
mysql result is "special character"-insensitive

Hi, It seems that when i alter a mysql table (on a utf-8 table/columns) unique that it returns a duplicate entry error. Example: ALTER TABLE name ADD UNIQUE(name) error: Duplicate entry 'Adé' for key 'name_UNIQUE' I think it's because of the follow to rows in my database Ade, Adé Is it possible to alter a table unique with spe...

Check NSString for special characters

Hi all, I want to check an NSString for special characters, i.e. anything expect a-z, A-Z and 0-9. I don't need to check how many special characters are present, or their positions, I just need to know whether a particular string contains any or not. If it does, then I want to be able to display "Error!", or something similar. e.g. jH...

Escape special characters from

In the code below, the privacy_policy.html file has several special characters, including some apostrophes. The function below works fine, however, the contents of the privacy_policy.html file are truncated at the first occurance of the apostrophe. I'm trying the mysql_escape_string (have also tried "real") to no avail... $my_pri...

jquery validator plugin field name with special characters

Does anyone know how to get jQuery's validator plugin to recognize input field names with special characters? I have a framework that is generating a form field with these characters: []. Example: <input type="text" name="user[firstname]" id="user-firstname" /> When using Jorn's plugin, the field is disregarded. rules: { user[first...

Saving nonprintable characters to the database in Rails

I am unable to save nonprintable characters (e.g. "\x83") to the database using Rails (v2.2). Simplified example (from the console): >> f = FileSpace.create( { :name => "/tmp/\x83" } ) => #<FileSpace id: 7, name: "/tmp/\203"> >> f.name => "/tmp/\203" >> FileSpace.last => #<FileSpace id: 7, name: "/tmp/"> So you can see, Rails is sile...

Function to prevent special characters in nickname

Hi, I've a website where users can register. I would like to prevent all special characters, accents, etc in the nickname (used to login). I use PHP. How can I do that ? Edit: Another question, can you give me a regular expression (in PHP) who allow ONLY the 26 letters : abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz and no more ? Thanks ...

char '0x8' what character is this?

I have a large amount of data in a database. When I attempt to read a certain portion of the data and generate some xml and send it to a webservice I get the following exception... The char '0x8' in 'java.lang.IllegalArgumentException'. I'm guessing it is some bad data, as it has worked perfectly for about 7 months but now some user...

Objective-C: How to replace HTML entities?

Hi, I'm getting text from Internet and it contains html entities (i.e. &oacute; = ó). I want to show this text into a custom iPhone cell. I've tried to use a UIWebView into my custom cell but I prefer to use a multiline UILabel. The problem is I can't find any way of replacing these HTML entities. ...

What is encoding characters the URL? Browser or PHP?

Imagine this simple form <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; ?>" method="post"> <fieldset> <legend>Contact Me</legend> <label for="email">Email:</label> <input type="text" name="email" id="email" /> <button type="submit">Submit</button> </fieldset> </form> Now imagine it is accesse...

How can I use a special char in a C# enum?

Hello, For example: public enum Unit{ KW, kV, V, Hz, %V } In this case % is a special character. So, how can I put this char in a enum? ...

How to drop oracle user starting with colon (:)

Help! I've used impdp and had a typo - now I've got a user name starting with colon (:) - e.g :my_schema. How can I drop this user? I've tried everything I could think of to escape it, but nothing helps. Edit: To clarify - I know how to drop a user. I'm having difficulty overcoming the special character issue. ...

Identifying and removing null characters in UNIX

I have a text file containing unwanted null characters. When I try to view it in I see ^@ symbols, interleaved in normal text. How can I: a) Identify which lines in the file contains null characters? I have tried grepping for \0 and \x0, but this did not work. b) Remove the null characters? Running strings on the file cleaned it up, bu...

How to write ½ in php

Hi everyone, Quick question, how can I make this valid : if($this->datos->bathrooms == "1½"){$select1 = JText::_( 'selected="selected"' );} The ½ doesn't seem to be recognized. I tried to write it as &#189; but then it looks for &#189; literally, and not the ½ sign. Any ideas? ...

Sending multilingual email. Which charset should I suse?

I want to send emails in a number of languages (en/es/fr/de/ru/pl). I notice that Gmail uses KOI8-R charset when sending emails contatining Cyrillic characters. Can I just use KOI8-R for ALL my emails, or is there any reason to select a particular charset for each language? ...

Replacing special characters from HTML source

I'm new to HTML coding and I know HTML has some reserved characters for its use and it also displays some characters by their character code. For example -: Œ is &#140; © is &copy; ® is &reg; I have the HTML source in std::string. how can i decipher them into their actual form and replace from std::string? is there any libra...

BlazeDS error - IOException reading message - client closed socket before sending the message?

I have a flex client and I am submitting a form with GB18030 CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B characters (Unicode value > FFFF). The form hangs and I see the following error in the log file [BlazeDS]Channel endpoint my-amf received request. [BlazeDS]IOException reading message - client closed socket before sending the message? [BlazeD...

C# WindowsApp TextBox with Special Characters

Hi, I would like to include a textbox / richtextbox in which I would like to include text such as "jogħġbok żomm din il-bieb magħluq". When I putting this text in the textbox/rightext box I am getting the following: jog&#295;&#289;bok &#380;omm din il-bieb mag&#295;luq Can you please help? I am getting the string from google tra...

PHP: Updating Twitter status while keeping special charactars intact

On this page... http://www.axisofeco.com/matters/2010/03/11/the-word-youre-looking-for-is-sublime/ ... I have a 'Tweet this' link which pastes in the article title and a link into your Twitter update box (if you're logged in to Twitter). Problem is, when articles such as the one above have special characters in them (fancy single / d...

Solr JavaScript transformers and special characters (æ, ø, and å)

I am running Solr 1.4 with the Jetty web server. I have a transformer, written in JavaScript in my data-config.xml file, that looks as follows: <script><![CDATA[ function transform(row) { var itemColor = row.get('ItemColor'); if (itemColor == 'SORT' || itemColor == 'BLACK') { row.put...

What is difference between \n and \r?

Possible Duplicate: What is the difference between \r and \n? Hi, What is difference between \n (newline) and \r (carriage return)? They both move current cursor to the next line. Are they same? ...