
XCODE - Drumming app - Laggy Sounds... How To Fix?

Hey everybody, I have a drum app that I've created basing it off of AVAudioPlayer instead of the common system sounds in order to have a bit of control. The problem is that whenever 2/more sounds are played at once, it lags and stops alls sounds, so your drum beat gets choppy and randomly stopped. like boom boom chhhhh boom boom ch--- ...

Audio Encoding: AAC files without the 1/10 second silence at the end of the track

Hi, I'm a little confused with an issue that I keep running into. I'm trying to create some sound loops for continuously playing, seamless background music.. everything's fine as long as I stay in AAC/ WAV/ etc, but as soon as I encode the files in AAC I run into a 1/10 of a second at end of the sound file. I'm on the Mac, so I've trie...

Java Sound API - capturing microphone.

I have been reading up on the Sound API for Java for a couple of days I am unable to make sense of it. I am decent programmer, I just having difficulty getting my head around the API. I have been trying to capture audio from my microphone and display a wave graph in real time. I am having trouble capturing audio, they say in the tuto...

Recognizing notes within recorded sound - Part 2 - Python

Hi folks, this is a continuation of this question here. This is the code I used in order to get the samples: spf =,'r') sound_info = spf.readframes(-1) sound_info = fromstring(sound_info, 'Int16') The length of sound_info is 194560, which is 4.4 times the sample rate of 44100. The length of the sound file is 2.2 s...

Setting sounds for local notifications on a 3G iPhone running iOS4

Hi I have successfully scheduled local notifications in my app using the code below: Class cls = NSClassFromString(@"UILocalNotification"); if (cls != nil) { UILocalNotification *notification = [[cls alloc] init]; notification.fireDate = self.alarmNotificationDate; notification.timeZone = [NSTimeZone defau...

how to programming for play .wav file on iPhone

I used this code for play .wav file. yes! it OK when I open file name open.wav but! with other file I can't play pleas help me. //[self playASound:@"open.wav"]; [self playASound:@"kang.wav"]; AudioServicesAddSystemSoundCompletion(soundID, NULL, NULL, endSound, NULL); //** -(void) playASound: (NSString *) file { NSString *path = [NS...

Playing sound with MediaPlayer getting exceptions

hi. im developing an android app with netbeans. and i'm trying to play sound with MediaPlayer mp; mp = MediaPlayer.create(this, R.raw.a); mp.start(); there is a file named "a.mp3" in the res/raw directory. but for some reason i'm getting file not found on line 2. What could be the problem ? thanks ...

AudioQueueServices plays samples in low quality

I have an iPhone application which allows you to mix several samples with Audio Queue Services. When I developed this app for iPhone OS 3.0, I sometimes had a glitch where the audio would sound as if the treble had been muted. When I restarted the app it was gone. Now, I had to do some fixes for iOS 4.0/4.1 so I opened up the project, b...

Difference in FMOD between Sound.readData and Sound.lock?

I'm trying to sort the difference between Sound.readData and Sound.lock in the FMOD library (I'm programming in C#/C++ but I'll take the answer in any language!). The end goal is to create a view of the waveform, which I understand cannot be done (easily) with Channel.getWaveData. I have been able to get both the Sound.readData and S...

AudioStreamBasicDescription invalid while trying to record live streaming MP3 file

i am using AudioStreamer and recording the streaming MP3 packets to a file(by creating with AudioFileCreateWithURL), file writing is fine but when playing recorded file it plays noise only for few seconds. i think this is because of wrong AudioStreamBasicDescription provided to file i am using for record and play.. thanks in advance. ...

changing the frequency of a soundfile in android

Hi, I try to change the frequency of a single soundfile. I managed to do that in android with the SoundPool thing. But the result sounds really bad. So I stepped about the Fourier Transformation - but I am not sure if this is what I am looking for. I want to load a single file and change the frequency of that file every time that file...

Real low level sound generation in C#?

Hi. Anyone knows of a sensible way to create an ARBITRARY sound wave in C# and play it back from the speakers? This issue has been coming back to every now and then for years, I always end up giving it up after a lot of failure without finding a solution. What I want to do is like a reverse-visualizer, that is, I don't want to generat...

Cocoa Touch - Resources Question

Hey all, I have a selector that searches the mainBundle for all .aif files, and allows the user to select them. This works fine, but then I removed some of the files from the project and folder, yet they did not disappear. Is there any way to maybe recompile it or something because It's now plagued with sound files that I don't need. Th...

iPhone: Problems after application submission in AppStore..

I've submitted my first iPhone App to the AppStore (on 10.09.10) and I have just found out that it was "Ready For Sale" (18.09.10). After a short moment of deep Happiness, I've found out some problems in my App, that I DO NOT have when I install it on my iPhone using XCode: 1) My APP uses the CLLocationManager to get the GPS coordinate...

Java sound api - Scanning for midi devices

I'm working on a java project that receives midi events from midi hardware using the javax.sound.midi library. In the documentation, it says that MidiSystem.getMidiDeviceInfo() returns a list of all connected midi hardware. It works for me, but the problem is, it only works once. It takes a moment the first time to actually scan for the ...

BSOD while playing a sound resource

I have a VB.NET application that crashes on a client's computer with a BSOD error... KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR. This error occurs at a point where my program does two things: Locks the computer Plays a sound in BackgroundLoop mode For locking the work station, I am just using this: <DllImport("user32")> _ Public Shared Sub LockWorkS...

iPhone AVAudioPlayer app freeze on first play

Hello guys, I'm using AVAudioPlayer from iOS SDK for playing short sounds on each click in tableView rows. I have manually made @selector on button in each row that fires up method playSound:(id)receiver {}. From receiver I get sound url so I can play it up. This method looks like that: - (void)playSound:(id)sender { [audioPlayer ...

How to Java Midi STOP

How to stop any sound from java application? ...

How can I get Audiere to output to a file?

My (C#, .NET) application uses the Audiere library for audio output. The requirements have grown to include output to a file (i.e. wav or mp3). Is there anyway for Audiere to do this natively? Or is there a way to capture its output and write it to a file? ...

Java stop MIDI playback

Hi I have java application which plays midi messages from sequence. I'm doing this using jfugue library. the problem is when I'm tryingto stop playback with stop button (which call sequencer.stop() and sequencer.close()) the last played note is sound all of rest time, and I can't stop it. So I'm asking about solution about stopping all...