
Yahoo Smtp mailsetting configuration

Does anyone know what the smtp mail configuration settings are that is needed in the web.config file to send outgoing mail through a form in ASP? Thanks. ...

[.NET 2.0] NegotiateStream can't work with Kerberos/NTLM/GSSAPI over SASL (POP3/IMAP/SMTP)?

Hi everyone! I'm trying to get Integrated Windows Authentication (using default credentials of the currently logged Windows user) to log in Exchange 2007 account (SMTP/POP3/IMAP). I already have working implementation for this but it uses SSPI functions and thus needs unmanagedcode permissions (no good). I tried to make use of Negotiat...

PHP: How to send email with attachment using smtp settings?

I am sending emails successfully using following code. But now I want to attach a text file (example: test.txt) with email. Any Idea? require_once "Mail.php"; $from = "Usman <[email protected]>"; $to = "Naveed <[email protected]>"; $subject = "subject"; $body = ""; $host = ""; $username = "username"; $password = "password"; ...

How to put letters into a sendmail queue using PHP

I want to put letters into a queue instead of sending them instantly. Also, I need to track when letters are sent. I have this basic newsletter system, so before sending a letter I need to give each letter a sender ID (the newsletter user account ID) so I could track specifically what user has still letters pending to be sent. How could ...

Emailing an attachment in C# Windows application

We are developing a .Net Windows application in C# for commercial distribution. Objective I want to add a function to allow the user to email a file to any email recipient from within the application without needing an email client on their PC, just an internet connection. The email they send needs to appear that it has come from them ...

SMTP problem with PHP form in Godaddy hosting!

I was testing this (nice) simple form from CSS Tricks. In a website hosted in Godaddy. And I got the following warning: Warning: mail() [function.mail]: SMTP server response: 451 See in D:\Hosting\4923367\html\test\contactengine on line 32. (I checked the page but i didn't see anyth...

Problem sending mails with multiple threads

Hi i have a problem with the code below. the mail is sent with a duplicate content of the string s. why is this happening? static void Main(string[] args) { List<String> liste = new List<String>(); liste.Add("1"); liste.Add("2"); liste.Add("3"); liste.Add("4"); liste.Add("5"); ...

Can anyone tell me any SMTP server i can use to send an email from my php page?

i also want know how to authenticate and use Google SMTP server. ...

Best way to test high-volume SMTP email sending code?

I've written a component in a Windows service (C#) which is responsible for sending sometimes large volumes of emails. These emails will go to recipients on many domains really, any domain. (Yes, the recipients want the email. No, I'm not spamming. Yes, I'm in complaince with CAN-SPAM. Yes, I'm aware sending email from code sucks.)...

Mailsystem Failure Delivery - Custom subject

When a mail is bounced it has a standard subject. Is it possible to change with a custom subject or the subject which we gave or with a dynamic subject? I am building a simple system in php to count all send and not sent mails with the help of bounced mails. So i need to parse the body of the bounced mail to find the email address to whi...

Email sent using contact form displays admins "from" address, and not the visitors email.

This page uses Drupals contact form to send emails: Problem is, the school staff use outlook. When they recieve email from parents etc, the email comes in as "From: [email protected] On Behalf Of Westlake Boys High School" In Gmail it comes in correctly such as from Westlake Boys High ...

how to send email from rails app with gmail address

I am trying to send a sample email from my rails application. this is what I've done so far: rails gmailtest cd gmailtest script/plugin install git:// Then I placed following in my environment.rb file (after the end) ActionMailer::Base.smtp_settings = { :address => "...

SMTP host and port value for yahoomail

Hi, I am working on to send email from my various accounts using java. And I sent mail from my gmail account successfully. Now I tried to send email from my yahoomail by changing the smtp host as "" and port value as 25. But I am getting "SMTPSendFailedException". Can I know what changes I need to do to make it worki...

Are there any test SMTP servers that can simulate error responses?

I have a set of Java, email related unit tests that are currently using Wiser as a test SMTP server. It works great for basic email testing (send email, check to ensure it was received, etc.), but I have logic that I would like to exercise around retrying failed email sends based on error response returned from the SMTP server. Does an... Email receive problem

I'm using MailMessage class and then sent mail to many recipients. My code is here. MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(""); client.EnableSsl = false; client.UseDefaultCredentials = false; client.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "mypassword"); forea(User u ...

Do I need a SMTP server in using the PHP's mail() function

Do I need a SMTP server in using the PHP's mail() function? p.s. I am on a share hosting account, so I cannot install a SMTP server and they don't provide that. ...

Net::SMTPAuthenticationError 502 5.5.2 in Rails ActionMailer

Hi, i'm trying to send confirmation email to the user. But i get following error: Net::SMTPAuthenticationError (502 5.5.2 Error: command not recognized Configuration in production.rb is following: # Disable delivery errors, bad email addresses will be ignored config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true # set delivery metho...

fsockopen() from is not working

I'm trying to connect to an SMTP server from my local machine ( I'm able to connect to other SMTP servers, but this one in particular will not connect from my local machine, it will connect however from 4 other remote servers I have tested on. I receive the following error trying to connect from my local machine: Message...

recommended mail server for a closed system?

I'm looking at installing atmail as a replacement to my home-grown system for internal member-to-member emails on my website. Currently, these messages are kept in mysql. All of the IMAP servers I've come across keep emails on the filesystem, I'm guessing there are allot of good reasons that there are not many implementations using mys...

What's 8BITMIME?

what's 8bitmime? waht's the defference of 7bit and 8bit? How to understand them? ...