
Send emails to multiple users using PHP/Javascript

I was trying to find an easier way to send e-mails to all my clients using our database (MySQL). I wanted to see if there is a way that it can select all the e-mails of my clients and I can add message, Subject and send it to all of my clients from my website rather than copying each of the mail. Is there a way to integrate SMTP to do t...

Log4j encoding problem

I configured log4j SMTPAppender to send emails to me on errors. It works, but I have problem with non ASCII data. Configuration uses HTMLLayout and their documentation states: Appenders using this layout should have their encoding set to UTF-8 or UTF-16, otherwise events containing non ASCII characters could result in corrupted log fil...

Is there a SMTP mail transfer library in PHP

I want to write an email transfer service and need a MTU replacement of sendmail/postfix. I'm not looking how to deliver to a transmitting SMTP server (like a postfix listing on a SMTP port). I also don't need the receiving part of the server, bounces etc. would go to a different existing postfix. All of it in pure PHP. SMTP is a pre...

Need help with sending email using a godaddy account.

Hi, I'm trying to send an email using my godaddy hosting. I've also given away the username and password (as you can see in the code) for the testing email account so if anyone has the time, can they try and send an email using these settings? I'm totally at a brick wall. I've got Thunderbird setup and it connects and sends emails fin...

Is it possible to combine BATV and smarthosting?

Is it possible for a webserver with no special mail configuration to support BATV by having the BATV implemented on the smarthost or SMTP server which the mails are delivered via? Ie - host WWW has a PHP mail form host WWW accepts mail on a dumb local MTA and smarthosts to host MAIL, or host WWW delivers mail directly to host MAIL vi...

Sendmail vs SMTP

A rails application in production should use smtp or sendmail to send mails? ...

how to convert text to rtf, for sending email?

Since I need to send email by code, I'm currently using plan text but since outlook, by default, remove the extra line break it screw up my formatting and I don't want that, I tried to put my text into html but now the email is marked as spam. My last choice is to move the text into rtf but now my question is. What is the easiest way t...

How to change from-address when using gmail smtp server

I want to send an email from A to B,with HEADER and CONTENT through gmail. How to do that by PHP? I've specified the FROM([email protected]),but when I receive the email,it's still from my gmail account([email protected]). $mail->From = "[email protected]"; $mail->FromName = "Mailer"; $mail->AddAddress("[email protected]", "Josh Ad...

What's the fastest way to fixup line-endings for SMTP sending?

Hello all. I'm coding a email application that produces messages for sending via SMTP. That means I need to change all lone \n and \r characters into the canonical \r\n sequence we all know and love. Here's the code I've got now: CRLF = '\r\n' msg = re.sub(r'(?<!\r)\n', CRLF, msg) msg = re.sub(r'\r(?!\n)', CRLF, msg) The problem is...

sendmail error 452 Too many recipients received this hour

We are sending hell lot of e-mails to our BREW devices ( in sprint network ) and after a while our mail server queues the messages and gets stuck. When we try to flush them, we get following from the server. Is there a solution to this problem? Is this error 452 from our mail server or sprint's mail server? How to tune up sendmail for fa...

PHP send mail on windows causing it to 'hang' after sending email

Hi, we're starting to build a web app. My colleague is developing on linux, and I am running via a WAMP stack running windows xp. We're using Zend. When we submit a form and send an email using Zend email, the email would send and then I would get a blank screen, wheras on the linux machine the app would continue normally. So I wrote m...

development smtp server for windows

Hi; I am looking for a free test smptp server which can save emails in to files for my development tests. Since my development environment is windows I prefer test email server to run on windows but I can consider to install any other linux based alternatives. ...

How do I programatically remove SMTP headers from System.Net.Mail.MailMessage?

I need to remove SMTP headers from from System.Net.Mail.MailMessage. Specifically, headers that contain information about the environment MailMessage originates from. I have tried inspecting the MailMessage just before it is sent by SmtpClient, but no headers were set (they are set at a later stage). Can this be done in .NET Framework ...

It is possible to download signatures in IMAP ?

Situation: I need to make an imap client (using java mail api) that if, for example when synchronising with gmail would also download my signature. So that next time i send a mail using SMTP, it would automatically include my gmail signature alongside with it. Is that possible ? Does IMAP support this or do i need to use another prot...

Python : email sending failing on SSL read

I keep getting this intermittent error when trying to send through ''. Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/home/ptarjan/django/mysite/django/core/handlers/", line 92, in get_response response = callback(request, *callback_args, **callback_kwargs) File "/var/home/ptarjan/django/mysite/registratio...

python smtp gmail authentication error (sending email through gmail smtp server)

Hi all, I have the following code import smtplib from email.mime.text import MIMEText smtpserver = '' AUTHREQUIRED = 1 # if you need to use SMTP AUTH set to 1 smtpuser = '[email protected]' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP username here smtppass = '123456' # for SMTP AUTH, set SMTP password here RECIPIENTS = ['online8@gmai...

Zend_Mail is sent perfectly, but takes ages to arrive to gmail

Hi all, I'm trying to send mails through gmail smtp. The process works fine and all, but for some reason, after altering the sending structure, the mails take AGES to arrive to gmail. I can wait 20 minutes or more for one of the system sent mails to drop in, but it is still displayed as (20 minutes ago) in the inbox. Any clues on to what...

Send e-mail from MSBuild script with non-standard port SMTP server

Hi! Is there a way to send e-mail from a MSBuild script using a task that get a connection from a SMTP server that listens to a non-standard port? I've seen that tasks from Extension Pack, Community Tasks and SDC Tasks provide an attribute for the SMTP server name but no attribute for the server port. Any idea? Regards, Olivier. ...

IIS SMTP remote domain smart host never sends

I'm not a novice but sure feel like one, Using IIS SMTP, I'm unable to get the smart host for a remote domain to send email. Instead it always wants to send it from the IIS server unless I turn on smart host for entire SMTP IIS server in the properties. No matter what settings I put in the remote domain settings, it never uses those ...

Storing Smtp from email friendly display name in Web.Config

I'm storing my mailsettings in the web config like so... <mailSettings> <smtp from="[email protected]"> <network host="" userName="[email protected]" password="password" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> Now when I create a new var smtp = new SmtpClient(); smpt ha...