
Configuring ASP.NET MVC 2 with Spring.NET and FluentNHibernate

Hello, I'm trying to configure ASP.NET MVC 2 RC and Spring .NET 1.3 to use FluentNHibernate. I've managed to get FluentNHibernate running inside console application. At moment ASP.NET MVC 2 RC and Spring .NET are working fine for me, but I'm having trouble configuring FluentHibernate. Before asking this question I have Googled a lot...

Nhibernate, error performing isolated work

First question here I have a parent object with child object I'm using hilo generator and spring transaction manager the save operation give the error in the title. ...

Are spring.net objects created once for each server call?

Or are they created once for the whole application? ...

Creating repositories with spring.net

I'm creating my repositories with spring.net. However, I'm wondering what the lifetime is of these objects. In my repositories, objects that are retrieved from the database are cached in a registry. But this should only happen for a single server call. Can you specify in spring.net configuration that the objects should be created for eac...

WCF with spring

I'm fairly new to wcf (we have yet to upgrade to .net 3.0 in my workplace) and I'm working on a little home project to bring myself up to speed with some of the 'newer' features of .net. I tend to use spring.net in most of my projects and so after creating my first WCF service I started to look at configuration via spring.net So far my...

WCF and Spring.nets ServiceExporter

Hi guys, Has anybody successfully using spring.nets Spring.ServiceModel.ServiceExporter with WCF?? Some background..... I'm trying to configure wcf services with spring.net for use in a web application In my first iteration of the project I suceeded by configuring the service object with spring (I gave it the id requestManagerService...

spring.net used in a class library

Hi, I am attempting to use spring.net 's IoC conatiner in a class library which in and of itself is not an executable. A web project simply calls this library , this library contains the references to the spring binaries and to spring's config files. Essentially the question is: Does spring.net need to reside in an executable to start, ...

NHibernate Interceptor Not Used When Saving

I have a NHibernate Interceptor that is set in the HibernateTemplate using Spring.Net (I'm using ASP.NET MVC, fwiw), which is used for Auditing. However, for some reason, while the OnLoad method is being triggered when I call genericDAO.Get(id), when I try to save something using genericDAO.SaveOrUpdate(object) neither the OnSave or OnFl...

Any good reference book for Spring.Net to start on beside the Spring.net manual ?

Any good reference book for Spring.Net to start on beside the Spring.net manual ? ...

How to setup spring.net dependency injection for a web service?

I have been handed a wsdl file + a number of xsd type definition files - the service I need to code against is not ready yet and I need to put together a fake service (so called a stub or mock) in order to be ready when the real thing comes along. My question is - once I get the interface I need to implement from the wsdl, how do I setu...

Enable client side validation on a page using spring.net validation?

Hi, I am currently playing around spring.net framework. In fact, i am wondering about Spring.net validation since i cannot figure out to enable client side validation of controls on a page just like asp.net validation do. Thanks, ...

Spring.net Using ProxyFactoryObject with Objects that use Constructor Injection

Hi, I've got an issue where i'm trying to call an object in spring.net through a ProxyFactoryObject. Now the the object that i'm calling in the factory has one constructor which takes in another object by reference through constructor injection. When i call the proxy from the c# code the correct target object is returned from the prox...

Spring.Net public property setter pointcut

Hi, Do you know any pointcut definition in spring.net to intercept only public property setter (standard properties and auto-implement properties)? Is there a way after this to remove some property by name (Id, Version...)? Is it possible possible to narrow pointcut to children of a certain base class (EntityBase)? As you can see i'm...

feeding dependencies to a factory class via IoC?

I have a factory class that decides which of four available subclasses it should instantiate and return. As you would expect, all subclasses implement the same interface: public static class FooFactory{ public IFoo CreateFoo(FooEnum enum){ switch (enum) { case Foo1: return...

Asp.Net Web Framework for Asp.net 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005

I am working on re-factoring of an existing Asp.Net 2.0 web site. I am looking for a framework/pattern to modularise the application. As there is no WCSF for Visual Studio 2005 I can't use it and I also can not upgrade it to Visual Studio 2008 for reasons beyond my control. I can use Mono-Rail but I would loose the existing controls func...

How do you set up NHibernate to use a Stateless session using Spring.Net?

Hello, I am currently developing an application that reads a bunch of data from a file. The usual size of the batch of objects to be inserted in the db is around 40.000 objects. So far we have used Spring.Net and NHibernate for our development and I'd like to be as consistent as possible and use the same technologies for the bulk insert...

Spring.net with NHibernate and the "No Hibernate Session bound to thread error"

Hi, I am attempting to use spring.net and nihibernate for my data layer. I have a simple DAO object that includes the following code: [Transaction] public long Save(Request entity) { return (long)CurrentSession.Save(entity); } Whenever this code is called I get the following error: "No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and ...

Is it possible to change the default persistence model away from session persistence in Spring.Net?

In Chapter 22 of the Spring.Net documentation (see 22.7.3. Customizing model persistence) at http://www.springframework.net/doc-latest/reference/html/web.html, they discuss changing the model for persisting data. I don't use this functionality, so I have a custom persister that basically performs a noop, but to set it as the default, I...

Spring.Net + NHibernate - The 'http://www.springframework.net/database:provider' element is not declared.

I’m having some Spring and NHibernate issues which nobody seems to be able to resolve. I'm using the NorthWind project as an example to go off of. Right now I’m getting this error: 'MyNamespace.MyClass.MyFunction: Spring.Objects.Factory.ObjectDefinitionStoreException : Line 6 in XML document from assembly [MyAssembly, Version=,...

What is the use of spring.net?

We are developing an application using Silverlight and WCF Services. Is using Spring.Net is beneficial for us? ...