
Inner UI:repeat does not bind to a bean in a nested UI:repeat

HI, I am using nested ui:repeats to display my data. the outer UI:repeat works and binds to bean just fine, but the inner does not bind to the bean. In sumary, I would like to display a list of people where each person has a name and a list of email addresses. Here is my code: <ui:repeat value="#{myFamily.personList}" var="eachPerson" >...

accessing HttpServletRequest object in Spring WebFlow

I am using WebFlow and would like to add the current Locale into the flow. I already have a resolveLocale method that does this with this signature: public Locale resolveLocale (HttpServletRequest request); I would like to add something like this in my WebFlow XML: <on-start> <evaluate expression="localeService.resolveLocale(???)" r...

How to add URL parameter using Spring Web Flow?

What is the best way to add URL parameter (sic!) using Spring Web Flow without leaving current flow? I know that there are proper ways to send parameters (via scopes), but this one needs to be seen by servlet filter. ...

Spring web flow not being followed between pages on chrome

I have a two page flow made with spring web flow (version 1.0.5). It works ok in Firefox, but in Chrome I can't go to the second page, as org.springframework.webflow.executor.support.RequestParameterFlowExecutorArgumentHandler.isFlowExecutionKeyPresent() return false. I guess that key is being saved in a httpsession. I tried deleting ...

Spring MVC with Webflow or Struts 2?

I am starting a new project and must decide between the two. The team has no experience in either. Both seem to have similar functionality. If you have experience in either technology, or both, I would appreciate your input. Thanks ...

Does Spring Webflow 2.x still support gradual conversion from Struts 1.x?

I've been trying for a long time to move this large project I'm working on away from the now quite dated struts 1.x framework and on to something newer. The main blocker has been that we aren't given enough time for a complete re-write. I came across this article: http://www.devx.com/webdev/Article/28041/0/page/3 Which seems to sugges...

Can Spring Webflow define beans within flow.xml definitions?

I'm defining a lot of flows and each of my flows has a lot of actions within its states. The namespace seems to be getting fairly crowded now, so I'm wondering if it's possible to define the spring beans for flow actions from within the flow.xml or some other way such that it's visible to the flow, but not to other flows, but still has...

restoring flow in Spring Webflow 2

Hi, With Spring Webflow 2, how can we restore the state of a flow from a previous session? Thanks in advance ...

Spring Web flow configuration error

Hi all, I am trying to setup spring web flow. I am using spring 2.5 jars and swf 2.0.8 jar Here is my configuration file: <bean id="urlMapping" class="org.springframework.web.servlet.handler.SimpleUrlHandlerMapping"> <property name="order" value="1" /> <property name="mappings"> <props> <prop key="index.htm">indexController</prop> </pro...

In Spring Web Flow, how do I add # to the end of the flowExecutionKey to redirect to an anchor in a page?

Basically I want to add a # to the end of the flow execution key e.g. _flowExecutionKey=_c8CEAE6.....E1095# so that when the page displays it will display at the anchor tag I have a page which is built dynamically by the user. The user can choose to add additional fields to the page to enter more data. The fields are an object whi...

Servlet Dispatcher throwing exception

I have a simple Spring web flow application created. When the application starts, I get the following error on my Tomcat server: SEVERE: Servlet.service() for servlet dispatcher threw exception java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: WEB_APPLICATION_CONTEXT_ATTRIBUTE at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.ServletMvcView.doRender(Servle...

How to use same view-state with different views in spring web flow

Hey Guys, I am trying to find the way to use same view-state but with different views so that based on where it is being called, I can provide different view to the user. For instance, trying to achieve as follows: <var name="searchpage" value="search.jsp"> <view-state id="searchBusiness" view="${searchpage}"/> Please shar...

Spring Webflow: cannot get flow execution url at action phase of portlet

The following exception is thrown: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: A flow execution action URL can only be obtained in a RenderRequest using a RenderResponse at org.springframework.webflow.context.portlet.PortletExternalContext.getFlowExecutionUrl(PortletExternalContext.java:2 06) at org.springframework.webflow....

Configuration problem: Cannot locate BeanDefinitionParser for element [executor]

I m new to spring and m just trying on my hands using spring MVC 2.0 and spring webflow 1.0. but i m getting following error might be when dispatcher deligate request to flow... Configuration problem: Cannot locate BeanDefinitionParser for element [executor] i have spring 2.0 jar file and webflow 1.0 jar file in application build pat...

Start app in a web flow

Hi all, I am using spring web flow 2. I want that my first page to be one of a flow. How can I do that? I tried to set the welcome-file but it doesn't work. Any ideas? Thanks, Luisa ...

Can i use Spring on GAE?

Can i use Spring Webflow/MVC and Spring Security and Hibernate on Google App Engine? Is there a list/summary of java frameworks that can be used on the GAE? ...

Include external workflow in Spring WebFlow

I have a Spring WebFlow (2.0.9.RELEASE) flow that needs to send the user to an external site, then have the external site send the user back to resume the flow. I can send GET parameters to the external site and the site will send the same GET parameters back. How can I set this up? ...

How to capture user clicks in spring web flow

Hey Guys, I am pretty new to web flow, so please forgive me if this is a silly question. I have a basic web flow setup with JSPs and model classes. I don't have any form beans or controllers. I use the model class to directly bind with JSP elements so that spring can do all the wiring for me. Once submitted i do validation and other bac...

Spring Webflow in Grails keeping plenty of hibernate sessions open

Hi, I have an Internet app running on Grails 1.1.2 and it integrates Spring WebFlow mechanism. The problem is that there are some bots ignoring robots.txt and are entering the flow quite often. Because second step of the flow needs some human intelligence, the bot leaves open flow after the first step. This causes a lot of open flows ...

Prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery in a Spring WebFlow Application

I'm looking for a (hopefully straightforward) way to add CSRF protection to an application build on Spring WebFlow 2. An approach that migrates well to Spring WebFlow 3 (when released) is preferred. ...