
Can't send mails via SMTP with mod_mono

greetings, I have been trying to send emails using this source code string nome = receiverName; string email = receiver; string assunto = subject; string mensagem = message; string body = Common.GenerateBody(message); System.Net.Mail.MailAddress _sender= new MailAddress(sender, "T-Shirt da Gata"); System.Net.Mail.MailAddress _receive...

How to add custom headers to the System.Net.Mail SMTP class?

I have a SMTP server that only accepts a predefined From sender. However, I can add a custom from header in the DATA structure to set another from (sender ) address. This is possible if I test using Telnet to compose an email message: >helo there >mail from:[email protected] >rcpt to:[email protected] >data From:mag...

Accept all smtp from specific ip for google apps

I just signed up for google apps a week or so ago and so far I'm liking it. I have a bit of a situation that I can't figure out on my own however. I want to be able to use google's smtp for my web sites that are hosted on a server I have co-located at my local ISP. Unfortunately I can't use smtp authentication as the apps I'm using do...

Does anyone know how to prevent Exchange 2010 unloading transport agents?

In Exchange 2007 transport agents (e.g. RoutingAgents) were loaded and remained loaded until the transport service shutdown. In Exchange 2010 this behaviour seems to have changed so that agents are unloaded. I'm not sure what the criteria for unloading the agent are, but it seems to happen very rapidly and frequently even when there is ...

how to send email via smartermail?

What is smartermail? How can i send mail via smartermail installed on server? Any smtp settings in web.config? ...

Persistent SMTP connection in PHPMailer

How to enable persistent SMTP connections in PHPMailer? I will send many emails, so with persistent connections probably I will get performance gain. ...

How to check if the mail has been sent sucessfully.

I am developing an Asp.Net application, where I am sending a mail to the user's email address, if he forgets the password. I want to check if the mail has been sent sucessfully or not. Is there any method to know that for sure. EDIT In case if an email id does'nt exists, then would I detect a failure. ...

c# mail script failing on HTML content

Hi, I'm putting together a script to send out a preview html mail to hotmail etc, and I utlising an existing script - I'm new to c# so this is as much a learning expereince forme too. The problem is I have made a few ammends, and it's fine up to the point I drop HTML source into the comments box - it then fails the sending. I have look...

Reading EML files from Windows SMTP service. Any reason not to use StreamReader?

I'm going to be reading and parsing the EML files dropped by the Microsoft SMTP service. I am a newbie to using the various stream classes. The implementation I have seen that parses these files uses a variation on System.IO.Stream to read byte by byte. However, it seems like these files should never be anything but text. Wouldn't it...

Is it possible to perssist an SMTP connection using PEAR after php finishes it's execution?

As I see, pear only persist the connection during the execution of the script, then it releases... ...

what's my smtp server name ?

I am trying to do a simple app that will send email. The constructor for SmtpClient asks for smtp Server Name. How do i know what's the name of my machine's smtp server (do I have one ?). I have IIS installed. ...

how do i domainkey/DKIM signing using c#smtp client?

i have email program written in c# which sends out emails. now i have a requirement to sign outbound email using dominkey/DKIM. but i am not sure how do i do it. i have all key setup,but dont know how to get those and include in email header. ...

Help when SMTP server hangs when sending emails from Java

I use an external mail server to send SMTP mails, this server is effectively beyond my control. A couple of times recently this mail server has had issues and it's caused my Java (Struts/Spring) app to completely hang when waiting for a reply from the mail server. I'm using the Spring org.springframework.mail.javamail.JavaMailSender t...

Hashing SMTP and NNTP messages?

I want to store and index all of my historical e-mail and news as individual message files, using some computed hash code based on the message body+headers. Then I'll index on other things as well -- for searching. For the primary index key, my thought is to use SHA-1 for the hash algorithm and assume that there will never be any colli...

Programatically generated HTML email is classified as junkmail by Outlook

I've got a C# application going that needs to send out an html email via smtp. The email gets sent just fine, but the default security setting on outlook (Low) classifies it as junk email. It's not exactly a showstopper issue, but this is rather annoying, especially since the junk folder turns off html. I don't want to have to make ever...

How to know a domain is bad before calling SmtpClient.Send()?

I have code that sends emails to users from a signup webpage. Occasionally, users will mistype an email address and the address ends up having a bad domain. I would love to be able to check to see if the domain is bad BEFORE calling the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.Send() method since this would lead to a better user experience. I thi...

Is there an ASP.NET equivalent of SwiftMailer for PHP?

We are looking at sending some email notifications to about 1100 employees at a time. Each email would contain some personalized information, so sending one email with a huge BCC is out. Looping through and sending one at a time seems dumb. In some of my homebrew projects I solved this type of problem by using SwiftMailer to send bulk e...

GMail + C# + Web.Config: Send Mail Works Programmatically, Throws Exception Using Web.Config Values

Given the following section in Web.Config: <> <mailSettings> <smtp deliveryMethod="Network" from="SomeWebsite Admin &lt;[email protected]&gt;"> <network host="" port="587" defaultCredentials="true" userName="[email protected]" password="somepassword" /> </smtp> </mailSettings...

Leverage Google account credentials to send email in Android

Is it possible in Android to programmatically send an email using the phone's associated GMail credentials? I can send an email when I explicitly provide the username and password, but I was hoping to leverage the Google account already associated with the phone. Note that I don't need to actually access the username or password; I jus...

ASP.NET ChangePassword and PasswordRecovery not sending emails

Hi, I am using the ASP.NET membership provider controls (ChangePassword and PasswordRecovery) and they generally work just fine. Unfortunately they don't send any emails once the process is finished. I set up the SMTP server using the ASP.NET Configuration Website and it added the following lines to the web.config: <> <mai...