
Running/debugging SMTP Event Sinks under windows 2008

I have an SMTP Event Sink to process incoming SMTP email messages to perform special processing. Under IIS 6/SMTP, this event sink runs as expected. Under IIS 7/SMTP, it does not appear to run, even though it appears to register successfully, as shown below: c:\Program Files\Kryptiq Corporation\GW\Bin>regsvr32 SpoolFilter.dll c:\Progra...

SMTP server response: 451

I've build 2 contact forms (quote.php and contact.php), validated with jquery and submitted with to separate ajax_contact.php and ajax_quote.php files. They've both been built on the same template I've used on other sites, but for some reason the ajax_contact.php is returning this error: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server resp...

c# SMTP email not delivered if attachments exist

I am creating and sending emails using the System.Net.Mail namespace. The smtp.Send(mailMessage) call is being made within a using System.Transactions.TransactionScope block. If I do not create any email attachments then everything works fine. If I add any attachments (using mailMessage.Attachments.Add(attachment)) then no errors are ...

Problems when using IIS SMTP Pickup Service

In my ASP.NET website running on IIS7, I use the pickup directory delivery method (DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.PickupDirectoryFromIis). And in the IIS SMTP Server I use the smart host setting to forward the emails sent from my website to a local mail server running on the same machine (XMail Server). This configuration works gre...

What should i know about sending emails in a background thread? ASP.NET

I have a thread running in the background that will sleep and pull data from the database when something wakes it up. I am sending the emails using google apps using SmtpClient (code below). I wanted to know if there is anything i be aware of? I plan to send only one email at a time (a registration or forgot password email). I am a litt...

Giving email account a name when sending emails with Django through Google Apps

I am sending emails to users using Django through Google Apps. When the user receives emails sent from the Django app, they are from: [email protected] when looking at all emails in the inbox, people see the email's sender as : do_not_reply or [email protected] depending on the email client used If I log into that "do_not_...


Hi All, I have a memory leak when calling SMTPClient.Send. Please help to fix it. ...

Issue with SMTP relay in .NET

Perhaps this is more of an IIS question than programming, but I'll throw it out there nonetheless. I am attempting to send an email via SMTP with C# using the following test code: //params: from email, to email, subject, body MailMessage m = new MailMessage( <sendemail>, <receiveemail>, "testsubject", "Testbody" ); SmtpClient c = new ...

Change Spring email settings based on dev/test/prod mode

I often test my application with a copy of a live database, but have to be careful to not do any actions that cause an email to be sent to a user. I'd love to have a way to configure spring so that when I'm in dev or test mode, that no email will get sent to real users. Ideally, I'd like for all of the emails that should have gone to the...

php simple contact form not sending mail even after confirmation...

Hi I have been trying to get a php contact form working on my portfolio site (currently on a free account), but on testing it(on the uploaded site) even though i get the thankyou/confirmation message, I still don't receive any message on my mail account (specified in the code), I can't seem to understand the problem here......

Why is MailMessage sent to any adress from Windows Forms application, but not from ASP.NET application, when both are using the same SMTP-server?

Hi, I'm experiencing a to me mysterious error when sending e-mails through a SMTP-server from an ASP.NET web application. I get the famous error "unable to relay for [email protected]". What's mysterious to me is that when I cut and paste the exact same code that sends the e-mail into an usual .NET Windows Forms application, send the e-mail ...

Indy 10 - IdSMTP.Send() hangs when sending messages from GMail account

I am trying to send an e-mail using gmail account (Delphi 7, Indy 10) with these settings: TIdSmtp: Port = 587; UseTLS := utUseExplicitTLS; TIdSSLIOHandlerSocketOpenSSL: SSLOptions.Method := sslvTLSv1; Everything seems to be set ok. I get this response: Resolving hostname Connecting to SSL status: "...

How can I sort of 'ping' an SMTP server so I can check if the account/password is a valid one?

I'm trying to build a little WPF email sender tutorial but I don't want to share it if it has this glaring bug. Currently, this is what happens. user types in username and password. label 'loginstatus' changes to "Logged in" regardless if it's gibeerish or not. Message body and send to fields are enabled. user pressed "Send" button an...

C#, attach multiple files to an email programticaly without writing to disk

Our project has files stored in a sql server db as blobs. I'd like to get the files from the database and attach multiple files to an email without writing to disk. This is what I have so far(everything works ok, with no attachments): // snip List<System.Net.Mail.Attachment> attachments = null; // Attachments is a child list of Mess...

How do I find out what SMTP server is being used?

I've recently taken over the responsibility of looking after a clients website that has been built in by an ex-employee. (who left in a hurry to work for said clients!) The company is going to be moving over to a php platform in the not so distant future but until then they are having some email delivery issues. NOTE: I'm not p...

Django: 535, 'Incorrect authentication data' for SMTP

Hi, I'm running Ubuntu 9.1 and Django 1.1.1. I am trying to connect to an outside SMTP server to send mail, and the connection has worked for several days and has sent many a message without a problem. All of the sudden, I am receiving: "535, 'Incorrect authentication data'" ... when using the send() method on EmailMessage objects. ...

Encrypting emails generated by ASP.NET

I'm working on a UK NHS project whereby confidential information needs to be sent via email to a known number of select users using Microsoft Outlook. It is our intention to manually install a client certificate on these machines only, and we have a server certificate loaded onto the server by the clients ISP However I can only seem to ...

How do I set up an inbound mail controller so users can post to unique email address?

Tumblr (the short form blogging platform) has a feature where you are given a unique email address (for example, [email protected]) that you can email text or images and it automatically formats it into a post for you (as long as the sending email address matches your account email address). I'd let to set up something similar, but sol...

SMTP email on Windows using C++

Hi, Is there any Windows Native API to send SMTP based message using C++ ...

Send HTML email in BizTalk with multiple pdf attachments with SMTP adapter

In BT2006R2 I have an orchestration which receives an XML with email properties like: to, cc, subject, filelocation for htmlbody, 1..n filelocations with pdf files I want the orchestration to send 1 email with the SMTP adapter with the HTML emailbody and 1..n pdf files as attachments. How can this be done ? ...