
Special chars in base64 decoded string

When I decode (using one of the online decoders) a base64 string, the decoded data returns several special chars like sqaure blocks and `" ...

writing some characters like '<' in an xml file.

Hello, since the beginning of my programmation, I used some special character like "<-", ""<<" im my string.xml in Eclipse while developping for Android. All worked fine for one year, but today, i just wanted to make some minor changes and began to edit my xml files. I get now compilation error on these characters because eclipse bel...

[CakePHP] Ampersand in URL

hi all, i'm developing cakephp application. i need some specific characters in url, like & (ampersand), because i need it for search purpose. but, if i have ampersand in my url (like http://localhost/myapp/publications/index/string:Mono%20Manana/tags:publisher), it is rewrited and redirected as default url (in this case http://localho...

Programming Languages that Make Use of Special Characters

I'm working on a general-purpose programming language. In addition to the modern requirement of Unicode support in strings and identifiers, I'm considering supplying alternate spellings of some operators, specifically: Relational ( for <= >= !=) Bitwise and Setwise ( for & |) Logical ( for && || !) Arrows ( for -> =>) I know th...

PHP: How to tell if a string contains any special characters?

I am using pspell to spell check some words. However if the word is something like G3523B it clearly is not a misspelled word but pspell changes it to GB. I would like somehow to qualify a word as a word before trying to spell check it. Maybe checking to see if the string contains any numbers or special characters. So what is the best w...

Does SQL Server accept special characters?

Does SQL Server handle ASCII codes such as NUL, LF (line feed), CR (carriage return), space, etc? I would like to know because I have a file from mainframe that contains special characters which I need to export to SQL Server as a text file. When I view the records (at the back end as hex code) in SQL Server I want to see those special c...

Python: Why does the tab character show up weird in Tkinter?

This a screenshot from a Tkinter Listbox in a program I'm writing: Why does the \t character show up as a black bar? On a Mac it shows up normally (as a tab), but on Windows I get this. I think it might have something to do with character encoding because strings are unicode by default in OS X but not Windows? I tried writing the ta...

Display special (non printable) characters in WPF control

I have raw binary data received from device. I would like to display that data something like HEX editors do - display hex values, but also display corresponding characters. I found fonts that have characters for ASCII codes 0 - 32, but I cannot get them to show on screen. I tried this with WPF listbox, itemscontrol and textbox. Is...

Java : How to accomodate special characters in the filename while uploading and downloading the file ?

Background: I have a file which I upload, during this process the link of the file is stored in the database and not the actual file, acutal file is stored in the File System, currently am storing it in my local machine. Goal: My goal is to upload a file and download a file properly which has special characters in it - #,$,%,@ etc. ...

Migrating SVN to GIT: Incorrect filenames with special characters

I'm trying to convert an existing SVN repository to GIT using git-svn clone but versioned files with special characters in the filename like "ö" are showing as "ö" after migration. Obviously, git-svn saves the filenames "as is" - I assume that SVN stores filenames in UTF-8 (as done with the logs), but my Windows uses windows-1252 encodi...

Problem with special characters after migrating a web project

I had several HTML files on an Apache server which had special characters. For example, they have instead of &copy;. They were working fine but once I migrated those files to a new server (also Apache), all those characters are not properly being displayed in the browser. I know it'd be better to replace those characters with HTML enti...

invalid multibyte character crashes when script is loaded from source (umlauts / special characters)

EDIT: Thx to suggestions from the mailing list I realized that the problem I got has nothing to do with Sweave or Latex. It´s some Mac OS X related issue. Whenever I run my script by selecting all and sending it to R it works. When I use source("myplainRcode.R") i get the error message stated below finally I got sweave working ...

Microsoft Access TransferText function: problem with codepage

I inherited a huge, bulky MS Access database and am assigned to solve a problem in it. The problem is as follow... System A exports its data to a pipeline-delimited .txt file. The files has special characters working correctly, for example the value "Müller" shows when opening this file in notepad or Excel. Next, the Access DB imports ...

Get simplified version of strings with special characters in Mysql

I need to create a web page listing glossary terms. The listing is paginated alphabetically (first page is for terms starting with A, second for B, etc.). Say I have a Mysql table with just one column: 'name' which is a utf8 encoded varchar field. This table contains two records: 'oto' and 'óto' which should appear on the same page. I ...

Unicode class names in C# - why do some work, when others don't?

I'm wondering why this is. I have two unicode characters from the same group Ll, which is allowed according to the specs: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa664670%28VS.71%29.aspx One of them works, the other gives a compile error, and I can't find any documentation on why this is: This works: U+0467 CYRILLIC SMALL LETTER LITT...

Browser / DNS process for invalid characters in a domain?

I'm wondering how the browser, and/or DNS, handles a user entering an invalid character in a domain name. Let's say that I own meat&potatoes, a well-known chain of fine dining restaurants. All of our marketing refers to us as meat&potatoes (meat + ampersand + potatoes, no spaces), and it's likely that fairly often, people are typing www...

What is a vertical tab?

What was the original historical use of the vertical tab character (\v in the C language, ASCII 11)? Did it ever have a key on a keyboard? How did someone generate it? Is there any language or system still in use today where the vertical tab character does something interesting and useful? ...

jquery airport plugin : How can I make it work with special characters ?

I'm using the cool jquery airport plugin and trying to make it accept special characters (like accents, "&", etc.). By default it only works with a-z. Has anybody found how to do that ? ...

How to automatically replace all special characters with HTML equivalents?

I have an html document that contains hundreds of special chracters (such as em dashes, smart apostrophes, accent egrave, etc) that I would like to convert to their html equivalents. For example, my document contains an "em dash" (—), which I would like to convert to: &#8212; Of course, my html document contains html tags. I do not...

Why does this reg exp always succeed for the numerics?

Hi, I have a regular expression that searches for the special characters. When I do a search on numerics, e.g. 3, I always get 0, when I'd expect to get -1. '3'.search(/[!\"£\$%\^&\*\(\)-_\+=\[\]\{\};:@\'#\\|<,\.>\/\?]/) Any idea why is this happening? ...