
Sending mass mail without going insane (SendGrid? cloud?)

I need to send regular newsletters, as well as smaller batches, to a 10k strong mailing list, programmatically. We're currently exporting our list and then using Campaign Monitor's web interface to create and send the newsletters. Campaign Monitor is great, but it is simply too expensive. Sending just one email to the entire list costs ...

sendmail smtp not working

Hi all, I have a web application running on my VS2008 test server; this application has been work fine, when publishing to a IIS 6 running on our local network and everything worked fine. After deploying to a 3rd party server, the System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient doesn't work any longer (i.e. getting some timeout exception) using the same smt...

How to determine if my mail server is configured correctly?

Hi, Does anyone know of an online service (similar to the ones that tell you if a site is up or down) that can connect to a specified mail server and perform checks to see if it is configured correctly? If not, does anyone know exactly what these checks should be? ( gives an interesting stan...

Send Newsletter in to around 10000 emails

i have to write application for sending newsletter. what is the best way to send newsletter thoundands of users? My requirement is Each mail is seprately as To : Every mail has unique Unsubscribe link Is is good to use SMTP mail class of .net? I look aound may questions in so but can't decide which approcah i should go? There are ma...

SMTP Authentication QT/C++

I am trying to create a simple send mail function for a custom app created with the Qt framework in C++. I am very close just at the point where SMTP is trying to authenticate and can't for the life of me to get this to work. Here is what I am working with do { responseLine = socket->readLine(); response += responseLine; } while...

Outlook 2003 - Change Email Account Settings Externally via VB.Net / API / Etc

I have an end user that, when downloading email at home (on his laptop), can't use his "work" email server (SPF settings). He must change to the local cable company outgoing server. To do this, he has to start Outlook, go to Account settings, and change the SMTP server from to And of course, at work,...

error in connecting to a smtp server with python

import smtplib SERVER = "" FROM = "[email protected]" TO = ["[email protected]"] # must be a list SUBJECT = "Hello!" TEXT = "hello" Here is my code: # Prepare actual message message = """\ From: %s To: %s Subject: %s %s """ % (FROM, ", ".join(TO), SUBJECT, TEXT) # Send the mail server = smtplib.SMTP(...

postfix problem sending email "RCPT reject localhost not listed"

i am hacing a hard time getting postfix to send emails. this is the mail.log entry: Jun 30 18:27:46 vm21 postfix/smtpd[15682]: warning: ::1: address not listed for hostname localhost Jun 30 18:27:46 vm21 postfix/smtpd[15682]: connect from unknown[::1] Jun 30 18:27:46 vm21 postfix/smtpd[15682]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from unknown[::1]:...

ASP.NET - Password Recovery using SMPT.Gmail.Com

I have a login control on my webpage along with a RecoverPassword control. I have the following code inside of web.config <> <mailSettings> <smtp from="[email protected]"> <network host="" password="XXXXXXX" port="587" userName="[email protected]" /> </smtp> </mailSettings> ...

Basic Message v/s SMTP message in cakephp

Hello all I was wondering what is the difference between sending a basic message and message using SMTP in cakephp Regards ...

Is there .NET library for email sending via PROXY ?

I want to send email via SMTP via proxy on visual studio. Is there any email sending library which would support proxy ? ...

local SMTP server won't send email from cfmail b/c of rcpthosts issue

We've ported several legacy ColdFusion sites from rackspace to viviotech, and they all work fine except for sending email using the cfmail tag. When viewing the CF mail.log it contains this error message for each attempt: "Error","scheduler-0","07/01/10","06:31:22",,"Invalid Addresses; nested exception is: class javax.mail.SendFailed...

smtp error please have a glance

i am facing this exception while making email delivery system, could any body explain this ... {System.Net.Mail.SmtpException: Failure sending mail. ---> System.Net.WebException: Unable to connect to the remote server ---> System.Net.Sockets.SocketException: No connection could be made because the target machine actively ...

smtp excption ....

i am getting following exception while implementing mail feature for my local machine please help me with this The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticated. The server response was: 5.7.0 Must issue a STARTTLS command first. 21sm1768418wfi.5 ...

ror: How to catch error from google smtp server?

I am very new to ruby on rails. in my ror application there is a form. where the user can enter a gmail address and password and send email to other user using gmail smtp server.It is working well. But, the problem is if the user enters the wrong password my application is not showing any error... and the mail is not sent. My question ...

SMTP Validation of E-Mail Address

I'm working on a project which requires me to know with extremely high probability the availability of an e-mail account on a mail server (let's use Hotmail in this example.) I know that the VRFY command is often ignored (Hotmail says "I'll take a message" or something of the like when I try it,) so I'd like to know the best way to go ab...

Out of office replies are sent to 'from' address, 'not reply-to'

Hi, I am sending emails to clients in three different locations, using a common email address. Any errors/ out of office replies should go to local offices for them to deal with. So I use: from: [email protected] reply-to: [email protected] from: [email protected] reply-to: [email protected] from: [email protected] reply-to: [email protected] This se...

C# SMTP Access Problem

I`m working with C# using the libraries using System.Net.Mail; using System.Windows; I want to use the code in many places, ie. place A, place B, place C ... when I use it at place A, it works and mails are sent from my application. but when I use it at place B, place C ... nothing is sent and I get errors, I want to know how to sol...

SMTP server requirements

Could someone help answer a few questions regarding the networking / DNS requirements for an SMTP server? Assume the server is setup already. Is a MX record required for SMTP? TCP port 25 open to the server? Any other DNS records? ...

How can I send mail with SMTP and see the mail in the Outlook outbox?

We have a new Exchange server and use SMTP to send mails over it. This works so far, but we have no idea how the SMTP mail can be configured so that the outbox in Outlook 2003 of the sender account shows this mail. Is this only possible using MAPI or other mail client protocols? ...