
VB.Net MailMessage text encoding issue

I have an ASP.Net app that allows a user to write text into a Telerik RadEditor control and then send an email. For some reason I'm sometimes getting strange characters showing up in the email that is generated. For example if I put the word Test’s into the RadEditor box and send it... the email shows up with the text changed to: Testâ...

The host 'smtp' could not be found.

I am getting the following error while sending mail by click of a button in MS access form I am using sendObject to send mail using vba code. The host 'smtp' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly. Account: 'pop3', Server: 'smtp', Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Socket ...

Possible to count number of messages sent via SMTP in PHP?

Bit of a long shot, but is it possible to count how many emails a given SMTP account has sent in an hour? Say [email protected] sends emails via Thunderbird and a PHP script. Can that PHP script first check somehow how many emails have been sent that hour? Obviously the PHP script can easilly keep a tally of how many emails it sends, ...

Catchall Router on Exim does not work

I have setup a catchall router on exim (used as last router): catchall: driver = redirect domains = +local_domains data = ${lookup{*@$domain}lsearch{/etc/aliases}} retry_use_local_part This works perfectly when sending emails locally. However, if I login to my GMail account and send an email to [email protected], then I ge...

The right way to send email from Windows service

Hi, I need to send lots of emails(probably hundreds a day) on schedule base. The way I'm thinking to do it is as follows but the problem is that my Body field can get very big, and if i add it as string it gets ugly. SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); //host and port picked from web.config client.EnableSsl = true; ...

Filemaker 9 with SMTP (or Thunderbird on Mac) for free?

Background: Filemaker Pro 10+ have gained functionality to send emails using SendMail via SMTP. There are expensive (relative to total FileMaker licensing cost) plugins that can do SMTP on FMP earlier than 10, but that investment is not an option. I have set up a network that I'm managing (I'm not mainly a developer) to use Thunderbird...

Ruby ultra simplistic mail server

I am trying to create a simple ruby mail server ( SMTP server) just or fun. I tried the code in the I am not able to sendmail from my machine. I also posted comment there but no reply ;(. Can any you please help me by giving a pointer or a simple ruby smtp server that can send mail to my gmail...

Python. smtp with socks.

Anybody know free module like smtplib, but with socks or http proxy? ...

SSIS Send Mail task limited to 255 characters in address?

Is this a bug, or some hidden limit I can't find any documentation about? When creating a Send Mail Task in SSIS 2008, the TO, CC and BCC fields seem to have a hidden limit of 255 characters. I'm aware this is the standard limit for individual email addresses, but all three are commonly used for multiple addresses and the comment for the...

IIS SMTP server (Installed on local server) in parallel to Google Apps

I am currently using free version of Google Apps for hosting my email.It works great for my official mails my email on Google is [email protected]. In addition I'm sending out high volume mails (registrations, forgotten passwords, newsletters etc) from the website ( using IIS SMTP installed on my windows machine. T...

When should I send QUIT to SMTP server? and how long should I keep a session?

I am programming a smtp sender to send large number of distinct emails (not spam). As there are many destination addresses which are from common provider like I would like to pool the TCP connections in order to reuse the session. Is this a good practise? Or should I disconnect and connect to send distinct mails in...

How can I receive mail using .NET?

I need an open source C# program that can receive SMTP messages and save them in a class (and sends mail, but this is optional since I found a lot of those) Does this program use SMTP or POP3 to receive mail? ...

Gmail smtp, Blackberry, BB, socketConnection, send email via gmail smtp programmatically

Hello! Somebody can help me how can i use the gmail smtp server programmatically via socketConnection. My question is how i can write write a TSL/SSL authentication because i can`t communicate with the server?? Somebody did it from java on blackberry ? Thank You Alex ...

How to limit SMTP delivery to hourly batches

In an effort to keep us from being labeled spammers by major ISPs (in addition to SPF records, privacy policies, CANSPAM compliance and the like) - I wanted to limit the amount of mail we send out an hour. Is this possible in W2K3 SMTP server? I was looking at outbound connection properties in the SMTP virtual server config screens...It...

Problem with Free SMTP Server in php code

I wrote php code for use to contact us form but I can not find free SMTP server to use it. I Try to use SMTP Server For Gmail but I found this error. Warning: mail() [function.mail]: "sendmail_from" not set in php.ini or custom "From:" header missing in C:\www\htdocs\contactUs.php on line 25" line 25 is : mail ($to,$su...

amazon ec2 gmail smtp

Hi, I'm trying to send a mail using google apps smtp. public boolean sendMail(String email, String subject, String body, Integer port) { boolean sent = false; try { String host = ""; String from = "[email protected]"; String pass = "password"; Properties props = System.getPropert...

Which Perl module would you recommend for sending and getting e-mail?

Hello! I am searching a Perl module to write (SMTP) and read (IMAP) e-mails. Which module out of the bunch would you suggest? ...

SMTP Server Issue in intersystem cache

I am facing an issue when I am sending Email from intersystems cache. I am able to send the mail, with out any problem the first time. But the second time when I am trying to send the smtp server is not responding properly. The first Helo command is sent. I recieve the confirmation 220 from the server. But I do not recieve the Message 25...

Send Email via Google Apps in C#

I am trying to send a basic email through Google Apps/Gmail using C# (System.Net.Mail/Framework 4) and I am having trouble doing so. I am receiving the following exception: "The operation has timed out." My code is below: //Create the mail message MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); //Set the ...

Sending emails from Django App

We are a growing Django app that is currently using Google Apps to send email. We are hitting the maximum limits of email sending and need a better solution. We prefer not to have to manage our own email servers and the easier the better. What is the best, easiest, and cheapest way to send a large amount of email? We have looked at Pos...