
Using .Split to remove empty entries

I am trying to split at every space " ", but it will not let me remove empty entries and then find the length, but it is treated as a syntax error. My code: TextBox1.Text.Split(" ", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Length What am I doing wrong? ...

How can I split a string into only two parts with Perl?

I have a string that with several parts separated by tabs: Hello\t2009-08-08\t1\t2009-08-09\t5\t2009-08-11\t15 I want to split it up only on the first tab, so that "Hello" ends up in $k and and rest ends up in $v. This doesn't quite work: my ($k, $v) = split(/\t/, $string); How can I do that? ...

Complex XSLT split?

Hello, Is it possible to split a tag at lower to upper case boundaries i.e. for example, tag 'UserLicenseCode' should be converted to 'User License Code' so that the column headers look a little nicer. I've done something like this in the past using Perl's regular expressions, but XSLT is a whole new ball game for me. Any pointers in ...

How do I extract a single chunk of bytes from within a file?

On a Linux desktop (RHEL4) I want to extract a range of bytes (typically less than 1000) from within a large file (>1 Gig). I know the offset into the file and the size of the chunk. I can write code to do this but is there a command line solution? Ideally, something like: magicprogram --offset 102567 --size 253 < input.binary > outpu...

How to split a string by multiple delimiters in PHP?

"something here ; and there, oh,that's all!" I want to split it by ; and , so after processing should get: something here and there oh that's all! ...

Why is there an extra empty row when splited by multibyte punctuation?

Try this: $pattern = '/[\x{ff0c},]/u'; //$string = "something here ; and there, oh,that's all!"; $string = 'hei,nihao,a '; echo '<pre>', print_r( preg_split( $pattern, $string ), 1 ), '</pre>'; exit(); output: <pre>Array ( [0] => hei,nihao,a ) </pre> ...

JavaScript: split doesn't work in IE???

Is there a reason why the following piece of code doesn't work in IE? While with FF and other sane browsers it splits the string by the given expression, in IE it simply doesn't work. var str = "abc<font id=\"something\">def</font>gh"; alert(str.split(/(\<.*?\>|.)/).length); Thank you. ...

How do I extract single characters or enclosed groupings from a string in Perl?

I would like to split the string: "Hello[You]All" to the following array: H,e,l,l,o,[You],A,l,l I tried to do it with split: my $str = "Hello[You]All"; my @list = split(/(\[.*?\]|.)/, $str); foreach (@list) { print "->$_\n"; } Since I tried something that split is not supposed to do, it gave me the following array: ,H,,e,...

Regular expression for splitting by char which might be escaped

I need to split a string similar to a path, which is delimited by dots. The tricky part is that the each subentry may also contain dots, which are escaped by another dot. Each entry may otherwise contain basically anything (including special characters such as space or :;/\|(), etc..) Two examples: "Root.Subpath.last/entry:with specia...

How to split one string into multiple strings in bash shell?

I have a string, like a sentence, and I know for sure that there are many words with at least one space separate every adjacent two. How can I split the words into individual strings so I can loop through them? EDIT: Bash The string is passed in as an argument. e.g. ${2} might be "cat '' cat '' file". so how can I loop through this ar...

How to split string into a Dictionary<string,string>

I need to create an dictionary by splitting a string like this: [SenderName] Some name [SenderEmail] Some email address [ElementTemplate] Some text for an element [BodyHtml] This will contain the html body text in multi lines [BodyText] This will be multiline for text body The key could be surrounded by anything if that easier, e.g. ...

How can I suppress empty leading fields in Perl's split()?

The perlfunc entry for split says: By default, empty leading fields are preserved Hinting that there's a way to over-ride that default, but later on all it says is: Empty leading fields are produced when there are positive-width matches at the beginning of the string ...does this mean that there's no way to skip that first fi...

Split String in C# without delimiter (sort of)

Hi, I want to split a string in C#.NET that looks like this: string Letters = "hello"; and put each letter (h, e, l, l, o) into an array or ArrayList. I have no idea what to use as the delimiter in String.Split(delimiter). I can do it if the original string has commas (or anything else): string Letters = "H,e,l,l,o"; string[] AllLett...

VS: SplitContainer control. How to implement "snapping"?

I use Visual Studio (C#) 2008 I've got a SplitContainer - each of its two panels contains one datagridview. The user can resize the panels by dragging the splitter up and down. I'd like to implement the "snap" effect - whenever the splitter gets close to the edge of one of the datagridviews, it would "get caught", so that the grid fits...

How to reformat space delimited lines of text into separate <div> tags in C language?

Guys, I need to be able to (in C language) loop over a few lines of text where each line has some text in it where words are delimited by a variable number of white spaces. How can I detect the spaces and split each line into some kind of array so that I can put each word in a separate word tag in each line? Any advice would be much ap...

Split data to multiple columns

This is the data currently located in one column: "Title Info - Company Here - City Here, ST" ST represents state ie GA Sometimes my data looks like this: "Title Info - Company Here - United States" Data is on column named "title" and is without quotes. How do I split this using php, for 4 new columns named: "New_Title", "Compan...

Splitting words into letters in Java

How can you split a word to its constituent letters? Example of code which is not working class Test { public static void main( String[] args) { String[] result = "Stack Me 123 Heppa1 oeu".split("\\a"); // output shou...

Regex to split a string only by the last whitespace character

Hello, hopefully this should be a quick and simple one, using PHP I'm trying to split a string into an array but by only the last instance of whitespace. So far I have... $str="hello this is a space"; $arr=preg_split("/\s+/",$str); print_r($arr); Array ( [0] => hello [1] => this [2] => is [3] => a [4] => space ) ...which split...

Classic ASP - Split and Contains in a simple SQL query

Hi, I've the following sql query: SQL = "SELECT * FROM Product WHERE ProductCategoryId = " & Request.QueryString("CategoryId") This query tells to get all the products from ONE category. I want the ability so products can be from some categories, and not from one category only. So, I changed the [Product].ProductCategoryId field t...

Divide a string into smaller parts & organize a structure (C-programming)

Hi again! I am still learning C and I'm having some trouble figuring out how to handle this. Well, I have two structs: struct myStruct { ... struct myString *text[5]; ... } allStructs; struct myString { char part[100]; }; The objective is to have allStruct[n] point to 5 different parts of a text divided into lines of...