
Sending email via GMail in .NET

Possible Duplicate: GMail SMTP via C# .Net errors on all ports I am getting the following error when I try to send an email in my C# program. I am using Visual Studio 2008 on windows 7. I would paste my code first and then the error: class email_log_files { private string login_username = "my_gmail_id"; ...

How to receive Email in JEE application

Obviously it's not so difficult to send out emails from a JEE application via JavaMail. What I am interested in is the best pattern to receive emails (notification bounces, mostly)? I am not interested in IMAP/POP3-based approaches (polling the inbox) - my application shall react to inbound emails. One approach I could think of would be...

Problem sending mail with simple .net application. Server refusal error.

I have a very simple .net application for testing SMTP on .net. But i am receiving this weird error. "System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused i...

Sending Email over VPN SmtpException net_io_connectionclosed

I am sending an email from a WPF application. When sending as a domain user on the network, the emails sends as expected. However, when I attempt to send email over a VPN connection, I get the following exception: Exception: System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.IO.IOException: Unable to read data from the t...

using System.Net.Mail To send smtp mail via google gets me a time out exception.

Hey guys, I guess I got another question I am trying to send email using smtp authentication through google but I am constantly getting a timed out error and no idea what it might be from the following code its not my firewall or my isp blocking smtp ports so its most probably the code: MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(...

Sending lots of mails using SmtpClient (C#) takes very long after a while

I'm using this piece of code to send a mail: SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(); client.Host = smtpServer; client.Send(mailMessage); If I trigger this code ten times/second, then after some hundred mails, sending a mail takes 10 seconds... Could there be a queue involved here? Shouldn't this be asynchronous? ...

How to send emails with multiple, dynamic smtp using Actionmailer/Ruby on Rails

I saw this post but mine is slightly different: I am allowing the users to send mail using their own SMTP credentials so it actually does come from them. But they will be sent from the Rails app, so that means for each user I need to send their em...

Django send_mail results in error 61 refused on Mac OSX

Running into a very stange error. I'm running Django on my Mac OSX and when I tried to send an email from my application it hangs and gives me this error: "Error 61 Connection Refused" Any ideas? I don't have my firewall turned on. I can upload an image of the error if needed. ...

Email attachment parsing via mime4j

Hi, I am using a small java smtp library (, by this I need to parse the incoming emails in separate components viz body, attachments etc. I am trying to use mime4j , but the documentation suggests that mime4j can only give event notification or token notification and nothing else. For stripping o...

JavaMail SMTP credentials verification, without actually sending an email.

Hi, Is there a way to check user SMTP server credentials without sending email, or connecting to POP/IMAP. Some code I tried to write, fails at it. Can you find what is missing there. Don't worry about Email / password. I know it's there. NOTE : If you are trying out the code. The case 1 should pass when supplying the correct credentia...

Unable to send smtp emails in C# with a VMware vm of win 7

the VMware is able to ping the gmail server. sample code MailMessage mail = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(""); mail.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); mail.To.Add("to"); mail.Subject = "subjct"; mail.Body = "ema...

Verify mail server connection programmatically in ColdFusion

I'm using custom SMTP servers and would like to verify the connection when user enters his own server credentials. Exactly the same type of check as Adobe CF and Railo allow to do when adding mail server. Sure, this does not guarantee that delivery will be working, but at least to check that entered server/username/pass are valid. I...

a simple smtp server

Could you please suggest a simple SMTP server with the very basic APIs(by very basic I mean, to read,write,delete email) that could be run on a linux box? I just need to convert the crux of the email into XML format and FTP it to another machine. ...

The server response was: mail server permanently rejected message (#5.3.0)

Hello , I send email on GoDaddy site ( from my .NET application): mail.From = new MailAddress("[email protected]"); mail.To.Add(emailadmin); mail.Subject = "Subj"; mail.IsBodyHtml = true; mail.Body = Body; ... smtp.Host = ""; smtp.Port = 25; smtp...

Setting amount of time to pass when sending emails in a loop

Forgive me for this noob question, but is there such a setting that sets a certain amount of time (e.g. milli/seconds) that has to pass in between sending emails through a script? How is that setting called and where do I change that setting? I'll give an example: I used to have a PHP script that sends emails like so: for ($i=0; $i<co...

How do I send an email in Django with a certain mimetype?

MYMESSAGE = "<div>Hello</div><p></p>Hello" send_mail("testing",MYMESSAGE,"[email protected]",['[email protected]'],fail_silently=False) However, this message doesn't get the HTML mime type when it is sent. In my outlook, I see the code... ...

Sending SMTP e-mail at a high rate in .NET

I have a .NET service that processes a queue on a background thread and from the items in the queue sends out a large number of small e-mail messages at a very high rate (say 100 messages per second if that is even possible). Currently, I use SmtpClient.Send() but I'm afraid that it may hamper performance. Each call to Send() goes throu...

Forwarding an email with python smtplib

I'm trying to put together a script that automatically forwards certain emails that match a specific criteria to another email. I've got the downloading and parsing of messages using imaplib and email working, but I can't figure out how to forward an entire email to another address. Do I need to build a new message from scratch, or can ...

classic asp - cdonts

I'm trying to send an email using classic asp and cdonts on a Windows Server 2003 machine. But I'm guessing the SMTP service needs to be running. Unfortunately it's asking for teh SP1 disk...which apparently has gone missing. I'm guessing not but is there any other way of doing this? Thanks, ...

Could Python's logging SMTP Handler be freezing my thread for 2 minutes?

A rather confusing sequence of events happened, according to my log-file, and I am about to put a lot of the blame on the Python logger, which is a bold claim. I thought I should get some second opinions about whether what I am saying could be true. I am trying to explain why there is are several large gaps in my log file (around two mi...