
Architecture/Pattern for configurable application (web in my case)

i have already asked this question on forum, could not find any satisfactory answer. you can visit it to get more details. We have a product which can be configured for each client. The configuration options are UI and Business Logic. In the UI they can choose to re-arrange all the controls...

Math needed for software dev jobs

Possible Duplicates: Is mathematics necessary for programming? Do you have to be good at math to be a good programmer? Hello everyone! I am still in my last 2 years of highschool, but I plan to go to a technical school for software development. I want to know what kind of math is required for the job? I have done Algebra, Geom...

how to manage students (i.e. newbees) on a software project

Hello, I'm trying to figure out the best way to manage some enthusiastic adult students (with various technical backgrounds ranging from pure newbee to those with a more significant programming background) on a software development project which will involve creating a website for a small business. My thinking is to use something like ...

How to achieve Modularization of Software Projects

What are the best ways to achieve extremely loosely coupling? If you want to modularize your Software to such an extreme extent that no parts are relying upon any other parts in your system, but they would still be able to communicate, which means would we have to use (technology agnostic) to achieve this goals then Suggestions please,...

Download manager that can continue download

I have a file half-downloaded. Do you know a download manager that can continue the download without loading the part I already loaded? Is this possible with HTTP? Thanks ...

Is there an opensource web based media player which can play all video formats,podcasts ,ppt slideshow and word doc presentation ?

Is there any open source, Flash- or Javascript-based media player which can play all video formats (like youtube) and pdf slide presentation (like scribd)? Is there any media player that can do both? Thanks in advance. ...

Most secure way to license software

What is the best and most secure way to license software? Is there an existing program for doing so? I want to sell a script of mine, but I want to make sure that users cannot redistribute or sell it themselves (of course, if they deactivate the registration on their own computer and choose to resell, that is their choice). The software...

Tuple Relational Calculus or Relational Algebra Syntax verifier?

Does anybody knows of a software package where you can type a formula and it verifies sintactically (it doesn't need to check semantics). Thanks. ...

PHP + MySQL software

Hi guys. Need your suggestion on php/mysql software. I develop PHP websites using Dreamweaver, I also have to use phpmyadmin, sql query editor (to work with database) and WinSCP (to upload/backup files over SFTP). Could you suggest me please some software which contains all in one (PHP syntax highlighting, db connections and running sql...

What's the best strategy for maintaining this piece of software

I work at a non-computer startup. Over the past few years I wrote our website and well as an internal website that we depend on everyday. Because I was involved with all operations of the startup and I was working alone, I was able to determine requirements and program new features without a formal spec or requirement documentation. The ...

Software to store hierarchal data

I'm looking for [free] server software to store hierarchal data efficiently. My key challenge is that an object or group of objects almost always has 2 "parents" and one or both parents can have different connections with other parents, and those descendants must remain distinct from the common parent's other descendants. Example: A an...

Is there a single software for multiple browser testing?

Hi, I was interested to know if there in single software which have multiple browser testing facility? If there is something like that please suggest. I have already heard about browser cam websites which provides screen shots of different browsers. But we need to wait for the screen shot and also it cannot be tested frequently while ...

How to start as a programmer (learning vs working)?

How do programmers proceed in the software industry? Do they first get a degree, learn some basics, take a programming job and advance their learning while working OR Get a degree, initially learn and experiment at home, create some complete applications of their own to gain skills, and then go in search of a job? I think the 2nd op...

Identify common Development Tasks

What would you say are the development tasks for any given project? Say you are handed a functional spec for some sophisticated form to implement; what are the formal steps from specification to release? I mean something in the spirit of: Get functional spec Identify business objects Create Flow chart Create data chart 5 ... C...

Associating s/w programming with h/w programming.

I've been in s/w programming for years. Thru out the years i also had interest in h/w programming (circuits + robotics + etc). Please advice from where i can start h/w programming. my aim is to combine both s/w & h/w to work together. ...

Advertising free software for free

I've finished an application that I've written as a hobby. I think it could be of great help to many individuals and businesses. I want to make it available for download -> free. I can make a nice website for it (and I'm willing to accept those costs). But I'm not willing to spend money advertising it. Can anyone recommend methods to cre...

Software projects and development in a research environment

What are useful strategies to adopt when you or the project does not have a clear idea of what the final (if any) product is going to be? Let us take "research" to mean an exploration into an area where many things are not known or implemented and where a formal set of deliverables cannot be specified at the start of the project. This i...

Detect if certain software is installed on a user's machine in Java

Hi, I have a Java application which requires certain software (one of them being Perl) before it can be run. What I used to do to detect for Perl is: Runtime.getRuntime().exec("perl"); and if there was an IOException declare that there was no Perl. However, one of my users complained that the app kept failing because he had ...

3d Realtime Software Renderer Open Source

Is there a good 3d realtime software renderer with features similar to OpenGL/DirectX? Something similar of what cairo or anti-grain do for 2d, but in 3d. I actually just know Mesa witch has a software OpenGL implementation , and Coco3d. It should be open source :) ...

Software testing tools for testing web application

Hi, may I ask if there is any recommended tools for testing web application written in PHP, JavaScript, etc? Currently, I am doing a research to find out software testing tools for testing web application efficiently. May I ask if there is any recommended tools? Or is there any recommendation on what direction I may follow in doing a ...