle SMTP AUTH connections. Seemed simple enough... So, it looked like I could just start like this: def smtp_EHLO(self, arg): print 'got in arg: ', arg # do stuff here... But for some reason, that never gets called. The Python smtpd library calls o...

Creating an IMAP client application in Silverlight

I'd like to make a stripped down email client for my pre-schooler using Silverlight 3 and pulling email from a Gmail account. I'll have some filters setup in Gmail so that only a subset of email is given a particular label, similar to creating a whitelist. Then, I'd like to pull those emails with that label to the Silverlight client....

Does anyone know if there is a way to use JBoss (4.2.3) as an SMTP server?

I'm after a way of not having to poll an inbox to receive messages, but to receive them directly in JBoss instead. Does anyone know how I can achieve this? ...

Error 997 (ERROR_IO_PENDING) from CSMTPConnection::SendSimple ("Overlapped I/O operation in progress"

CSMTPConnection is an ATL (VC++) class in atlsmtpconnection.h. Code: static _TCHAR mailserver[ 256 ]; static _TCHAR mailsender[ 256 ]; static _TCHAR mailrecips[ 256 ]; static _TCHAR subject[ 256 ]; static _TCHAR msg[ 256 ]; static DWORD mailtimeout=10000; static CSMTPConnection con; ... if (con.Connect( mailserver, mailtimeout )){ if ...

a sendasync mail function, do you see any potential memory leak?

I have that code running into a windows service and the service seem to have a memory leak, something is wrong for sure. After looking at the whole code, I think it might be inside one of these function but I cannot seem to find where it could be. Anyone could take a look and could let me know if something is wrong? thanks for any kin...

Cant emails through exchange: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host

I just noticed that some of the email operations in my code have been failing and am trying to fix it up, however I keep getting the following error: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote...

(Ruby) Getting Net::SMTP working with Gmail...?

Hi All, Does anyone have any quality (and up-to-date) information regarding sending mail via Gmail using Ruby's Net::SMTP? I've seen several examples -- most dating from 2007 to mid-2008 and none of them work for me. I need more current examples that use the most recent 1.8.7 release. I'd also appreciate if the documentation didn't o...

Problems with ActionMailer: 501 <>: missing or malformed local part

I'm having trouble sending mail using SMTP from a Rails app. I have a Mailer class: class Mailer < ActionMailer::Base def newsletter_confirmation(subscription) recipients "[email protected]" # this is set to my email # just for testing purposes and will ...

(Ruby) Compiling dynamic applications for Windows?

Hi All, Does anyone have any insights regarding compiling Ruby code for Windows? I've tried both "Ruby2Exe" and "OCRA", but both present their own issues. Ruby2Exe keeps presenting vague or confusing warnings such as "can't modify frozen string". OCRA on the other hand seems to want to run your script and assumes that there are no dy...

Best way to throttle email on Windows Server 2008

I have a server with SMTP set up for my site's outbound email. In order to not get blacklisted I'd like to limit outbound emails to under an arbitrary threshold (let's say 500 per hour). What's the best way to implement this? The two possibilities I see would be: 1) Some sort of outbound throttling within the SMTP Virtual Server (Not...

Sending email with a Ruby script - 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address

Hi all, I'm trying to send email with a Ruby script, but my proof of concept isn't working. I can telnet to the mail server and send mail that way, but this script causes the mail server to raise an error: 501 5.5.4 Invalid Address #!/usr/bin/ruby require 'net/smtp' def send_email(to, subject = "", body = "") from = "[email protected]...

Risks in sending out high volume of emails over SMTP

Hi, What are the risks, if any, of sending out massive amounts of emails over SMTP? Specifically, this question is regarding the risks of being labelled/blacklisted as spammers of spoofers. Our mails are legitimate, however. Our system needs to send out reminders to our corporate users on a daily basis, which may number into the thousa...