
How can I connect to a mail server using SMTP over SSL using Python?

Hello, So I have been having a hard time sending email from my school's email address. It is SSL and I could only find this code online by Matt Butcher that works with SSL: import smtplib, socket __version__ = "1.00" __all__ = ['SMTPSSLException', 'SMTP_SSL'] SSMTP_PORT = 465 class SMTPSSLException(smtplib.SMTPException): """Ba...

How to send email from an EC2 instance using GoDaddy's SMTP server?

SMTP is a whole new ballgame for me, but I am reading up on it. I am attempting to send email from my EC2 instance using GoDaddy's SMTP server. My domain name is registered through GoDaddy and I have 2 email accounts with them. I can successfully send the email from my dev box no problem. my web.config <> <mailSettings...

Best way to send mass email to my subscribers ( BCC or PEAR mail queue ? )

I need to send email to my 5000 subscribers. What is the best way to do this ? 1) By using BCC ?: $from_addr = '[email protected]'; $mailing_list = '[email protected]', '[email protected]', '[email protected]; $message_subject = 'this is a test'; `$headers = array ("From" => $from_addr, "Bcc" => $mailing_lis...

Problem sending email with IIS6 and PickupDirectoryFromIis

I'm looking after a legacy .NET console application that sends out email on a Windows Server 2003 box; we've just migrated it to a new server, and now attempts to send emails are erroring. The code in question is: SmtpClient smtpClient = new SmtpClient(this.SmtpServer); smtpClient.UseDefaultCredentials = true; smtpClient.DeliveryMeth...

.NET (System.Net.Email) - Issues when sending email out

Experts, I'm having issue when sending emails out. Currently, I have a feedback form that supposed to send an email to the support email. For whatever reason, I never received any email from the app and the funny thing is when I changed the support email to my gmail, hotmail, or Yahoo account, I received it. The support email is active ...

550 5.7.1 our Bulk Email Senders Guidelines

Hello, I moved to a new server with integrated merak mail. since I forgot merak(used before), i missed to configure security options. So before I realize the issue, my smtp server was used by spammers for 2 days, hundreds times I configured security settings as what it should be (at least i hope) then i realize, i can't send e-mail t...

Do I have to listen for server output while sending data to an SMTP server?

I have problems implementing SMTP protocol over WinSock API. Here's what I do now. The client creates a non-blocking socket, connects to the server and exchanges data with it. It uses "send string" primitive which efectively calls send() in a loop until the whole string is transmitted and "receive string" primitive which calls recv() in...

Catching a Email Loop from a out of office agent

Our Current email2fax gateway does not handle bounced emails very well. When a email is sent to the gateway the content is faxed out and a notification is sent to the original sender of the message. Problems happen when the original user turns on a out of office agent and messages will bounces between the 2 email gateways. I have tried...

ISP Config 3 - squirrel login error & how to add an smtp server for sending mails

Hi, Case #1: I have ISPConfig3 running, sending email through telnet 25 are possible. Receiving email also possible. BUT!! problem occurs when I try to login to squirrel... I've been awaken for 2 days now and still couldn't figured out why logging in into squirrel always having an error: ERROR: Connection droppe...

Ruby, RoR, gmail and NET::SMTP

Is there any way to use gmail as a smtp server on rails 2.3.5/ruby 1.9.1? My smtp settings for actionmailer are options = { :address => "", :port => 587, :domain => 'REMOVED', :user_name => 'REMOVED', :password => 'REMOVED', :authentication ...

Why doesn't this short php script send email?

I can't seem to get my php script to send email. <?php echo "Does this page work?"; mail('my email address', 'test subject', 'test message'); ?> First, I have set the mail function settings in the php.ini file as follows: I checked my email account settings on outlook. It does not require authentication, its port is 25, and its typ...

Ruby Large HTML emails getting error, limit to header size

def mailTo(subject,msg,folks) begin Net::SMTP.start('localhost', 25) do |smtp| smtp.send_message "MIME-Version: 1.0\nContent-type: text/html\nSubject: #{subject}\n#{msg}\n#{}\n", '[email protected]', folks end rescue => e puts "Emailing Sending Error - #{e}" end end when the HTML is VERY large I get this exception...

SMTP Error Codes and determining if email is still delivered

I am using System.Net.Mail to to send mail. I do not know the type/version of the SMTP relay that it will connect to. Some errors will result in no email being sent (e.g. no addresses or invalid from address) whilst others errors will still result in an email being sent. E.g. Send To : [email protected] CC: [email protected] and DoesN...

Why does System.Net.Mail work in one part of my web app, but not in another?

I have a web application that is running on IIS within my company's domain, and is being accessed via intranet. I have this application sending out email based on some user actions. For example, its a scheduling application in part, so if a task is completed, an email is sent out notifying other users of that. The problem is, the emai...

facing problem when trying to send an email using python

I wrote the code like this import smtplib server=smtplib.SMTP('localhost') Then it raised an error like error: [Errno 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it I am new to SMTP, can you tell what exactly the problem is? ...

Elmah sends error mail on development server, but not on production

Hi, I am trying to set up Elmah so that it sends me an e-mail when a new error occurs. This works fine on my development server, but on the production server no e-mail is sent. The exception is logged on the production server, it's just the e-mail that does not get sent. Here are my elmah configuration settings: <elmah> <secu...

Emails sent using Flex app are delayed

I'm currently building an application in Flex that utilizes SMTP Mailer to automatically send out emails to the user when a particular condition is satisfied. The application checks this condition every 30 seconds. The condition is satisfied based on new records being returned from a database table. The problem is as follows: When the ...

Sending mail from a java app without using an external SMTP server

JavaMail requires that you specify an external SMTP server when sending mail. I want to have my java app send email directly without having to use an external SMTP server such as postfix or sendmail. Can anyone recommend a library which provides this kind of functionality? Ive done some googling and have come up with nothing. ...

Spring JavaMailSenderImpl javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp

I have a very large project with a ton of dependancies, and am getting the following exception when trying to send mail: javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp I know the code works because it is part of a library that is used in other projects. Does anyone know what would cause this exception to happen? I have looked through all o...

SMTP to HTTP Post service

I am looking for a SMTP to HTTP Post service. I have tried but although I can register and set up forwarding, emails bounce. Any ideas suggestions for an alternative service or current experience of using this one? ...