
Colud not open connection to the host error in telnet

I am using telnet 22 command from the command prompt to connect to the specific port on tk2smtp but its showing Could not open connection to the host error in command prompt. I installed Telnet Client in my machine . Let me know if there are any other things to be configured for this ...

Sending emails with sendmail doesn't work for large emails

I'm using python's sendmail in the following way: msg = <SOME MESSAGE> s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail(me, you, msg.as_string()) s.quit() This usually works fine (I.e I get the email) but it fails (I.e no exception is shown but the email just doesn't arrive) when the message is pretty big (around 200 lines). Any ideas what ca...

Ruby mailer is coming up with an EOFError

I am getting an EOFError (End Of File Error) on this code in my controller. The block where the error appears is at the end of the line that says UserMailer.deliver_message( I am unaware as to how to fix this, I have been stuck for about 2 months and this site was suggested. Please help. def contact @title= "Contact Us" ...

Verify that email domain exists

Does anyone check the domain of an email address as part of their verification steps? eg. Confirm that exists if the user specified [email protected] as their address. I should note that in my webapp an existing user can forward invites to their friends. I have no need to verify those invites at all. Rather, I just want to warn...

Verifying an email address exist in C#

Regarding this post about email verification, using C#, how would you issue a VRFY command issue a RCPT command ...

System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient cannot authenticate against a POP3 server, right?

One of our customer seems to have a very old email system, those that ask you to authenticate to the POP3 server before allowing you to send messages through the SMTP server. Regrettably, we have to believe in what our customer tell us for we cannot access their facilities. But as far as I remember, years ago there were mail systems that...

Why is SwiftMailer throwing "Internal Server Error"?

I am using Symfony + SwiftMailer and getting the following error from SwiftMailer: 500 | Internal Server Error | Swift_TransportException Expected response code 220 but got code "", with message "" and can't figure out why. I am using hMailServer on my local machine, and have setup my factories.yml file (as I'm using Symfony) as follo...

Send smtp mail in php with HTML page attach as a text

Hello All.... I have a requirement of sending mail using smtp server in php. Now I am able to send the mail using smtp for a plain text. but I have a requirement where I need to attach an HTML page, which includes set of images. Now for that I am trying the following code : <?php require_once "Mail.php"; $to = '[email protected]'; ...

Delivery issues with Rails + Gmail SMTP in Dreamhost

Hi! I just released a Rails app in Dreamhost and I'm using Google Apps for my domain to handle Emai. I created the [email protected] account to serve as the sender authentication. I installed smtp-tls plugin and my smtp conf is: config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :smtp config.action_mailer.smtp_settings = { :enable_starttls_auto =...

Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25

I have a little problem. When I click send on my contact form I get the following warning: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() I use 64bit Win7, but I have no idea what should I set up to make this work. ...

Writing a Python mail server with authentication

Hi, I'm trying to write a simple mail server using Python. I found smtpd that can be used as a simple smtp server, but I don't think it supports any form of authentication. For pop or imap, I haven't found anything at all yet. I do know Twisted has some support for both smtp and pop or imap, but I can't find any examples or tutorials...

Handling of extra '=' characters in an SMTP session when appended to \r\n line terminator

I'm working on a project which requires us developing our own intermediate SMTP relay to handle some outgoing mail so that it abides by certain rules. For the most part, I have everything functioning but I am having an odd issue that does not seem to be addressed by the SMTP spec. I'm not super familiar with sockets, either, so that isn'...

Sending email from a .net application via a mail server with a self-signed SSL certificate

Hi, I installed hmailserver 5.3.2 and configured it. It receives and sends emails normally, but I wanted to use it to send emails from a .net/C# application located in another server, and for that I wanted to use SSL communication. Before, the application was configured to send emails via gmail, on port 587 and it worked ok, but now we ...

XAMPP won't allow me to send email.

So, I'm trying to get my html form hosted on the company I work for's intranet to be submitted to several email addresses using PHP. I am testing the code using XAMPP, and everytime I try to submit, I get this error: *Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp...

System.Net.Mail.MailAddress Validation

I am working with the lotus notes smtp server and i need to send mails to lotus notes mail groups, which are not standard mail addresses, for example: mail.To.Add("#Team Mailing List"); I know that the smtp is able to accept this, but how can i make .net play ball, anyone tried this? I want to avoid using the domino interop if possib...

Is it possible to send an email from PHP without using the SMTP server

I need to send a newsletter to several thousands of subscribers with PHP. The hosting service I am using allows me to send 300 mails/hour tops with their SMTP server. They told me that if I send email with PHP without authenticating or using the SMTP server I won't have any problems with limits. Is that even possible? Doesn't the mail(...

Email client library for C

Hi all I'm in the process of building an email client for an embedded device. We have chosen the University of Washingtons c-client reference implementation as our interface into POP3, IMAP and SMTP servers. Whilst it is working well for us, implementation is taking a long time due to relatively old coding standards and lack of detailed...

Webapp sending email via gmail SMTP a bad idea?

TL;DR - Any webapp devs out there able to squeeze performance out of using gmail as SMTP server without a 3-10 minute delay to delivery? I'm looking for some feedback from developers who are using gmail as a secure SMTP server for use with Webapps. Within the past 2 weeks, my company has switched to gmail to host email for our domain...

Sending emails through SMTP and testing

Hi, I've got a PHP app with an invitation system where users can invite other users to try the service. Internally we use google apps for our domain to send/receive emails ( 1) My question is, can I send emails from my server with the from address being [email protected]? I am worried about the emails being blocked/igno...

Protocol charset conflict, ESMTP vs. XML in an email body

We have a process in which XML is transferred to us via ESMTP in an email body. The character set of the email body is specified as ISO-8859-1, and no encoding is specified for the XML. According to the protocol, the default is UTF-8. The problem is our XML parser is throwing an exception when it encounters the ® character because it ...