
Sending emails from sql sever

What is the best way to send email from sql server 2008 (script). Any sample or online links please. ...

I am trying to send an email from my web application but the following exception come at SmtpMail.Send(mess);

Run time exception is: The transport failed to connect to the server. Please give me any of your suggestions. As i am working on my own pc so i do not have any mail server so i put the name of my internet broadband provider (SmtpMail.SmtpServer = "";) Is it the right way ...

Log4Net - Create an Smtpappender programatically

Hello I am a beginner in log4net and I am trying to add an appender in my code and then to send an email in case of an Error. I dont want to use a config file. My program runs but I never receive the email. Can you please let me know what's wrong in my code Dim test2 As log4net.Appender.SmtpAppender = New log4net.Appender.SmtpAppe...

Django + secure mail

I tried configure smtp mail with certificate on Django and I receive 'time out' error( code 110 ?). I use this settings: EMAIL_HOST='some.smtp.serwer' EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD='' EMAIL_HOST_USER='' EMAIL_PORT=495 EMAIL_USE_TLS=True outlook configuration guide informs about certificate installation, maybe this issue is causing this error ?...

Can a PHP app run when email is sent?

Is there a way to configure a server or a script to execute a php script when an email is received? In theory this could be extended to other protocols, such as XMPP or SMS, etc. What I have in mind is a user could send a message to [email protected] and this would trigger a script which would then do whatever needed to be done, ...

Restricting Email to not sent in Junk Folder and can it possible from Email hide to recipient?

I am sending email throught SMTP Client using below code. MailMessage objMail = new MailMessage("FromEmail", "ToEmail", "Subject", "Email Body"); SmtpClient SmtpClnt = new SmtpClient(); SmtpClnt.Send(objMail); I have two question here How can I ensure that email is not sent junk email folder? Can I hide from email to recipient and j...

iis smtp not sending from .net works from .asp

I have IIS SMTP set up using a Smart Host. I can send mail via .asp; but, does not send via .net. Not even writing to SMTP log. ...

How can I create and process SOAP requests in Delphi without HTTP?

Is there a recommended way / a tutorial which shows how to create and process plain SOAP request with Delphi without THTTPRio, for example, if I want to implement SOAP over JMS, SOAP over AMQP or SOAP over SMTP? Simplified code examples: // create a SOAP request (client side) RequestXML := Service.Add(Arg1, Arg2); This code would gen...

SMTP Mail client settings in app.config file C#

I've put mail settings in app.config and can successfully pull them into a mailSettingsSectionGroup object. However, I'm not sure how to send a message using these settings. This is what I have so far: System.Configuration.Configuration config = ConfigurationManager.OpenExeConfiguration(ConfigurationUserLevel.None); MailSettingsS...

Javamail problem: cannot send mails through SMTP after checking mails with POP3

So, my problem is the following: I have a mail client that I wrote in Java and I cannot send mails through SMTP after I check my mails with POP3. The exception I caught says that the transport protocol = null. The code is working fine, because I have no issue before POP3 connection. I am sure I close that connection and they are all pr...

C# - Send e-mail without having to login to server

I have an application that needs to send e-mails. Currently, this is what I am using: System.Net.Mail.MailMessage MyMailMessage = new System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(); MyMailMessage.From = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress(fromemail.Text); MyMailMessage.To.Add(toemail.Text); MyMailMessage.Subject = subject.Te...

What is the simplest, most portable way to send an email in elisp?

I'd like to write a little emacs command to send an email. What's the simplest way to do this? I know there are a lot of mail-sending plugins for emacs, but I really just need to send a simple little email. ...

Programmatically add IP(s) or domain(s) to Relay Restrictions in SMTP Virtual Server on IIS 6

I have been given a task to create an admin page to programmatically add IPs or domains to a SMTP Relay Restrictions using C#. I spent some time researching this since yesterday and finally traced this down to a few posts on several website that use the System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntr class. Using the examples I found, I can add ...

sending emails with ruby where the address has a gmail style '+' filter

When I try and send an email say [email protected] it throws (Net::SMTPSyntaxError) "501 5.1.3 Bad recipient address syntax" is it me or is the syntax checker a little too strict? Has anyone come across this before/have a patch for net/smtp? back trace: /usr/local/lib/ruby/1.8/net/smtp.rb:679:in `check_response' /usr/local/lib/ruby/1....

Java Mail: SSLHandshakeException when sending email on port 25 without SSL

Although I'm trying to send an email on port 25 without SSL, I'm getting an SSLHandshakeException. Below you can see debug messages printed by javax.mail.Session and the SSLHandshakeException. Can you help me understand what's going on? 22 Dec 2009 15:13:21,054 INFO root:197 - DEBUG: setDebug: JavaMail version 1.4ea 22 Dec 2009 15:13...

email last lines from a text file in python

Hello, I am trying to set up an email function that will email the last 15 lines of a results.txt file in python. I am not sure how to do this and was asking do I have to connect to an email server or does python have some other way of sending email. The code below is what i have got so far and any help would be appreciated. Thanks imp...

SMTP service to send email on my web application

I've been using gmail's SMTP server to send email (notifications, password reminder, etc) in my web application. However, i'm getting to the point where i'm reaching the limit of 500 sent emails per day using gmail's SMTP. Is there any SMTP service's that I can use instead? A friend told me about, but that's the only one ...

How do I send attachments using SMTP?

I want to write a program that sends email using Python's smtplib. I searched through the document and the RFCs, but couldn't find anything related to attachments. Thus, I'm sure there's some higher-level concept I'm missing out on. Can someone clue me in on how attachments work in SMTP? ...

how to check if a line of code actually succeeded?

I'm making an email sending program and still I don't know how to check if the mail was really sent or not, because sometimes the program will have no error messages but the mail was not actually sent. Is there any other way on how to deal with this except for making use of try catch? Here is my code: Try mail.From = New MailAddress(...

SMTP message not updating it's content

When users register on my site I send them activation mails. I recently updated the message users receive in the mail but users are still receiving the old message. Anyone know why? Sorry. I'm using C#, my website is in ASP.NET MVC. I'm using a class I've created, Mail.cs, where I create the MailMessage which looks something like thi...