
C# 3.0: Find SMTP Servers within a Domain

I'm using C# 3.0 and the System.DirectoryServices namespace (not the newer System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement namespace of .NET 3.5). How can I find all of the SMTP Servers on the local domain? Is this even possible? Is there another way to accomplish this? ...

how to configure a SMTP server in windowx xp to send mails to gmail?

forgive my ignorance, I thought it was going to be a no-brainer but I still couldn't figure it out I'm using redmine (is a ticket system made with rails) and it has the option of sending you mails to notify events. So far now I could not configure a smtp server to relay mails to my gmail account. I want to configure some local client ...

C++ Email/SMTP

Hey, Can you recommend me what C++ library or classes are available for sending email via SMTP in C++. I'm on Windows platform. I need a library which supports attachments and SSL connections. What are the options available. I'm not into implementing my own :) Regards EDIT: Oh I forgot to mention I'm using Visual C++ 6 ...

How to Debug/Monitor SMTP Communications?

Debug HTTP is easy, you have all sort of tools to do it (like Fiddler). What about SMTP? How to Debug SMTP Communications? My target system is Windows. Suggested tools: Ethereal tcpdump Microsoft Network Monitor ...

A unit calling wsock32.dll to be adapted for D2009

Here a unit i can't get working properly on Delphi 2009. I give you the original code that correctly transmit data when compiled with Delphi 2007. Ansifying the code for Delphi 2009 gives me a connection to the server but no data is transmitted and no feedback). Thanks. unit SMTP_Connections2007; // ************************************...

Smtp Authentication

I am writing a class to connect to a SMTP server over SSL and send a mail. The smtp server i am using (yahoo) requires authentication. Can someone tell me how the authentication takes place as to which commands i should use to send my user credentials? Note: I know about the JavaMail API. I just want a simple class to send mail without ...

How would one build an smtp client in python ?

buildin an smtp client in python . which can send mail , and also show that mail has been received through any mail service for example gmail !! ...

SMTPServerDisconnected issue

My Google app engine application needs to send out email(what ever we get the data from screen). On development server i specify my smtp configuration (host,port,user,password) while starting the server. then I am running my application in that form after I submitted the data its showing error as **Traceback (most recent call last): ... SMTP connection error

The following code nets me out error after error. MailMessage Enveloppe = new MailMessage(); //emails is an array of strings foreach ( string email in emails ) Enveloppe.To.Add(email); //Setup message parameters Enveloppe.Subject = "Documentation"; Enveloppe.Body = "Infinitel...

Internal SMTP relay

internally, our organization limits what servers and applications can send emails. I would like to be able to have scripts that could be run on any server send an email when done. Is it possible to install IIS SMTP on a single server and have that relay all mail the servers send to our standard relay servers? All the advice I see on t...

Sending Email via IIS SMTP to external address

Hi, When using the following code to send an email message to an external e-mail address via IIS6 SMTP I am receiving a message stating that the message has been sent, but it never arrives at the destination. I'm using the System.Net.Mail namespace and the following code: MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); msg.From = new MailAddress...

Pipe incoming email to a script on Windows IIS SMTP?

I have a web application running on Windows IIS. This app has a database where each item has a unique key (1, 2, 3...), and a list of email addresses (among other things). I would like users to send email to the server, using an email address that identifies the item, then have the server relay the message to the email addresses for tha...

.NET Best Method to Send Email (System.Net.Mail has issues)

This seems to be pretty straight forward. I need to send email from some ASP.NET applications. I need to do this consistently without strange errors and without CPU utilization going through the roof. I'm not talking about mass emailing, just occasional emails. System.Net.Mail appears to be horribly broken. The SmtpClient does not issue...

A good, free, simple, non-"trial" local SMTP server for development?

I'm running Windows Vista on my development machine... tried four SMTP servers so far (2 crashed, 2 turned out to be trial ware after being promoted as "free"). So I don't have IIS6 SMTP available. Do you know any simple, hassle-free SMTP server that I can use? I need absolutely no bells and whistles. All it needs to do is listen on por...

Can SMTP Errors be the Developer's fault?

I have an error message getting returned to me which would appear to be something wrong with the Exchange set up. Is there a possibility that I'm doing something wrong? I have no idea where to to start to track this down: The following recipient(s) cannot be reached: Customer Service Account on 6/3/2009 11:00 AM There was a...

Error sending mail asynchronously

Hi, Am trying to asynchronously send an email with an attachment using .net's SMPTClient class: SmtpClient smtp = new SmtpClient(MailServer); smtp.SendAsync(mailMsg, ""); smtp.SendCompleted += new SendCompletedEventHandler(MailSentCallback); mailMsg.Dispose(); I need to delete the a...

How to send mail via PHP and/or CakePHP on a Fasthosts account.

I've had no need to send mails on my 2 sites hosted at the UK Fasthosts provider. But since I've added some email features to one of my sites I've tried to send mail via the Email Component of CakePHP and it doesn't leave the server, even if the send returns success. I've tried with plain mail() function and with the smtp option and got...

How to validate SMTP server

Hi there, I am working on a project where I have to validate the given SMTP server i.e in a textbox user will provide the detail and then he will click on a test button. I want to check whether the server entered by the user is an Smtp Server or not? Any Idea?? ...

Specify smtp server for php mail() in freebsd?

I have two dedicated servers, one of which is configured for sending email out (SPF, DKIM, other domain whitelisting methods, etc). I need to send email from both servers, but I want to send mail from both servers through the server that's been set up for it. It doesn't look like I can explicitly set an SMTP server directly in the mail ...

Optimal way to send mail with SmtpClient?

I'm looking for good performance when sending a lot of e-mails. I have heard that the right way to do it is to open a connection send ~20 e-mails and close the connection. And do that over and over again. Is this correct? And how does SmtpClient work, does it open a connection for it's own lifetime? (not IDisposable, so doesn't look li...