
I want to parse and send an automated response to an email. Where do I start?

I had planned on using an open source SMTP server as a base and adding new features in to do whatever parsing I need and then send the response but I'm wondering if there is an even easier way to do this. Is rolling my own SMTP server my best option or is there an easier way for me to do this? I would prefer to use .NET to do this. ...

Proper way to pass username/password to SmtpClient (.NET)

The question is too simple, but still appreciate the short answer. I would like the SmtpClient to fetch username/password from the App.config file. From the MSDN/schema I've figured out that the proper file (excerpt) should look like: <> <mailSettings> <smtp from="[email protected]"> <network host="mail...

Why am I getting Net::SMTPSyntaxError?

I am trying to set up a Sinatra based Ruby app to connect to Gmail and send emails through SMTP. I followed the instructions I found on the web, but I always get this error: Net::SMTPSyntaxError at /contact 502 5.5.1 Unrecognized command. k30sm7454901vbl.19 * file: smtp.rb * location: check_response * line: 930 It's being raise...

smtp using exchange node

I've created a website in ASP.Net 2.0 and there is a contact page which should send an email. The webserver is on an exchange node so should act as a local smtp server. However, in my we.config file i've tried all sorts but nothing seems to be working but it works locally. I've tried: ...

SMTP email not working in ASP.NET7 + II7, but working in Telnet

Hello, Basically, we bought a new server with Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 and have set up an SMTP server. There are no special settings. The code used was working fine in Windows Server 2003, IIS6. Here is a summary of the settings port 25, all unassigned Anonymous Access is granted to relay access Anonymous Access set ...

PHP 5.3 CodeIgniter Gmail SMTP Timeout

I have use gmail smtp to send email from the web application that I wrote using CodeIgniter without a problems until recently. This is the snippet of my code: $config['protocol'] = 'smtp'; $config['smtp_host'] = $this->smtp_host; $config['smtp_port'] = $this->smtp_port; $config['smtp_user'] = $this->smtp_username; $config...

ASP.NET SMTP + web.config

Hey Everyone, Im working on a legacy app that has this logic in its code that I cant modify unfortunately. I have the proper settings in the web.config and was wondering if i list the proper SMTP server would the web.config settings take care of the credentials? If not what options do i have for sending email out with this code? str...

emailrelay "cannot bind the listening port"

I'm setting up my web server on Amazon's EC2. My site used to run locally and used my ISP's SMTP server to send email, which hasn't been a problem before - but now that the emails are originating from outside my ISP won't accept them. Therefore, I'm trying the advice here to use EmailRelay to forward emails, adding authentication, via m...

Questions about SSL.

Hi I have a couple questions about SSL certificates. I never used them before but my current project requires me to do so. Question 1. Where should you use SSL? Like I know places like logging in, resetting passwords are definite places to put it. How about once they are logged in? Should all requests go through SSL even if the data...

How to display failure message if the mail is not delivered to recipient using c#

I am sending a mail using SMTP server in C# from my application. Whether the mail is delivered or not to the recipient, i need the response to our application. How it can be done using C#??? ...

iphone smtp client library

Hello, any one knows an objective-c smtp library for use in iphone app. I use skpsmtpmessage but it sends message body as attachment when send mail to gmail. thanks. ...

how to send a mail with data extracted from a database with javamail and smtp?

hi, i want to send emails to an address with a java program (using javamail) via smtp. it actually send the emails to the destination. the problem is the body of the email isn't send fully each time. considering that the body of my mail is extracted from a database. here's my code: public static void Bmail(Connection conn, String grav, ...

SMTP AND POP3 concepts? beginner please help thanku

according to the below figures taken from an tcp/ip protocol suit... SMTP AND POP3/IMAP4 are not required if there is one and only one computer attached to the mail server!! if thats true then have does it work make a tcp connection by using telnet and then what? ...

PHP: Custom parameters for mail command?

I use mstmp to send mail from various smtp account. Using PHP's mail command it sucessfull sends mail from mstmp using the default account. However, I want it to let me specify which smtp account to send from. Using mstmp you do that with the following command: msmtp --account=svh where svh is the smtp account you name. More on msmtp ...

Why should I convince developers to use port 587 for all SMTP communication?

There is a growing trend to use port 587 for all client to MTA communications. It's in a standards track RFC: My question is "Why?". Why have 2 instances of a SMTP server running on the same server, if they both do the same thing? What security feature does it provide, besides giving me 2 things to...

How to send an email?

hi, i have an datatable like this. i have an excel sheet like this. now i am reading the data from that and converting into an datatable like this id Name MailID Body 123 kirna [email protected] happy birthday 234 ram [email protected] happy birthday 345 anu [email protected] how...

Can't send mail with SmtpClient

Can't send mail. Here is my C# source: var to = "[email protected]"; var subject = "test"; var body = "test mail"; var message = new MailMessage(from, to, subject, body); var client = new SmtpClient { Credentials = new NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "mypassword") }; client.Send(message); here is the App.config: <s...

No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.

I'm in the process of upgrading my web pages from asp classic to My previous code used CDO to send emails. sch = "" Set cdoConfig = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") With cdoConfig.Fields .Item(sch & "sendusing") = 2 ...

Does Windows Server 2003 SMTP mail server have a character limit for the subject?

I am using Windows 2003 Server and I'm wondering if the SMTP mail service that is part of IIS (v6.0) has a character limit on the subject line? ...

PEAR Mail is so slow, my front end is timing out.

I've got a php script that sends a few emails and echoes a response back to my front end. The problem is that the email handling is so slow, the front end is timing out. Here are the broad strokes for the email implementation. The scenario kicks off when User A books an offer from User B. User A gets a confirmation email, User B gets a...