
Sphinx search engine and related tags

I'm using Sphinx search engine to index all my Intranet documents using tags. With that I don't have any trouble to find specific documents with one ore more tags. I want to go further with a new feature like the StackOverflow "related tags" feature. Does anybody know the best way to do this with Sphinx ? Thanks ...

How do I build a on-the-fly search engine? (with ranking/relevancy)

I was a heavy user in Sphinx and Lucene. Sphinx just takes a database, indexes it. And you call Sphinx to get the ID's. But what if I want to create a search engine that's very tiny. Just a few rows of data and a few paragraphs of words? The trick is, the rows of data is constantly changing. So, I can't have an "index". I want to be ...

Everything is ok, but my can't show anything, why ? I used django-sphinx

from djangosphinx.models import SphinxSearch def xx(request): queryset =File.search.query('test') #return HttpResponse(queryset)#<------1 return render_to_response('a.html',{'a':queryset})#<--------2 and class File(models.Model): name = models.CharField(max_length=200) tags = models.CharField(max_length=200) # We ...

how does get the title and content of this code in django-sphinx.

i get this string: {'id': 1, 'weight': 101, 'attrs': {'date_added': 1265274382, 'group_id': 1}}{'id': 2, 'weight': 100, 'attrs': {'date_added': 1265274382, 'group_id': 1}}{'id': 4, 'weight': 100, 'attrs': {'date_added': 1265274382, 'group_id': 2}} i want to get the real data(title and content): and my view is : from djangosphinx.mo...

Problem with searchd protocol error in sphinx

I am getting the error ERROR: expected searchd protocol version 1+, got version '0'. Does anyone knows why is it coming so when i run test2.php of sphinx api(ver 0.9.9-win32). ...

Conditional output in Sphinx Documentation

I'm writing some documentation with Sphinx and I'd like to print out a certain block of text only for HTML documentation, not for LaTeX documentation. Something tells me I should be able to do this with sphinx.ext.ifconfig but I can't figure out how. Does anyone know how to do this? ...

How do I disable colors in LaTeX output generated from sphinx?

When I build the LaTeX file generated from sphinx, the TOC entries, and section headers are blue. Is there an easy way to disable coloring these items? If not, is there an easy way to make them black instead? My goal is to print the document on a non-color printer, and the TOC and headings do not look as dark as the rest of the text w...

sphinx (python) pdf generator

Hi, I use sphinx python documentation generator. Creating pdf documents are very easy and simple but.... i have one problem. All generated pdf documents have english words like "chapter", "release", "part". Is it possible change it? How set another words or remove it? ...

Why does Sphinx generate json?

I notice that Sphinx has the ability to generate documentation in JSON. What are these files used for? ...

ElasticSearch, Sphinx, Lucene, Solr, Xapian. Which fits for which usage ?

I'm currently looking at other search methods rather than having a huge SQL query. I saw elasticsearch recently and played with woosh (a python implementation of a search engine). Can you argument your choices on why you chose or will choose any of those project ? ...

Sphinx and wordforms

Hello, How could I make Sphinx to recognize "auto" and "car" as similar words? Let's image I have three database records Andy likes to drive auto. Mary don't like to drive car. Bob is going to buy automobile. Here is sample queries and it's results... query: car result: Mary don't like to drive car. --------------------------------...

sphinx cuts symbol

I have a music collection and use sphinx for searching in it. Search mode is SPH_MATCH_PHRASE, but when I search f.e. for "B'Day" album - sphinx cuts "'" and searching by "Day" query. How can I force sphinx to search by exact phrase without filtering any symbols? ...

If anyone has used Sphinx Search engine before...do you know if it can join words?

When you search "Stack Overflow", Sphinx will not bring up results that match "Stackoverflow" That's because Sphinx indexes "Stackoverflow" as one word...whereas the query is two words. Does anyone know how to fix this? (like Google...they can join the query !) ...

MySQL full-text search in Rails?

When I added search functionality to my first Rails app, I used Sphinx, after reading that using MySQL's built-in fulltext search was a bad idea. While Sphinx works well, it's a bit complicated to set up, and I feel there's too much overload for the simple searching functionality I require in my app. Searches aren't performed very often...

Which index does each match belong to?

I have set up Sphinx to index three tables in a MySQL database, each to its own index. The problem I'm having is that it doesn't return which index each match belongs to, so unless I'm searching an individual index, the results are fairly useless. The search app included with Sphinx displays the index along with the matches, is there a...

Sphinx error: unknown local index "INDEX_NAME" in search request

Hello Im using Sphinx 0.9.9-release (r2117) and sphinxapi.php (http://code.google.com/p/sphinxsearch/source/browse/tags/REL_0_9_9_RC2/api/sphinxapi.php). When I testing searching in command shell: "search -i INDEX_NAME test" everything is perfect, but when I connect to Sphinx by sphinxapi.php this error occur. sphinx.conf is configure...

Sphinx: Using SetGroupBy to sort groups using aggregate functions

I want to group-by one attribute, then sort those groups using the min- or max-value of a different attribute, in either ascending or descending order. We've defined a source with a bunch of attributes including: sql_attr_uint = CategoryId sql_attr_str2ordinal = SortableName Without grouping, we can sort results using SortableNam...

What am I doing wrong for Sphinx to fail to start during cap deploy?

Hello All, I'm struggling to get Sphinx back up and running after deploying a rails app to my VPS. Specifically, I'm thrown this error: ** [out :: myapp.com] => Mixing in Lockdown version: 1.6.4 ** [out :: myapp.com] ** [out :: myapp.com] Failed to start searchd daemon. Check /var/www/myapp/releases/20100227224936/log/searchd.log. ** ...

Jobs site search engine doubt - Sphinx is the solution??

Hi... im developing a web app to manager jobs, curriculum and etc... For example in my case: I have a CV table which contain some information about... and same fields in my table, is a reference to others tables like (Kind of company, kind of job looking for, education, languages the guy knows... a ordinary cv model) My doubt is ... th...

Sphinx search filter to handle arrays

I have a database of objects which have each been assigned to multiple categories. I am using sphinx search to search the products but would also like to filter the results to only objects that match an array of categories. ...