
How to Search the Internet for '@'

I'm trying to figure out the context of an @enclosed@ variable in a .properties file, whether it refers to a variable in Java, UNIX, or something else. But try as I might I can't figure out how to search the internet for '@'. Google strips it from searches, even though its search suggestions will include it (and are currently more useful...

How do I print a tab character in Pascal?

I'm trying to figure out in all the Internets what's the special character for printing a simple tab in Pascal. I have to format a table in a CLI program and that would be handy. ...

PHP string cut short

Why does this code $string = "!@#$%^&*(<[email protected]"; echo $string; only output: !@#$%^&*( Is this is a PHP bug? ...

behaviour of escape characters

#include <stdio.h> main() { printf("az\b\b"); printf("s\ni"); } above program when compiled with gcc gives output sz i Can someone help us out to understand the output ...

Displaying ± symbol in Java

How to get the character ± in a string? ...

populating a textarea with special characters.

I'm populating a textarea with previous input of a user. This is pulled from a database and set as the content of the textarea server side. It seems we are having an issue with a typo and a combination of special characters. if the user inputs &#6 originally, when I try to populate my textarea with that it just renders a little square...

Changing MS SQL Collation To Store Different Types Of Characters

Hi everyone, I am working on a website where the content has to be displayed in English, Polish, Slovak and Czech. Currently, everytime a special character used in the non-english languages (such as Á or â), it displays as just a normal A or a. I've traced the problem down to the database. Currently the collation is "Latin1_General_CI_A...

Parsing and replacing special characters from file

I have the following text in a file... blah blah ñ blah Notice the ñ symbol. I'm reading this with StreamReader.ReadLine and then trying a string.Replace to replace the special character. For some reason this isn't working, and it seems to be something to do with the StreamReader. When I inspect the string in the debugger after read...

How can I display a tux character in a shell script?

I realize this is very much of a long shot, but... In shell scripts on Macs I can display an Apple character. Is there any way to display a Tux character (or anything else associated with Linux) on Linux systems? The simplest solution would be if there's something in the Unicode set that symbolizes Linux, whether a Tux or something el...

How can I know if a character shows on the shell?

I am writing a program with special characters in it. Characters like װאבדג (hebrew). Using some Ubuntu I had handy here I could get them to work inside the X environment (inside gnome-terminal). In rxvt, I get strange characters instead of what I have in the file; and in bare xterm I get some of them. The file itself may be just as si...