
How to check status of an SMTP server from Java?

In a Java program, what is the best way of determining if an SMTP server is ready to accept and send an email? ...

IIS6 SMTP Server stops for no reason?

I am not sure if anyone else has seens this, but I have the SMTP server sonfigured for IIS6. I am not running exchange, by the way, just the regualt SMPT server that comes with windows 2003 and IIS6. For some reason my SMTP server stops and nothing is in the logs about it. I restart it and ater a few days it stops again. Any thoughts? ...

C# SMTP Socket issues

I am writing an application which tests email addresses, for one part of this I need to send a small amount of data to an email address to validate it completely, I am currently using sockets to acomplish this. Whilst I was testing I used a friends SMTP server to test on, and my socket worked fine, but when I tried the same thing on a b...

IIS6 SMTP Service and stop Delivery Reties?

Is there anyway to tell the SMTP service to stop trying to resend an e-mail that has been tried / failes x amount of times ? I can't find anything in the delivery tab to speicify this. Just curious if there is another way. ...

HOW to use OpenSSL in C to send email (via gmail) using SMPTS (TLS)

Writing in C/C++ (not COM C#) As a follow on from these questions:

Slashes in plain text email causing send failure

A particular mail server I'm dealing with has rejected the sending of a plain text email with a few forward and backslashes in it. It's possible it's confusing these with something else. The email is simply a contact form on a website, so it's a blurb of text written by someone. What's the best method for escaping or doing otherwise to...

Any point in validating SMTP addresses with a regex?

I have an app where users can send emails to other users by selecting names from a list. There's also a textbox where they can freely enter a list of email addresses to Cc. Currently, each address to Cc is validated by an extensive regular expression, which checks conformance to RFC2822. The address is then added to the System.Net.Mail.M...

rails action mailer problem...

My application mailer works fine in development on my own machine but on the server it doesn't work the way I want. I know the server is perfectly capable of relaying the emails requested because I can get it to work directly from the command line and if I put: ActionMailer::Base.delivery_method = :sendmail directly in my environment...

Transport errors due to class location? (SMTP)

ASP.NET 2.0 internal (intranet) web app using Integrated Auth + Impersonation. Developed on dev server (where classes reside) and published to production intranet server. Please bear with me, I'm not a .NET developer! Due to Exchange server move & upgrade an old app with mail features broke. I found the SMTP code in a class file on the d...

SMTP event Sink in c++: How to set MAPI named property?

Hi, I need to add a named property to incoming email messages in a c++ SMTP event sink. I got the event sink framework code working fine but need a way to go from IMailMsgProperties* to MAPI named properties inside my handler. Does anyone have sample code or know how to do this? ...

smtp: why does email needs envelope and what does the envelope mean

What is the exact difference between the envelope and the email in smtp? Why does the protocol need the envelope? In snail mail, the letter needs not contain addresses and is not visible to the postman (at least that's what you want to believe), so all the routing is made entirely based on the envelope and that is clear to me. However ...

What is the encoding of an .eml file from IIS's SMTP server?

I need to write a program that read the .eml files from IIS's mail drop box, but I can't find a definitive source that tells me the encoding of the .eml files. Is there a specification somewhere that tells me the encoding of the files, or do I just have to guess/assume one? ...


I am trying to set up an SMTP server on a virtual private server. I have typically hosted applications with hosting companies in the past. I am using SMPT on a website to send mail but need to configure IIS's SMTP Server to allow me to send the mail. I have a couple of questions around this: 1.What settings do I need to set to enable m...

postfix relay failover

Is there a way to configure postfix to use a relay only if direct delivery is rejected? The case being a web application that has to send notification to subscribers, but some servers reject the connection. I want those cases to be retried using a paid SMTP relay like However I don't want to use the relay for everything sin...

ActionMailer and Exchange

Hello Community, I successfully send Mails via SMTP using my Rails App and my Postfix Server. Now I need to move to an Exchange: Microsoft ESMTP MAIL Service, Version: 6.0.3790.3959 that has POP3 and SMTP support enabled. I use actionmailer 1.2.5 and am not able to successfully login to the server while trying to send a mail. In ca...

UNIX: Send Mail using SMTP Server

Hi All, I would like to send an email through a remote SMTP server. How can this be done? I will be sending the email from a bash shell script. I'm using a unix machine. uname -a returns: Linux linux 2.4.21 BrandZ fake linux i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux Thank you. ...

ASP.NET MVC Web Config Email Settings

I'm trying to include some SMTP settings in my ASP.NET MVC project by adding the following to my Web.Config file: <> <mailSettings> <smtp> <network host="host" port="25" userName="username" password="password" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> </syste...

parsing response end with extended SMTP (ESMTP)

To use an example response from google when sent "EHLO": at your service, [66.501.941.15] 250-SIZE 35651584 250-8BITMIME 250-AUTH LOGIN PLAIN 250-ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES 250 PIPELINING Hex: 32 35 30 2D 6D 78 2E 67 6F 6F 67 6C 65 2E 63 6F 6D 20 61 74 20 79 6F 75 72 20 73 65 72 76 69 63 65 2C 20 5B 39 32 2E 34 32 31 2E 35...

SMTP PIPELINING fails at message body

After getting a regular gmail TLS SMTP session to work, I am trying to implement PIPELINING. According to the spec: (which doesn't mention if username/password can be pipelined with AUTH LOGIN, but this seems to be working) It does say I can group: C: MAIL FROM:<[email protected]> C: RCP...

Sending Email through .NET code

Hi, I'm unable to send an email to yahoo server as my code is throwing exception as 'Failure Sending mail' in C# 2008. Please provide SMTP HostName, PortName for yahoo server and gmail server. And also kindly provide a good working C# code with which i can send an email directly to any of the mail servers. Please provide complete worki...