I want to send a raw http packet to a webserver and recieve its response but i cant find out a way to do it. im inexperianced with sockets and every link i find uses sockets to send udp packets. any help would be great.
Hey everyone,
So I have been working on a 2 player Tic-Tac-Toe game in java that utilizes sockets. All of the socket stuff is working, and I am sending data back and forth successfully between 2 clients and a server.
I have the following classes: Requester, Provider, and TBoard (which extends Serializable).
In the Requester (client) c...
Hi I have created socket program in Blackberry. and also set socket to keep alive using the following
socket = (SocketConnection) Connector.open(URL);
socket.setSocketOption(socket.KEEPALIVE, 2);
But my socket connection gets terminated after 2-3 minute. Means if I keep Ideal for 2-3 minute for 2-3 minute then m...
I'm making my own custom server software for a game in Java (the game and original server software were written with Java). There isn't any protocol documentation available, so I am having to read the packets with Wireshark.
While a client is connecting the server sends it the level file in Gzip format. At about 94 packets into sending ...
I'm building my first system that relies heavily on a message queue for reasons other than scaling. To cut a long story short there will be many clients connected to a central server via the internet, each client has the ability to edit data on the server, when such an event occurs the other clients need to be updated live.
Does an...
I have a file descriptor (edit: the resource returned by fopen on a stream that is not necessarily a local file) that is being passed into a black box. When it pops out, is it possible to determine with any certainty whether or not the descriptor has been closed?
It looks like the function get_resource_type($fd) will return "Unkn...
We have a device that has an analog camera. We have a card that samples it and digitizes it. This is all done in directx. At this point in time, replacing hardware is not an option, but we need to code such that we can see this video feed real-time regardless of any hardware or underlying operating system changes occur in the future...
My class contains a socket that connects to a server. Some of the methods of the class can throw an exception. The script I'm running contains an outer loop that catches the exception, logs an error, and creates a new class instance that tries to reconnect to the server.
Problem is that the server only handles one connection at a time (...
I am using C#.
I have one socket server in PC A and three socket clients in PC B,PC C,and PC D.When PC A receives data, I want to send this data to either PC B or PC C or PC D. I mean i don't want to send this data to all PC.I just want to send the PC i need to send. Now, when server receives data from one client PC, it sends b...
I searched on the web for a solution to my question, but with no results until now.
I did a test with a Silverlight app, a SocketServer and a SocketClient (with is a silverlight app).
In Debug mode, with both apps running, when I close the browser window, I did enjoyed to see that an event is fired on server and the Socket connection is ...
The application uses quickfixj library, which uses Apache Mina.
This application keeps a socket connection to a remote host.
Suddenly we get the following error:
[SocketConnectorIoProcessor-0.0] - ERROR quickfix.mina.initiator.InitiatorIoHandler - socket exception (/xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:xx): An established connection was aborted by the s...
Is there a way to open a TCP Socket back to a non-standard Silverlight port such as port 80?
I don't quite understand the restrictions on Silverlight ports.
I would like to open a connection back to the server of origin using any port. I can serve a policy file from port 943 if needed.
Is there a way to access UNIX domain sockets (e.g. /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket ) directly from Erlang without resorting to a third-party driver?
Can a Client pushing data through a UNIX domain socket ( AF_UNIX type ) be signaled busy if the receiving end cannot cope with the load?
Must there be a Client-Server protocol on top of the socket to handle flow control?
I have heard of HTTP keep-alive but for now I want to open a socket connection with a remote server.
Now will this socket connection remain open forever or is there a timeout limit associated with it similar to HTTP keep-alive?
I have python program which works perfectly for internet chatting. But program built on similar sockets in C++ do not work over internet.
Python program
import thread
import socket
class p2p:
def __init__(self):
self.port = 3000
#Destination IP HERE
self.peerId = ''
I am building peer to peer application in python. Its going to work over UDP. I have function called getHeader(packetNo,totalPackets) which returns me the header for that packet.Depending on size of header I am chopping data, attaching data to header and getting same packet size.
Header size is not fixed because length consumed by diffe...
Hello, all I am trying to establish peer to peer (UDP) communication via firefox extension. I have python program that works on command line. I built a xpcom component using it. But surprisingly I could only receive message through it from command line python program.
We tried following ( All working on localhost ) :
Firefox XPCOM co...
Is it possible to use sockets on win32 and and not have the firewall possibly block the port you are using? Something like with unix wwere you have IF_UNIX instead of IF_INET ( named pipes instead of sockets ). I dont want to use named pipes on win32 since they are just so unreliable.
I'm writing a GUI-based app in VB.net that talks to a LambdaMOO server via telnet, sends commands to display the object hierarchy, then parses the output and creates a visual representation of the object hierarchy.
So my question is: is there some kind of "telnet client" class for .NET to simplify the sending and receiving of data, or d...