
How to set up OpenSSL so I can send mail with PHP vis Gmail SMTP?

Hey Guys, I have been sat solid looking for the answer to this question, I have tried many techniques and I just cannot get this to work. I am using the PHP Mailer libraries to send an email through Gmail SMTP server, I am using PHP 4 with iis6 on a windows 2003 box. This is the error I am given: Strict Standards: date() [function....

SMTP Error: Failure Sending Email

I've downloaded a sample application sending email silverlight application here via gmail. But I cant make it work. Its error is "Failure sending mail." {"Failure sending mail."} [System.Net.Mail.SmtpException]: {"Failure sending mail."} Data: {System.Collections.ListDictionaryInternal} HelpLink: null InnerEx...

Getting "Could not read" while trying to connect to in Zend_Mail_Smtp_Transport

I app is a PHP app using Zend Framework to send emails. I am trying to connect to a postfix on my local system and getting this exception in 10-12% of times when I try to send an email. Not able to obtain the cause of not being able to connect to local host. Can someone please give me some pointers or a headstart in getting to the prob...

Mail relays or SMTP services for use in code

I'm looking to start using an SMTP or mail relay service. I've found quite a few out there, but I'm not sure if there are advantages to one vs another. The only requirements I have are: can send "from" more than 1 domain (possibly >20 for all the different sites I work on) can pay for a higher limit (I may need to send as many as 15000...

window api for smtps

is there any windows api that can send mail using smtp along with attachment. I have heard its not possible,and i have to use other socket methods,if its true how can I do that?? please suggest c++ or c solution only,no c# or java(like etc) ...

Tomcat/Spring no longer sending emails to SMTP server using authentication

I've got a strange problem with either tomcat or spring. I put up a major revision to my site and emails are no longer being delivered. I use authsmtp, which requires authentication (so they can properly account for my using of their services). No problem, I have this config in spring: <bean id="mailSender" class="org.springframework...

Link in HTML e-mail does not work in Hotmail

Hello everybody. I send automated mails to hotmail users. (thank you for your registration bla bla) Because plain text doesn't look attractive enough, I use HTML with images. The images reside on a public webserver. As SMTP server I use the SMTP part of IIS 7.5 (windows 2008 R2). I have an SPF record setup in the DNS. I have also read ...

Does java mail do what this commercial email component does out of the box for free?

I need to be able to pull emails into a web application, basically provide a full email interface like gmail (subject, from, attachments, embedded images, etc etc), pulling email via POP or IMAP. the commercial product is here: Do I need that product or will java mail do all this for me? ...

VB .Net Sending email using Gmail account

Hi, Why does this timeout? Dim s As New SmtpClient s.Host = "" s.Port = 465 s.EnableSsl = True s.Timeout = 5000 s.Credentials = New NetworkCredential("[email protected]", "mypassword") Dim m As New MailMessage m.To.Add("[email protected]") m.From = New MailAddress("[email protected]") m.Body = "Test Message" m.Subject = ...

Sending mail with SMTP to multiple addresses: relaying the message to different servers ?

I'm sending an email to the following recipients: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] The message is sent to my local smtp server that has to relay it to and My question is: how the server should do it ? Leave the message as is and relay it to a more sophisticated smtp server that will do one of t...

Sending emails through SMTP with PHPMailer

Hi, I'm trying to send SMTP e-mails using PHPMailer, but I keep getting this error message, any ideas how to get rid of it? I'm trying to connect via SSL on port 465. SMTP -> FROM SERVER: SMTP -> FROM SERVER: SMTP -> ERROR: EHLO not accepted from server: Notice: fputs() [function.fputs]: send of 18 bytes failed with errno=32 Roura p...

SMTP Authentication with config file's MailSettings

I'm storing my MailSettings in a web.config, however when I send the message, my SMTP server reports back that I need to use authentication. I've got my username/password in the config file, but it still fails. It works if I do the following, but it seems like an extra step. Shouldn't it just take it from the config file and use authent...

Specifying an FQDN when sending SMTP message from .NET 4 Dev machine

Getting the following error message when web app attempts to send email from dev machine: WIN7 VS2010 .NET 4.0. [SmtpException: Command parameter not implemented. The server response was: : Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname] Code executing is:- '########################### '# Divert to C.S. if on Test '#...

PHP Mass emailing

Hey there, I work for a small marketing company that has asked me to develop a PHP application to send emails for their company without getting blacklisted or emails showing up as spam. I have a fairly good understanding of PHP (OOP) but I do not understand how to build this program. They need approximately 500,000 to 1,000,000 emails ...

Postfix hangs when sending email

If I try to send an email as follows, the process hangs and nothing happens: >>> from import setup_environ >>> from cube import settings >>> setup_environ(settings) 'cube' >>> from django.core.mail import send_mail >>> send_mail('Subject', 'Message', '[email protected]', ['[email protected]'], fail_silently=Fal...

How to configure an smtp relay

So I discovered that TFS 2010 doesn't support authentication for alerts. I read online that a work-around would be to create an smtp relay on my TFS server. I did that but I'm not quite sure if I've configured it correctly. Can anyone tell me how I can verify the configuration? ...

JavaMail stops sending mails after a while

Hello, I am currently doing a summer job as Java programmer. We have an application where people can enter their tasks, agenda, etc. The program is a client-server program, so all data is stored on a server. My boss asked me to make a mail notification system. For example, when a deadline of a task is near, it sends an email to the per...

Temporary problems sending emails with ASP.NET

I hate to just post a stack trace here, but I am out of ideas... My app sends emails for various tasks on the website, and 90% of the time there are no problems. However, every so often ASP.NET throws a weird exception, which seems to relate to mail server connectivity (I use google business servers for email). The error is too generic f...

smtplib.sendmail not working with smtp4dev

I am running Python 2.5 on Windows 7 x64 with smtp4dev running in the background. When I run the following script: import smtplib s=smtplib.SMTP('localhost',25) tolist=['[email protected]'] msg=''' From: [email protected] Subject: testin'... This is a test ''' s.sendmail("[email protected]",tolist,msg) s.quit() After a 30-second timeout, I receive this e...

Grails Mail plugin not working

I am trying to send mails from a Grails application, but without any success. I've used gmail and other smtp server (without ssl!) but the same error occurs: org.springframework.mail.MailSendException: Mail server connection failed; nested exception is javax.mail.MessagingException: Exception reading response; nested exception is: ...