
What is the Visual Basic (VB) equivalent of \ in C#?

In C# you can use \ to ignore the special characters: string myString = "this is a \" string"; that would work as one complete string... in VB, doing that does not work... Anyone know the equivalent of \ to ignore special characters for VB? ...

What is the difference between \r and \n?

How are \r and \n different. I think it has something to do with Unix vs. Windows vs. Mac, but I'm not sure how exactly they're difference, and which to search for/match in regexes. ...

accented words in email subject break spacing - how do I stop this?

We have a custom php email marketing app, and an interesting problem: If the subject line of the message contains a word with accents, it 'swallows' the spaces between it and the following word. An example: the phrase Ángel Ríos escucha y sorprende is shown (by at least gmail and lotus notes) as ÁngelRíos escucha y sorprende The p...

Convert Extended characters to int

I have the following string in notepad "ùŒÚÿwž+2»ó66H". I used the fstream library to read those files in c++ and print those characters and thier equivalent decimal numbers in the conlsole window but the symbols are different than those in notepad and numbers for the extended characters are in negative form,i realize maybe its impossib...

WordPress Subscribe2 plugin escapes characters in blog name when sending email

Hello, I'm using Subscribe2 plugin in my new upcoming WordPress blog (http://www.adlerr.com). My blog's title is "Roee Adler's Blog". When sending an email, Subscribe2 escapes the apostrophe in my blog's title, and the e-mail subject is received as follows: [Roee Adler's Blog] Please confirm your request The e-mail body is: Roe...

write special characters into excel table by python package pyExcelerator/xlwt

Task: I generate formated excel tables from csv-files by using the python package pyExcelerator (comparable with xlwt). I need to be able to write less-than-or-equal-to (≤) and greater-than-or-equal-to (≥) signs. So far: I can save my table as csv-files with UTF-8 encoding, so that I can view the special characters in my text editor, by...

PHP: Explode using special characters

I'm working on a long string grabbed from a Session that uses "§" (Section sign) to group and divide different parts of the string. Example: "ArticleID | Title | Date § ArticleID | Title | Date § ArticleID | Title | Date" I want to put this into an array using: explode("§",$str); However, for some reason the character is totally ignor...

MySQL cuts off string at special chars

Hello, I'm trying to insert remote POST data (articles sent by iSnare) into MySQL with PHP. Data comes successfully from remote POST sender and I can write it to plain-text file without a problem. Unfortunately, when it comes to insert it into MySQL, MySQL cuts off string (article) at special char. I tried many things but still I'm uns...

Count characters in P keeping non-latin characters

I have a script that counts the characters in each of my comments, excluding any Html Tags. But it doesn't take into account that my comments contain åäöÅÄÖ (swedish letters). So how do I edit this to "exclude" these from the regexp variable? (If the comment is "Hej då!" the result is 6, not 7.) Why I need this is a long story, the pro...

In php, my html prints out with � all over the place - is there a fix?

Hello I have two php file. One of them builds a report, the second contains the language text. When it prints, it keeps giving me the � special character everywhere, even if I am not using any special characters in my code. Why is that and how can I get rid of those? I am running Apache 2.2, php 5, Ubuntu 8.04. FILE 1 <?php function g...

Overcoming text encoding from database to filesystem?

Hi folks, in my SQL 2000 database, the model names for my vehicles have accents on some of the letters, like so Scénic 2.0 On the filesystem, the filenames look correct on the server if I browse the folder on the local machine, like so: Car-2005-Renault-Scénic-2_0--Multi-Purpose Vehicle-1157-01tn.jpg When I use the filename in a li...

"\r" in html made by cakePHP Sanitize::clean()

I used Sanitize::clean in cakePHP to sanitize user input and in result I got "\r" character. What does this character mean ("\r") ? Is there a function that does the reverse of Sanitize::clean, so I can use before outputting the data. ...

MySQL fulltext search for html entities

Hi! I have to hack a content management system to support fulltext search for a language that contains special characters. These are stored in the database as html entities. Out of the box, the CMS doesn't support it. The bug was reported long time ago, but apparently it has no priority. I'm stick to this CMS, the customer is awaiting m...

Characters allowed in GET parameter

Hello! Which characters are allowed in GET parameters without encoding or escaping them? I mean something like this: http://www.example.org/page.php?name=XYZ What can you have there instead of XYZ? I think only the following characters: a-z (A-Z) 0-9 - _ Is this the full list or are there additional characters allowed? I hope you...

How do I localize password validation in C#?

I am trying to localize an existing app that has the following logic that tries to validate a password text box. I'm assuming that this will not work with languages with special characters that the user could type in the text box. Am I correct? I don't think that we want to restrict the user from typing non-English-type characters (i....

Java: What does ~ mean

In source code I found this line: if ((modifiers & ~KeyEvent.SHIFT_MASK) != 0) .... Does somebody know what the ~ means? Thanks ...

how to detect and fix character encoding in a mysql database via php?

I have received this database full of people names and data in French, which means, using characters such as é,è,ö,û, etc. Around 3000 entries. Apparently, the data inside has been encoded sometimes using utf8_encode(), and sometimes not. This result in a messed up output: at some places the characters show up fine, at others they don't...

Special characters in email from Oracle pl/sql

I try to send an email using utl_smtp with Oracle including norwegian characters (å æ ø). The characters are stored and displayed correctly in the database otherwise, but shows up as question marks in the email. My database character set is WE8MSWIN1252 I have tried different Content-Type mime headers in the email including 'text/plain...

Special characters not displaying when using Prototype/AJAX.Update

I've been looking around at all the people who have asked this question, but have yet to find an answer that works for me. Basically, I'm updating a div from an external HTML file that contians characters like é. For some reason, whenever the call gets made the characters are stripped out and replaced with question marks. I've tried bot...

how to escape special characters in jasperreports ?

how to escape special characters in jasperreports ? I want to escape special characters like :- é, â, è, ^, @ in jasper reports, so is there any way we can escape this characters ? ...