
smtp codeigniter gmail error

Hi again, I am sorry I keep coming back with this issue. I checked my account and it’s fine( signed on no captcha) and still nothing. It still returns this to me: 220 ESMTP d13sm702743fka.52 hello: at your service, [] 250-SIZE 35651584 250-8BITMIME 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCOD...

PHPMailer problem connecting to

I'm getting the following error when trying to send an email from a web server running W2K server 2003 to SMTP -> FROM SERVER:220 Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service ready at Thu, 8 Oct 2009 01:00:53 -0700 SMTP -> FROM SERVER: Hello [...

SMTP and XMPP deployment/workflow

I'm developing a website that incorporates an XMPP bot and a custom SMTP server (mainly these services process commands and reply). I'd like to set up a system where I can develop locally, push changes to a staging server, and finally to a production system. (Essentially I'm developing on the live server currently.) I'm using python, ...

sending email with gmail smtp with codeigniter email library

class Email extends Controller { function Email() { parent::Controller(); $this->load->library('email'); } function index() { $config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['smtp_host'] = 'ssl://'; $config['smtp_port'] = '465'; $config['smtp_timeout'] = '7'; $config['smtp_user'] = 'm...

Send mail using localhost SMTP

I am trying to setup SMTP server on IIS for sending mails. The SMTP server is intended to be used by the ASP.NET code in C#. I was previously using gmail smtp wherein i provided the as host with secure port and my gmail uid/pwd. That worked fine. Here is the code used to do that. SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient()...

SMTP, IIS7 and Windows Server 2008

Hi, I'm having trouble setting up SMTP to relay through a 3rd party server. I'm new to Server 2008 so please bear with me. I have found the SMTP server in IIS6 which is currently off, but is there one I need to use in IIS7? (IIS7 websites do have the SMTP icon so that 'role' must be installed). I have used the IIS7 icon to set the re...

Rails ActionMailer with multiple SMTP servers

I have a need to use two different smtp servers in a Rails application. It appears that the way ActionMailer is constructed, it is not possible to have different smtp_settings for a subclass. I could reload the smtp settings for each mailer class whenever a message is being sent, but that messes up the ExceptionNotifier plugin which is ...

Using the Microsoft SMTP Server's Dropfolder

I have set up Microsoft SMTP server so it will store all incoming email in a dropfolder. I want to process, using c#, incoming mail based on the sender, recipient, and subject line. If possible, I also want to create a plain text preview of the email. So, there are two parts to this problem. I'm guessing a FileSystemWatcher would be...

Sending e-mail in large numbers

Hello, I am developing an application that needs to inform users (around 1800) on a regular basis (weekly). I consider gmail but it has a 500 mail in 24 policy, Google groups don't have an API, I contact my web hosting company (bluehost) about the situation, they don't return with an adequate answer (they don't mention the exact numbe...

Setting up a no-reply email address with Google Apps

I have my domain's email set up with Google Apps, and I am interested in sending automated emails (when users register, for example) with the From and/or Reply-To field being "[email protected]". I have a few questions pertaining to how this is done: Should I actually set up a user in Google Apps named "no-reply"? If not setting up...

Has Anyone Here ever tried PEAR

Hi I have been reading alot of articles adoring the PEAR mail package and it seems like PEAR is something I need to try out. I am interested in setting up a full mail server, similar to a conventional SMTP mail service; which incorporates mail queuing, resending with a backend database etc. My impression is that PEAR can do this but can...

Apache James as a transparent SMTP proxy?

Hi guys! I'm thinking about building a transparent SMTP proxy on my own to process outgoing mails. I found Apache James already that looks like it is pretty much what I want. Could I use Apache James to build a transparent SMTP proxy to add some headers and modify the content? Or should I go for pure Javamail? ...

Need help setting up SMTP

Hi I am having a weird problem and I am not sure why. I have this in my webconfig <add key="SMTP" value=""/> <add key="Email" value="Email"/> <add key="EMAIL_PASSWORD" value="Password"/> <add key="FROM_PORT" value="2525"/> Now when I test smtp through localhost all is well and sends my smtp and eve...

SMTPTransport as private static for class that implements MessageDrivenBean and MessageListener

If I use SMTPTransport ( as private static object for class that implements MessageDrivenBean and MessageListener, will it be thread safe or are there some possible error situations? ...

Sending mass email campaign via ASP.NET

I have read a few other posts on here about mass emailing, but I need some other information. We want to integrate our mass e-mail system into our current application, but I fear this may not be a good idea. Does anyone have any input as to what kind of resources are needed to send, potentially, 1000's of emails an hour? We only have one...

SMTP: inter-server communication

As I know the email message sending process looks like this: The message is sent from sender's client to his server (say The server redirects the message to recipients server (say Recipient's client connects to and recieves new messages. I'm interested in stage 2. I thought that the servers u...

How to use GMail as a free SMTP server and overcome captcha

GMail can used as a SMTP server. I've written the code that does it. But as we all know GMail may occasionally authenticate using captcha (image verification as they call it). The same thing may be the cause to reject SMTP authentication. As I've seen google shows image verification when you try to log-in for the first time from some ma...

System.Net.Mail Alternative

I'm working on a tool that schedules emails with our mail server in C#. I had been using the System.Net.Mail classes to send the mail. Recently I've come across various issues with regards to RFC violations and other issues, such as SmtpClient not ending the SMTP session according to protocol. Each of these problems is counting toward a...

Problem with SMTP in IIS7

I have an ASP.NET app that works fine on my windows XP dev machine but doesn't work when deployed to a Windows 2008 with IIS7. The app uses SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis and gives an error when I try to send an email from the app on IIS7 (an SmtpException with the message "cannot get iis pickup directory"). I use the same set...

Email: SMTP and php

Hi Trying to send an e-mail via SMTP, its not working, any help? //SMTP info $host = ""; $username = "[email protected]"; $password = "password"; $from = "Taylor";//From email address $to = "[email protected]";//Change this to your inbox $headers = array ('From' => $from, 'To' => $to, 'Subjec...