
Sending to multiple Email addresses but displaying only one C#

Hi, I am using the SmtpClient in C# and I will be sending to potentially 100s of email addresses. I don't want to have to loop through each one and send them an individual email. I know it is possible to only send the message once but I don't want the email from address to display the 100s of other email addresses like this: Bob Hope...

Email Headers: Anything to indicate file size?

I need to know the file size of email attachments before downloading them. Is there anything in email headers that can help me? ...

Send mail from C# application not really working?

I have an email application where a user can fill out a form and the info get's mail to the form admin. I have the correct server and email credentials being set and i do not get any errors when the mail is sent. The To and From addresses are the same ([email protected]) It is like the mail is somewhere in limbo. I know the email accou...

What smtp server (provider) should I use to send bulk emails? (5000+)

I am going to send emails to our users (5000+), but I'm not sure what's the best way to do it. To send single emails we have used google apps' smtp server, which allows 100/day (or 400 if you pay). We're using PHP and PHPMailer. 1) How does i.e. google react if i send thousands of emails from my own smtp server? Do they use blacklists ...

Are SMTP relay requirements for System.Net.Mail different than System.Web.Mail

I deployed my web app to our production IIS 6.0 server and everything is working except when my code attempts to send email to an address that is NOT in the domain of our email server. I've seen various symptoms but this seems the most straightforward to describe: Syntax error in parameters or arguments. The server response was: 5.7.1 T...

Is it possible to send mail using OAuth for GMail

I want to send mail from user gmail account using OAuth to all user contacts. It's easy to get all contacts of user with google API, but i cant send email to these contacts from user gmail account without request his password. ...

File Distribution via SMTP: How to do the receiving side?

Hi, I need to setup a file distribution system between different sites of a WAN. Files that are dropped into some input directories on the source machine should be distributed into a directory on each of the target machines at other sites. One of the requirements is that between certain sites the only allowed traffic is SMTP. There is a...

CF.NET SMTP - send email with Gmail

I'm trying to send email from my application. I can send email by, however while I'm trying to send the email with gmail ( it fails. I'm using SocketPro. I've try to use also openSSL but I don't know how to use it! Anyone you have any code sample, that you can provide me, to send email from Gmail? ...

SMTP Server for MAC - Any suggestions?

I'm doing PHP development on my MacBook and have reached the email functionality of the book I'm using. Are there any good SMTP servers for Mac? Cheers, Billy ...

Using socks5 proxy with Net::SMTP

I would like to use Net::SMTP with dynamic socks proxy. IO::Socket::Socks is aware of socks but how it should be used with net::smtp? ...

System.Net.Mail send message without recipient

I am using System.Net.Mail.MailMessage to create and send an email message. For various reasons I do not want to use the .To.Add() or the .CC.Add() or the .Bcc.Add() methods to add recipients to the email. I want to add them via the .Headers.Add() method. (This gives greater control over the recipients). However, when I come to send t...

Which SmtpStatusCodes to use?

Hi Which ones of these list are directly related to the smtp server going down? If the smtp server goes down I want my program to keep trying every 30mins but want it to only happen if it is something to do with the mail server. Like if the user mail box is fu...

any MQ services based on email ?

I am looking for MQ systems (rabbitmq , activemq) for our programs. Almost all MQ run on ports. I was wondering if there are any MQ systems running on smtp or email services. Basically I am trying to avoid the hassle of setting up a new software and opening up ports in different firewalls (its a hassle). ...

Negotiating TLS with ESMTP over sockets

I have a simple SMTP client, to which I am attempting to add TLS support. I am unsure as to what occurs after the client issues the 'STARTTLS' command. Most sources (including the RFC itself) describe it as the negotiation of a TLS session, but this is not particularly clear. How does one go about doing this? My client is written in ...

C# Read <><mailSettings> in web.config from external dll

My web app calls an external dll. Within the dll I want to access the specifiedPickupDirectory pickupDirectoryLocation value within the section. How can I grab it from within the dll code? Something like System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.GetConfig("configuration/

Godaddy PHP SMTP using other mail service like google..

Dear All, I hosted my website on Godaddy shared linux environment and using PHP simple mail function to send emails to the registered users .But in some cases the email is not going and also I am crossing daily limit 1000 emails some times . I send maximum 1500 emails . Is there any way I can use google smtp server in PHP code there in ...

Send email with SMTP

I had Managed SMTP server configurations in IIS to send email through asp as relay section I added My PC IP Delivery>Advanced I add My Domain name as in smart host. And I added this code: <script runat="server"> protected void SendEmail(object sender, EventArgs e) { SmtpClient smtpClie...

CakePHP and sending emails. Am I doing it right?

I am using CakePHP to write a web app and one of the requirements is to send users' emails after registration. I had to create an email account on our server and then send the emails using smtp authentication, otherwise, google and yahoo (at least) refused to read my emails. Does this come with major trade offs? As in speed of the app or...

Send mail through gmail SMTP server using Win API

I am trying to use gmail's SMTP server to send mails using C in Windows. I am able to connect to port 587 of the server, however the server responds by saying that STARTTLS/TLS is needed. Is there any Windows API call for starting a TLS connection ? Should I even consider writing this application in C or use Python ? Edi...

Trouble sending email with perl

I have a program that runs every 4 hours and I want it to send an email to me when it does. So I added this: my $host = ""; my $message = MIME::Lite->new( From => '*********', To => '*********', Subject => 'KMZ Downloader', Data => "Successful on $now_string" ); MIM...