
Windows: How to canonicalize a file to the special folder?

i want to to persist some filenames for the user (e.g. recent files). Let's use six example files: c:\Documents & Settings\Ian\My Documents\Budget.xls c:\Documents & Settings\Ian\My Documents\My Pictures\Daughter's Winning Goal.jpg c:\Documents & Settings\Ian\Application Data\uTorrent c:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Application Data...

How to specify log file path using folder locations in Windows with log4net xml configurator?

In my app.config I put <appender name="RollingFileAppender" type="log4net.Appender.RollingFileAppender"> <file value="%programdata%/log-file.txt"/> but it didn't work. Any ideas? ...

Accessing Windows' special named folders in PHP fopen streams

Hi Everyone, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Folders I am having a problem with accessing a special folder in a fopen stream in php. Example $fp = fopen("%USERPROFILE%/Desktop/text.txt", 'wb'); fwrite($fp, $data); fclose($fp); I try this with sysinternals process monitor running to try and see what is actually happening and it...

how to find MyMusic Folder from other users ?

how to find MyMusic Folder of other users ? ...

Writing to internal SD card on Android

Is there any way of accessing the internal SD card on Android devices that have internal flash, internal SD and external SD cards? ...

Are there any permission issues if I try and write to AllUsersApplicationData

I have an encrypted connection file I want to make accessible to a couple of different applications, and I want to make it available to all users of the machine my apps are installed on. I'm thinking of writing it to my "Company" root folder within the My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.AllUsersApplicationData path, by which I me...

best place for "secure" file on windows

I have written a program for one customer. I implemented a licensing method for him (signed XML files). This customer wants the application to be installed only once on his customer's PC, and wants me to "secure" this ... especially because his licenses are time-limited. Those PCs do not have internet access. I told him this is absolutel...

What are the default APPDATA directories each version of Windows?

Is there a list of default APPDATA directories each version of Windows? (XP & up) I need to know the default directory each OS will return for the following call: SHGetSpecialFolderLocation( NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA|CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE , &pidl ); ...