
Special Characters in XML

I am creating a left navigation system utilizing xml and xsl. Everything was been going great until I tried to use a special character in my xml document. I am using and I get th error. reason: Reference to undefined entity 'raquo'. error code: -1072898046 How do I make this work? Thanks ...

MySQL update error when special characters are used

Hi All, I was wondering if anyone had come across this one before. I have a customer who uses special characters in their product description field. Updating to a MySQL database works fine if we use their HTML equivalents but it fails if the character itself is used (copied from either character map or Word I would assume). Has anyone ...

Java application failing on special characters.

An application I am working on reads information from files to populate a database. Some of the characters in the files are non-English, for example accented French characters. The application is working fine in Windows but on our Solaris machine it is failing to recognise the special characters and is throwing an exception. For example...

ASP.NET-Saving Special Characters to Database

Please tell me how can save a string with special characters to DB.Special characters may contatin single quotes/double quotes etc.. I am using ASP.NET with C# ...

Display hidden characters in NSTextView

I am writing a text editor for Mac OS X. I need to display hidden characters in an NSTextView (such as spaces, tabs, and special characters). I have spent a lot of time searching for how to do this but so far I have not found an answer. If anyone could point me in the right direction I would be grateful. ...

What are the best rules to follow for what characters to allow in a password?

Without thinking about it at all I just want to say I should allow every character. It gets hashed in any case, and I don't want to limit people who want to create strong passwords. However, thinking about it more, there are plenty of characters that I have no idea what effect they'd have on things. Foreign characters, ascii symbols, ...

HTML special code to ASCII

Hey, is there any built in functions or something like that in php that will allow me to turn HTML special code like: <(;), >(;), Á(;) and ©(;) etc... into <, >, Á and © Lets say I have the value: $fileName = "Gibt es eine schö(;)ne Offroadstrecke? (;)"; And I want this: $fileName = "Gibt es eine schöne Offroadstrecke? "; Any eas...

Asp.net C# EMail Address with Special Character

Hi all, i am sending emails with the integrated System.Net.Mail i do like MailAddress abs = new System.Net.Mail.MailAddress("[email protected]", "Web Präsenz", System.Text.Encoding.UTF8); when the E-Mail comes to Client the "ä" character is missing. seems like some encoding Problems. anyone knows how to fix it? ...

How can I decode HTML entities?

Here's a quick Perl question: How can I convert HTML special characters like &uuml; or &#039; to normal ASCII text? I started with something like this: s/\&#(\d+);/chr($1)/eg; and could write it for all HTML characters, but some function like this probably already exists? Note that I don't need a full HTML->Text converter. I alrea...

Special characters in PHP / MySQL

Hi, I have in the database words that include special character (in Spanish mostly, like tildes). In the database everything is saved and shown correctly with PHPmyAdmin, but when I get the data (using PHP) and display it in a browser, I get a weird character, like a "?" with a square... I need a general fix so I don't need to escape eac...

Detecting Characters in an XSLT

I have encountered some odd characters that do not display properly in Internet Explorer, such as these: “, –, and ’. I think they're carried over from copy-and-paste Word content. I am using XSLT to build the page content and it would be great to detect these characters in the XSLT and replace them with valid HTML codes. I alread...

Cannot get the "+" sign to display

I have this value in a mysql database: "A+" it's the name of a magazine. I can see it sitting in the database, however i cannot manage to have it display via php. When i fetch the sql data, it outputs "A " I tried utfencode() utfdecode() htmlentities() ... to no avail. I fail to diagnose the problem. In case it matters, i fetch this ...

Lucene and forward slash

In my index there is a value companyName:opel/vauxhall Searching for "opel/vauxhall" returns the correct results. Searching for "opel/*" returns nothing. Currently I'm replacing the '/' with spaces. But that does give my code a bit of a smell. Any better ideas? ...

List of special characters for SQL LIKE clause

What is the complete list of all special characters for a SQL (I'm interested in SQL Server but other's would be good too) LIKE clause? E.g. SELECT Name FROM Person WHERE Name LIKE '%Jon%' SQL Server: % _ [specifier] E.g. [a-z] [^specifier] ESCAPE clause E.g. %30!%%' ESCAPE '!' will evaluate 30% as true ' characters need to be esca...

How can I search for special characters using Freetext in SQL Server

I have a web page that allows users to search a Question & Answer database table (no its not StackOverflow). The web page accepts the search term from the user and passes it to a stored procedure as a parameter on a SQL Server 2005 database. That sproc does a SELECT on the table in question, using FREETEXT in the WHERE clause to search...

Square brackets in XML?

In an XML document, how do I treat square brackets (] or [) ? ...

xpath attribute with a special character

$xpath->query('/html[boolean(string(normalize-space(@xml:lang))) = "true"]') Normally the above query would work but in this case the xhtml attribute xml:lang has colon in it. Replacing it with entity doesn't work either. Any suggestions? ...

PHP DOMDocument : loadHTMLFile choking on a mysterious character: RS

Using php's DOMDocument->LoadHTMLFile('test.html'); keeps on returning an error to me, reporting for an error in the content at line 36. Deleting character after character, it turns out it's an apparently empty space that was the culprit. Copying/pasting that sentence in another editor (Editra), showed a strange RS character. What is i...

Weird characters being saved in my database...

Here is a screen shot of weird characters in my database. I know that this character combination is for a crazy apostrophe. Should I just let these characters stay in my database? Or should I strip them out and replace with normal apostrophes? If I should strip, is there on ruby function to ensure that all characters that save to my d...

~ character in dos...

In my dos prompt i have to put in a ~ character to open any files. but for some reason it wont show up in the dos box/prompt... I'm just wondering if there is any form of ctrl+? thing that could get me to typing a ~ character. It's only the dos prompt that wont recognize that key is what gets me the most though... ...