
Bookmarkable URL in JSF application - Trying to use Spring Webflow and JSF . Any suggestions ?

Our application is JSF , hibernate & Spring. Currently the url is in following format http://www.skill-guru.com/skill/login/testDetails.faces?testId=62&testName=PMP-Certification-practice-test We want a clean url like http://www.skill-guru.com/urltitle?some parameter One of the ways we could do this is through integration with Sp...

No flow definition found. Spring web flow

Hi, I am new to Spring webflow and now I am trying the example in Spring recipes book and I know this is a basic question. I am getting the error as follows, org.springframework.webflow.definition.registry.NoSuchFlowDefinitionException: No flow definition '${flowExecutionUrl}&_eventId=next' found at org.springframework.webflo...

How to implement login page using Spring Security so that it works with Spring web flow?

I have a web application using Spring 2.5.6 and Spring Security 2.0.4. I have implemented a working login page, which authenticates the user against a web service. The authentication is done by defining a custom authentincation manager, like this: <beans:bean id="customizedFormLoginFilter" class="org.springframework.security.ui.web...

Unit testing nested subflows (subflows of subflows)

I'm trying to write unit test for a flow, which has subflow, which, itself, has another subflow. I register first flow using FlowDefinitionResource getResource(FlowDefinitionResourceFactory resourceFactory). Then I register subflow definitions during test execution in FlowDefinitionRegistry before transitioning to them. Transitioning ...

how do I register a custom conversion Service in spring 3 / webflow 2?

I've been trying to follow this example and using the reference to guide me, but I'm having no luck. I've defined a converter: import org.springframework.binding.convert.converters.StringToObject; import java.text.DateFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.text.ParseException; import java.util.Date; public class Strin...

Accessing Errors-object in a Spring Webflow 2.0 test

How do I access the Errors-object created by spring when validation fails from a Spring Webflow 2.0 test (inherits from AbstractXmlFlowExecutionTests)? I tried using the FormObjectAccessor.getCurrentFormErrors() but I couldn't get a reference to the RequestContext. ...

Spring webflow 1.0 - Downloading a file

I am using spring webflow 1.0. I am uploading a csv file, parsing it, and displying results before proceeding. The user has an option to download a csv file that contains the records that did not pass validation. When I click the link in a JSP to download this file, webflow invokes a form Action. The form action writes out a file via get...

testing for empty string with SPEL in spring-webflow 2.1

Hi, I have a usecase where I want to set the value of a field which I keep in the session and have added to the . I keep 'myModel' in flowScope Now I would like to set a String property of object myModel if it is empty, so I want to do something like this: <on-render> <evaluate expression="if empty(flowScope.myModel.name)) ...

Hot to get HttpServletRequest from MockExternalContext

Hi experts. Now I'm working on a spring web-flow unit test. I have to retrieve "HttpServletRequest" from MockExternalContext. But MockExternalContext don't support providing HttpServletRequest.How can I do to solve this problem ...

Is Spring Webflow suitable for async. flows?

I've got my first impression of Spring WebFlow 2.1 from studying the reference app and reading the manual. Before going further, I would like to ask for the impression of this community. Actually, I plan my site to consist of only one single web page. Everything (login/logout, adding elements etc.) else is supposed to be updated via asy...

Setting Path of Cookies when Spring Webflow is used

How do you refer to a resource(a JSP or any view) to set the path of a cookie when the application is using Spring webflow? ...

How to change default format in StringToDate? Spring WebFlow

Default date format in Spring WebFlow is "yyyy-MM-dd". How to change to another format? "dd.mm.yyyy" for example. Thx. ...

When does it make sense to use Spring WebFlow on top of Spring MVC?

Spring MVC has become a very popular framework for building enterprise web applications. Any complex web application has certain flows that need to be coded, including some conditional flows (i.e., show order processed if the credit card information was correct, or validation errors if something was not entered correctly). When does it...

What is the reason spring webflow does not support dojox?

Is it because their ambition of 'progressive Ajax'? Meaning that dojox would not allow to fallback to non-javascript interaction? ...

View inheritance problem

I have copied this question here from spring forum. I have a parent flow and a child flow. The parent flow has following folder structure parent | |--parent-flow.xml |--parentView.xhtml This parent has following view-state <view-state id="parentState" view="parentView.xhtml"> </view-state> Child flow looks like ...

Spring Web Flow: FileUpload problem

Hi everyone, I want to save the uploaded file with Spring WebFlow in a specific folder, and I made the following. Here is the model: public class FileUploadHandler implements Action { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8801901733860111693L; static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(UserServiceImpl.class); private transient Mul...

Spring WebFlow: Problem in Registration with multiple steps

Hi Everyone, I have realized in my current project a Registration with multiple steps. If one has to click on "Back" button after you have completed the first form and then puts on the "Next" button for the next form, preserved not already specified input data. How can the already existing input data with Spring Web Flow will be maint...

Spring "typemismatch" and required fields

Hi, In the context of Spring Webflow 2.0.x...... I handle form binding "typemismatches", i.e. as a result of trying to map a String onto a Integer field, by using the following in my messages.properties typeMismatch={0} contains invalid data. This works fine. The problem is that if the field that the typeMismatch error occurred on w...

Can I run Webflow 1.0 flows through Spring Webflow 2.1.1?

I have a project built with Webflow 1.0 and Spring 2.0. We'd like to upgrade to Spring 3, but that requires Webflow 2.X. I've updated all the Spring and Webflow jars in the project, but when I try to load the initial flow, I get: org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingException: Configuration problem: Cannot ...

JSF 2.0 + SWF 3 integration tutorial / example

Where can i find working example / tutorial for simple webapp on JSF 2.0 integrated with SWF 3 (Spring Web Flow) ? Is this possible ? ...