
BizTalk SMTP Message Part Getting XML Encoding

I have a email multi-part message which I am using to send failed message routing from the messagebox to a business users mailbox. Email{ Body - RawString; OriginalMessage - string}; The original message gets set from the received message that activates the orchestration. For example assume the original failed message is from a Flat f...

Limitation of Attachment size when using SMTP

Hi, I wrote a C++ program to send a mail using SMTP. But when I attach any files I notices that a single file's size always is limited to 808 bytes. As an example if I send a text file with 10 KBs, when I download the attachment it has only text worth 808 bytes. If the large file is a zip file, it gets corrupted in unzipping obviously d...

CruiseControl.Net Publisher email failing to send e-mail

So here's my problem: I cannot seem to be able to configure CruiseControl.NET to send out an e-mail to me when a build occurs ( I want it to always send me an e-mail, as specified below) I copied the example from the documentation and filled it in with my own values.

Sending email with attachments from C#, attachments arrive as Part 1.2 in Thunderbird

I have a C# application which emails out Excel spreadsheet reports via an Exchange 2007 server using SMTP. These arrive fine for Outlook users, but for Thunderbird and Blackberry users the attachments have been renamed as "Part 1.2". I found this article which describes the problem, but doesn't seem to give me a workaround. I don't have...

Whats a fast smtp server with whitelist and database access?

Services like posterous support blogging, etc through email. It seems, then, that any server they use (their headers indicate postfix) must support (a) only accepting email from whitelist based on say, web registration (b)support extensible handling of attachments (c) interaction with a database. How is this generally handled? With back...

Drupal module to retry failed emails

I'm trying to find an existing Drupal module to fit the bill: basically, when an email fails to send, it should save the email and automatically attempt to resend the email later. I'm using the SMTP module to relay emails through an SMTP gateway (required by the hosting provider), but every once in a while the connection is refused - pro...

Parent Thread exiting before Child Threads [python]

I'm using Python in a webapp (CGI for testing, FastCGI for production) that needs to send an occasional email (when a user registers or something else important happens). Since communicating with an SMTP server takes a long time, I'd like to spawn a thread for the mail function so that the rest of the app can finish up the request witho...

How do I send an email with embedded images AND regular attachments in JavaMail?

Hi, I'd like to know how to build an SMTP multipart message in the correct order so that it will render correctly on the iPhone mail client (rendering correctly in GMail). I'm using Javamail to build up an email containing the following parts: A body part with content type "text/html; UTF-8" An embedded image attachment. A file attac...

A web application that uses someone else's mail server?

I'm building a web application, call it, where a user should be able to create a newsletter and email it to everyone in his user account's contact list. So he can check mark all his friends, select an html template, fill in the body content, and send. The only catch to this is that after the user sends the email, the...

Relay access denied,

Hi all, We have a site which send out mail to users using a web server hosted externly. This have been working perfectly for a couple of years sending 100-1000 mails pr day, but recently users have started to report that they do not recieve mails - some days they recieve all mails (2-100) and some days only 40-60%. All mails...

PHPMailer with GMail: SMTP Error

Hello all, I am making use of PHPMailer to send mail through GMail. The code I use is straight from a tutorial and it works perfectly on my laptop. However, testing this on a Windows 2003 Server - it seems to always return an SMPT error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host. Mailer Error: SMTP Error: Could not connect to S...

Php Mailer Sending Error

I am writing the Mail Module in my project and decide to use phpmailer to send the test email to my gmail account. However, I end up with the following error msg. SMTP server error: "Your IP: : Your domain is not allowed in 550 header From" My codes are as follow: <?php require_once('phpMailer/class.phpmai...

Win 7 doesn't have SMTP Server

Currently, i am working on sending/receiving mail project on Win7, i want to use Seolib.dll (COM) to handle for event sending/receiving mails but Win7 is not supported this one. So is there any solution for this issue? I am doing on C# language. using SEOLib; namespace CatGlobeSmtpEventSink_Head { public class CatGlobeMailTran...

send mail from localhost in php

my php.ini - [mail function] ; For Win32 only. SMTP = smtp_port = 25 my sendmail.php- $Header = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $Header .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\n"; $headers .= "From: [email protected]" . "\r\n"; mail("[email protected]","Success","test body",$headers); ?> ERROR while run- ...

Do you know how to register the event SMTP Sink on windows 7

I can't not register event smtp SINK on WIN 7 and got error when running VBS file: ActiveX Component can't create object: 'Event.Manager'? Did you got the problem and how to fix it? ...

SmtpClient.SendAsync(); Not working on my new (64bit) computer.

Hi All, Okay, Only a couple weeks ago I had an old 32bit computer, but had to buy a new computer, which happens to be 64bit. I've rewritten the method that sends e-mails asynchonously and it just does not work. And does NOT throw any exceptions either. What gives? I have also tried the Async method code found iin MSDN, and the BlackW...

SmtpClient.SendAsync() does not work anymore

Hi All, I have recently purchased a new computer, and now my e-mails never get sent, and there are NEVER any exceptions thrown or anything. Can somebody please provide some samples that work using the SmtpClient class? Any help at all will be greatly appreciated. Thank you Updates Ok - I have added credentials now. And can SUCCESSFUL...

SMTP through Exchange using Integrated Windows Authentication (NTLM) using Python

I want to use the credentials of the logged-in Windows user to authenticate an SMTP connection to an Exchange server using NTLM. I'm aware of the python-ntlm module and the two patches that enable NTLM authentication for SMTP, however I want to use the current user's security token and not have to supply a username and password. Very s...

Regex to validate SMTP Responses

I'm writing a regular expression that can interactively validate SMTP responses codes, once the SMTP dialog is completed it should pass the following regex (some parentheses added for better readability): ^(220)(250){3,}(354)(250)(221)$ Or with(out) authentication: ^(220)(250)((334){2}(235))?(250){2,}(354)(250)(221)$ I'm trying to ...

Emailing smtp with Python error

I can't figure out why this isn't working. I'm trying to send an email from my school email address with this code I got online. The same code works for sending from my GMail address. Does anyone know what this error means? The error occurs after waiting for about one and a half minutes. import smtplib FROMADDR = "FROM_EMAIL" LOGIN...