
How to stop "SMTP Configuration Test" email every time I send a Newsletter in DotNetNuke 5.0?

The question is in the title, every time i send out a Newsletter from DNN (Newsletter Module) the Admin gets a blank "SMTP Configuration Test" email. How do I stop that email? ...

IIS SMTP settings and Host setting in web.config in ASP.Net

In IIS7, there is SMTP settings where you can specify the SMTP server for ASP.Net application to use. In Web.Config, you can also settup the host and port the SMTP server. My question is: What's the difference between the two? Thanks ...

Is there any difference in using smtps instead of smtp ?

Or is it transparent for the application layer ? I ask this because I'm trying to connect to a smtps and no success (smtp is working fine) ...

How to support international characters with IIS SMTP

We're experiencing errors when someone tries to send an email using non-English characters (á é ñ). Is there a specific configuration that needs to be made on the SMTP server or in code? This is the error that we're getting: System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address. at System.Net...

Postfix API/Lookup tables for sent messages information

Currently it seems common practice to parse Postfix log files in order to determine if a message has been sent. Is there an API for Postfix or a look up table in it that yields this information in a manner quicker than parsing (rather lengthy) log files? ...

Development SMTP Server

I need a cross platform (at least windows and mac) development utility that runs as an SMTP server that acts as an SMTP server but will redirect all mail to a single address that's configurable. It would also be helpful if it wrote the contents out to a file or gui. Long ago I configured Apache James to do this but it wasn't that straig...

Security implications of a limited function server

I want to collect certain information from people/devices via email. These emails will never be delivered to anybody, but simply processed on the server. Received emails will be processed - some simply dropped, most stored (in a database), attachments may or may not be stored (but never executed) depending on certain conditions. I have ...

How do I extract the SMTP envelope and header with Perl?

What is SMTP Envelope and SMTP header and what is the relationship between those? How do I extract them with Perl? ...

Figure out smtp server host

Hi everybody. I am using smtp to send emails by php. My client has a shared hosting. I created an email account there. There is not information available about what will be the smtp server for this account. I have tried : But its not able to connect. How can i figure out my smtp server host? any idea? ...

Bypassing exchange accounts while sending mail through SMTP Server in ASP.NET

I develop applications using the ASP.NET framework for my academic organization. We also have an exchange server for internal accounts. Since my organization is under the umbrella of a larger one, all our internal exchange accounts also have external parent accounts with the same names. I'm facing an issue where automatic emails trigge...

Emailling through DNS server

I have an c# automated email program, however I have been told by our tech team our server has no access to DNS servers at any time and that I need to provide them with one to relay its SMTP setup, to send an email. Can I just use and give them an open DNS server? Is it the same thing? I don't understand what the need for a DNS server ...

.NET System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient class doesn't issue QUIT command to SMTP transaction

Has anybody had issues with this? If so, how do you get around it? We are getting sporadic timeout issues and this is getting blamed. See for more details. ...

Sending Notifications from a SQL Server 2000 Job without SMTP Server on the Box

I have SQL Server 2000 installed on Windows 2003 Server. We do not have SMTP installed on the box, so when creating a notification for a failed SQL Agent job, the email is not sent. Is there a way to send out a notification without installing SMTP on the box? ...

is there something wrong with using php's native mail function?

i tried googling but sadly i get only documentations (or am i using bad keywords) anyway i can see that alot of programmers (even those im working with right now) does not seem to approve to using the php native mail function and resorts to using some other framework like sendmail? swift mailer etc... i'd like to know why? are there rea...

cakePHP and mail component: Connection refused: 61

Greetings! I'm trying to add simple mail functionality to a little web app and I'm stuck. I'm able to send email from the terminal to myself on local machine just fine, but when I try to run the app I get "Connection refused: 61" At first I thought my setting are messed up, I kept playing with them for a while and for now decided to giv...

Capture email content

Does someone know how can i (using .net) capture the content of any incoming or outgoing email from all the free email providers? ...

SSRS mail error: "The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect"

I am trying to configure SQL Server Reporting Services to send email. The environment is: Windows Server 2008 Enterprise SQL Server 2008 Enterprise SSRS running in Native mode SMTP server via IIS7, configured as a restricted relay After a user configures a subscription for mail, when it's triggered the status changes to the following...

.NET Why can't I override my web.config mailSettings?

Usually my application sends email with a generic system address. But in some cases I want to instead send as the logged in user. web.config: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> ... <appSettings> ... <add key="DefaultEmailAddress" value="[email protected]" /> </appSettings> <>...

SMTP error code compliance

I'm not too sure if this is the best place to pose this question (or at serverfault). I'm using a 3rd party .NET SMTP component to send email directly to the recipients' mail server. I need to do this to get real-time result of the delivery. Sending via another SMTP server requires me to get the result asynchronously via DSN reporting wh...

Connecting to via command line

Hi, I am in the process of writing an application that sends mail via an valid gmail user id and password. I just wanted to simulate the SMTP via my windows xp command line, and when I telnet at 465 port - I don't see any thing. A blank command window with title "Telnet" opens with cursor. When I type in "...