
Using String.split() to access numeric values

i tried myself lot but can't get a solution so i'm asking help. i have an string String input="---4--5-67--8-9---"; now i need to convert in into an string array which will look like: String [][]output={{4},{5},{67},{8},{9}}; i tried with split() and java.util.Arrays.toString("---4--5-67--8-9---".split("-+") but can't find th...

.NET MVC2 custom subpage routes

In searching I came across http://stackoverflow.com/questions/411054/asp-net-mvc-page-subpage-routing and the wildcard was somewhat of a lifesaver, but presented a new problem. Consider the following routes, if you will. The goal here is to have the index (http://www.domain.com) use the default route and [domain]/page use the Content ro...

Java: How can I split a Polygon by a Line?

As shown below, Is it possible to split a Polygon by a Line? (In to two Polygons). If the line didn't go all the way across the polygon it would probably fail (return null) Is this possible? If so, how would I do this? ...

Split page scrolling behaviour in HTML

So I have a page that is split into 2 columns. The left column there are expandable forms that are quite long to ask the user optional product preferences. On the right side of the page there is a much shorter, 'contact details' form. The contact details form is mandatory while all the left product preferences forms are optional. The b...

Python: How exactly can you take a string, split it, reverse it and join it back together again?

How exactly can you take a string, split it, reverse it and join it back together again without the brackets, commas, etc. using python? ...

Parsing / Splitting Keywords from Spatial / Location in Search

I'm trying to figure out a decent way to parse keywords from location words within a single string before or after geocoding the string or part of the string. For example: "iphone battery accessories toronto, on", or "2010 volvo 90210", or "circus texas", etc. It turns out I can pass the entire string to most geocoders and get a valid l...

split array values when there is a comma

hi i'm able to split a string into an array $array = preg_split("/[\s]*[,][\s]*/", $category); RESULT Array ( [0] => jquery[1] => bla[2] => bla); but now i have a database with a row holding all by categories ("cat1, 2, 3, ..") - multiple records have similar categories- so in order to create a quick "category" menu i'm using th...

split text file in two using bash script

I have a text file with a marker somewhere in the middle: one two three blah-blah *MARKER* blah-blah four five six ... I just need to split this file in two files, first containing everything before MARKER, and second one containing everything after MARKER. It seems it can be done in one line with awk or sed, I just can't figure out h...

Javascript - Split dynamic string getting values inside brackets

I have this as data input (it's dynamic so it can be 1 up to 5 brackets in the same string) data["optionBase"] = {} //declaration data["optionBase"]["option"] = {} //declaration data["optionBase"]["option"][value] = {} //declaration data["optionBase"]["option"][value]["detail"] = somethingHere Each line comes as a string, not as an ar...

Writing own Split function for earlier version of VB. How to handle multiple delimiters in a row?

The following Split function found at support.microsoft.com does not create array values corresponding to consecutive delimiters. eg. the string "hello|world||today" would generate the array: arr[0] = "hello", arr[1] = "world", arr[2] = "today" instead of the more correct: arr[0] = "hello", arr[1] = "world", arr[2] = "", arr[3] = "tod...

Efficient way to divide a String

Hello, I have a String which can be very long so I want to split it in an array of Strings so in each position the string's length should be lower than a specified number. The split can only be done in a white space or after a punctuation symbol, because I need that each fragments makes sense when it is read. It is something like a word...

Split long string into little ones. - trying to find an elegant way for doing so.

Hello all, If the string is bigger then 50 chars long, I need to split it. The maximum allowed is 3 chunks of 50. It could be less then 50 but never more then 150. I don't need any special chars to be added, or to serve as "splitters"; I can break the string anywhere, no problem, since the propose is not for showing it to the user. if...

Multiple explode characters with comma and - (hyphen)

I want to explode a string for all: whitespaces (\n \t etc) comma hyphen (small dash). Like this >> - But this does not work: $keywords = explode("\n\t\r\a,-", "my string"); How to do that? ...

RegEx in VBA: Break a complex string into multiple tokens?

EDIT: Two additional token types added. Hi, I am trying to parse a line in a mmCIF Protein file into separate tokens using Excel 2000/2003. Worst case it COULD look something like this: token1 token2 "token's 1a',1b'" 'token4"5"' 12 23.2 ? . 'token' tok'en to"ken Which should become the following tokens: token1 token2 token's 1a',1b'...

Splitting strings in VB.Net

Hi all! I have this code: Dim StringParts As New List(Of String)(OriginalString.Split(New Char() {"\"c}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) When run, StringParts always have one element, because StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries = 1. How can I tell VB.Net to use the right function, and not understand StringSplitOptions.Remo...

splitting string by C#

I've got this string: UNB+UNOA:1+094200005560743089001003:OD+094200005565200077SP0001:OD+100705:1017+570180'UNH+1+SYNCRO:2::OD'MID+102711015461800+100705:1014'CDT+::::::BQ6UB'BDT+::::::1003-002'CSG+:Nisses MONTERING:::::BP2TH+005+TCSB'SEQ+CR+2059433+YV1CM5957B1574778:602816985'ARD+39855213::PART NO'SDD+100705+1'UNT+9+1'UNZ+1+5701...

Split string into equal-length substrings in Scala

Im looking for an elegant way in Scala to split a given string into substrings of fixed size (the last string in the sequence might be shorter). So split("Thequickbrownfoxjumps", 4) should yield ["Theq","uick","brow","nfox","jump","s"] Of course I could simply use a loop but there has to be a more elegant (functional style) soluti...

PHP: Seperate one field in two.

As many recommend me to seperate firstname and lastname instead of "full_name" with everything in, how can i seperate them to each variables, so if you example type in the field: "Dude Jackson" then "dude" gets in $firstname and Jackson in the $lastname. ...

Regular expression to split string and number

I have a string of the form: codename123 Is there a regular expression that can be used with Regex.Split() to split the alphabetic part and the numeric part into a two-element string array? ...

Split strings from a text file

I have the following strings in a text file "test" Table Name.type Market Drinks.tea I wana split the strings so that I get the following output ObjectName = Table AttributeName = Name Attribute Type =type ObjectName = Market AttributeName = Drinks Attribute Type =tea here is my code string[] lines = File.Read...