
Server-sent email sporadically includes weird characters

For the past year at least now a good dozen or so of the users of my site have experienced odd characters showing up in the emails they receive. I've researched the issue numerous times and have pretty much written it off to be some sort of encoding issue on the users' end. That conclusion doesn't really sit quite right with me since I'v...

Sink on IIS SMTP Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2

I need help. I wrote simple sink by sample in On IIS Smtp Windows server 2003 it work fine. But on IIS Smtp Windows Server 2008 or 2008R2 it don't work. I try other sample from Internet. None of them don't work on IIS Smtp Windows Server 2008 / 2008R2. Any idea? ...

Using Javamail to connect to Gmail smtp server ignores specified port and tries to use 25

I'm trying to use javamail in a groovy script to send out an email via gmail. I've looked many places online and have been unable to get it working thus far. The error I'm getting when running my script is: DEBUG SMTP: useEhlo true, useAuth false DEBUG SMTP: trying to connect to host "", port 25, isSSL false Caught: javax....

Problem sending mail "Client host rejected: Sorry, no xDSL here"

I'm trying to use SMTP on localhost to send emails thru a simple mailform in c#. For some reason all emails end up on the badmail folder. The .BAD file says: Final-Recipient: rfc822;[email protected] Action: failed Status: 5.7.1 Diagnostic-Code: smtp;554 5.7.1 <IP>: Client host rejected: Sorry, no xDSL here Anybody got any clue...

Strange increase in email size using SMTP class to send an email as opposed to outlook

I am sending an email with an attachment using the following Code Dim msg As New System.Net.Mail.MailMessage(req.EmailFrom, req.EmailTo) Dim att As New System.Net.Mail.Attachment("C:\Documents and Settings\michaelr\Desktop\1216259.pdf") With msg .Attachments.Add(att) .Body = req.Em...

If I see an email address in the TO field of an email that I received, does that mean it was definitely sent to that address, too?

This is probably a stupid question, but... I've got an application that sends emails out, programmatically. The emails have two recipients. One in the TO field (my client), and one in the BCC field (me). I'm getting the emails, and I see my client's address in the TO field, but they sweat they aren't getting them. Does the fact that th...

SMTP Settings Not working for Hotmail

Username : [email protected] Password : yyyyyyyy Pop3: Port: 995 SSL : TRUE sMTP : Port : 587 SSL : TRUE (Pott : 25 also not working) These are the details i gave: POP3 settings accepted and SMTP settings throw Exception: " Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?" I g...

Python asyncore vs plain old C

Hi, i'm stress testing 2 different projects: one is proxsmtpd - smtp proxy written in C And the other one,, which i developed under 1 hour, with use of asyncore and smtpd python modules. I stressed both projects under heavy load, and found out that proxsmtpd is able to hold 400 smtp sessions / sec, while my python program,...

C# Sending emails on separate threads using QueueUserWorkItem

I have a console application that sends customized emails (with attachments) to different recipients and I want to send them concurrently. I need to create separate SmtpClients to achieve this so I am using QueueUserWorkItem to create the emails and send them in separate threads. Snippet var events = new Dictionary<Guid, AutoResetEve...

send smtp email through godaddy

So, I'm trying to send an smtp email from my website as a confirmation that their order has been place. The site is hosted on godaddy and I have no idea what's going on. I'm getting all kinds of error messages. The current one is: "System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Mailbox name not allowed. The server response was: sorry, your mail was ad...

SMTP service on Windows 2008 R2 Core

Hello, I have setup a server with Windows 2008 R2 Core Web Edition. The question is, how can I install the IIS7 SMTP service? Or is SMTP missing in the Core editions? Thank you ...

How to process emails arbitrarily as they come in?

I am trying to design a system that will catch emails that are submitted to a server and process them. The processing will probably mean parsing metadata such as ip addresses, the email body and subject etc., and submitting these details to a web service. I'd like to know what software (SMTP servers or similar) can either be integrated ...

Cannot send emails to foreign domains

I try to send emails through ASP.NET interface and can't get it to work. Emails are sent, but only if the receiver of the email has the same domain name as my server ([email protected]). The weird thing is, I actually CAN send such emails from any email program. So it seems that my Web.config file is missing something (?), although i...

How does SmtpClient determine which mail server to use when localhost is specified?

I was setting up ELMAH to send email notifications of errors, and I discovered something interesting that caught me by surprise. In my web.config, the elmah section was set up like so: <elmah> <errorMail from="[email protected]" to="[email protected]" subject="Error Notification" sm...

php mail() set hostname on windows

Using the PHP mail() function is it possible to set a fully-qualified hostname for mail requests? The development environment is using Windows and using a Postfix mail server specified in php.ini using the SMTP directive. The problem is PHP is not using a fully-qualified hostname and I'm getting an error message like this: SMTP server...

Refuse SMTP messages over a certain size with IdSMTPServer on Delphi 2006

I'm using Delphi 2006 and the TIdSMTPServer component (Version 10.1.5) to set up a SMTP server. This works fine, but I don't want to accept messages that are above a certain size. Is there a way to interogate the size of the incoming message before the server receives it and refuse it? ...

Send MIME-encoded file as e-mail in C#

Hi folks, I've got the problem that I have a MIME-encoded file with all relevant mail information (subject, from, to, ...) and want to send it over a defined SMTP server via C#. I've looked at the MailMessage class and searched for a solution, but I couldn't find something fitting. Are you able to help me? Thanks, Matthias ...

Send Email from Firefox Extension

What is the best way to send email from a Firefox extension? I can't just execute a mailto: link, because I need an attachment (actually, I really need a specific MIME-encoding, so I'd like full control of my headers). Worst-case I can speak SMTP to the user's SMTP server I guess... is there a raw socket request ability in Firefox? ...

SMTP e-mail RECALL from PHP

Hi, First of all I am aware that e-mail recall rarely works, and then usually only with Microsoft Exchange server. Despite the limitations, a client has requested this feature. My understanding is that the RECALL functionality in Microsoft Exchange is a proprietary extension of the SMTP protocol, and sends a new e-mail asking for a ...

How to conduct smtp with ssl inside a prompt?

If without ssl,I can simply: telnet mx 25 EHLO xxxx ... But when it's encrypted with ssl,is it still possible to type these commands step by step? ...