
How to make an executable program from AppleScript

In order to run my AppleScript program I have to open it up and select "run." I want the program to just run when I click on it. I tried to compile it, but it didn't seem to make a difference or create a new file. ...

is there a way to recuperate a directory erased with svn rm after add but before commit?

I stupidly did an svn rm --force to a directory that had just been added, but not committed, thinking that it would erase the "add" but not the local copy. Is there any way I can recuperate the content of the directory? BTW the file was a .tex file and I was working with Texshop at the time..just in case it gives ideas... Tks. ...

Writing a Snow Leopard Service for

I am currently looking into solving the problem with the inability to quickly create new files in the Finder. I will open source what I write because I think the Mac community needs this solved. On Windows, you can right-click, create new text file. OS X, you should be able to do this with a service which would work like this: Right-...

Mac OS X and Mercurial

Hello there. I recently acquired a MacBook. I compiled Mercurial 1.6.3, and set it all with NetBeans. The thing is, whenever I try to commit, and since I'm writing the revision message and my name with accented characters (in Spanish), I'm getting an error like: transaction abort! rollback completed abort: decoding near 'Naim? Batuta ...

Getting processes to use a particular shell

I have a process monitor script, procer, that runs as root and launches child processes and then chroots them to become my user and drop priviledges. This all works nicely. The problem I am having though is that I prefer to use tcsh rather than bash for normal day to day command line activities (in Snow Leopard), but the aforementioned (...

Find and replace date/time in string

I have already made a regex which should work, but it doesn't work. echo "FileName.17:09:2010 4.16.PM.720p.mp4" | sed -E 's/\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{4}\ (\d|\d{2})\.(\d{2}|\d)\.((AM)|(PM))//g' Should output: FileName..720p.mp4 But instead outputs the same "FileName.17:09:2010 4.16.PM.720p.mp4". ...

osx compiling AS3 project from the command line

When working on small projects or some test classes , I would prefer to quickly compile my code from the command line as opposed to creating a full Actionscript project in Flash Builder for instance. In a previous similar question , an answer was given referring to this article: b...

Redirecting the output sound to other audio devices in Mac OS X

Hi all, Am using Mac OS X 10.6. I have a sound file, say "a.aiff" which i want to be redirected to Soundflower(not my default). afplay doesn't seem to provide --device flag which it used to support in earlier Mac versions I think. So any idea of what to do? ...

Random errors compiling with Mono gmcs on Snow Leopard

Hi everyone, I'm running OS 10.6.4, and recently tried installing Mono. Something seems to have gone awry though, I can't even compile basic code. The following: using System; public class HelloWorld { public static void Main() { Console.WriteLine("Hello Mono World!") } } Gives me this result: user$ gmcs...

Mac Snow Leopard Mcrypt extension

Hi Guys. Im running Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6. When trying to get into phpMyAdmin, I am getting the following error: "Cannot load mcrypt extension. Please check your PHP configuration." Does anyone know how to fix this? I'm not fantastically technical so a simple explanation would be welcome! Cheers, Mark. ...

Ruby on Rails, MySQL and Snow Leopard

I have working fine my installation of Ruby on Rails on my Snow Leopard. I've tried for several days install MySQL with Ruby on Rails, all I've got when I run: rake db:create is: (in /Users/naikon/RoR/test2) dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _mysql_init Referenced from: /Library/Ruby/Gems/1.8/gems/mysql2-0.2.4/ex...

Cocoa OSX: APIs to access to Spaces

I would write an application for Snow Leopard 10.6.x that enumerates all windows open in all Spaces, so I need APIs to detect if Spaces is enabled get Spaces count get a list of windows for single Spaces I was unable to find similar API maybe due to my stupidity, may you help me to move to the right direction? ...

MySQL error: Can't find symbol '_mysql_plugin_interface_version_' in library

The boring, necessary details: I'm on Snow Leopard running MySQL locally. I'm trying to install the Sphinx engine for MySQL like so: mysql> install plugin sphinx soname ''; ERROR 1127 (HY000): Can't find symbol '_mysql_plugin_interface_version_' in library I've Googled everywhere and can't seem to find an actual solution to ...

Photoshop for Mac-Arabic appears as Square

As I mentioned in title of the question, if I paste UNicode text in Arabic in any of photoshop product in Mac ,it appears as squares. Pasting Arabic in other apps like TextEdit or Browser works just fine How do I enable the support for Adobe products? Even including Arabic Language in list does not help at all ...

Use Quicktime to covert an audio file from AAC to AC3 via CLI?

Basically I want to use Quicktime to convert an audio file from AAC to AC3, I thought I might be able to use Quicktime? But I can't seem to be able to find the CLI command for it. ...

Absolute path issues in PHP on localhost in OS X

I'm having some issues with defined absolute paths in PHP. I define the SITE_ROOT and APP_PATH like so: defined('SITE_ROOT') ? null : define('SITE_ROOT', str_replace('//','/',dirname(__FILE__)) ); defined('APP_PATH') ? null : define('APP_PATH', SITE_ROOT.DS.'application'); When using the APP_PATH in an application like so: echo APP...

is it possible to build an app that runs in 32bit in Leopard but 32/64bit universal in Snow Leopard with XCode?

I need to load flashplayer with webkit. but even the latest 'square' flashplayer doesn't support 64bit in Leopard by default. Unless I use the flashplayer-10.6.plugin instead. since webkit use a pluginAgent in Snow Leopard when running in 64bit mode. it does't matter whether my app is 32bit or 64bit. but unfortunately, the pluginAgent is...

Open link in Firefox via contextual menu using Applescript

I'm new to use Applescript to create services in Snow Leopard. I found myself often trying to open a link in Safari with Firefox. I know there are ways to open a page url with FF but I want to open any link inside a page with FF. I think using Applescript to create a service might be a good idea and so far I found this: openFirefoxURL("...

Need to rebuild memcache module with same build number as php

I'm running OSX 10.6 with php 5.2.13 and memcache 2.2.6. Build numbers as shown below. How do I get them to match though? Here's the error I get when php tries to load the memcache module: $ php -m PHP Warning: PHP Startup: memcache: Unable to initialize module Module compiled with module API=20090626, debug=0, thread-safe...

Can Ruby on Rails 3.0 run on Mac OS X Leopard 10.5? (instead of Snow Leopard)

It seems that most of Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2 can be used, but when it is sqlite3-ruby, or mysql2 gems, then it can't compile, (missing mkmf?) and the latest Xcode is needed. But the latest Xcode is for Snow Leopard only. So looks like the Macbook needs to be upgraded to Snow Leopard before Rails 3 can be used? ...