
"Unable to find assembly" for windows service

Hi guys! I've recently inherited a windows service that utilizes Spring.NET. I'll admit that I've never worked with Spring before and I'm completely clueless. Occasionally the windows service will throw this error: 2010-03-06 18:43:10,005 ERROR System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationException: Unable to find assembly 'Spring.Core, ...

Problem with spring + nhibernate in .net environment

Hi there, I am working with Spring.net 1.3 and nHibernate for .net 1.3. While fetching the application context using XML ( _appContext = new XmlApplicationContext("abc.xml")) I am getting the exception as "Error creating object with name 'NHibernateSessionFactory' defined in abc.xml" Initialization of object failed : The following types...

ASP.NET MVC, Spring.NET, NHibernate initial setup/example/tutorial.

Hello! Have you been doing some ASP.NET MVC developement involving Spring.NET and NHibernate both? I would like to see an informative example of such setup, so I could build my own project off that. I tried googling, found some pretty things like S#arp Architecture, an article about regular ASP.NET (WebForms) integrated with the framew...

Calling generic method in spring.net application context

Hi, I'm trying to invoke this method in spring.net, but i'm having trouble getting the configuration right. Method: public void AddRepository<TEntity>(IRepository<TEntity> repository) where TEntity : IEntity { Repositories.Add(repository.GetType().Name, repository); } Config: <object type="Spring.Objects.Factory.Config.Method...

How to configure RetryAdvice and ExceptionTranslation for Deadlocks using NHibernate and Spring

Hi, i am using Spring.net 1.2 with NHibernate 2.0.1. Within my project i'am facing some Deadlock issues and besides the database tweaks to minimize the occurence i would like to implement Springs RetryAdvice to handle this. I can't find any working example how to configure a this. The reference seems to be clear about how to use it but ...

Can Spring.Net function as PostSharp?

A few months back I've discovered PostSharp, and for a time, it was good. But then legal came back with an answer saying that they don't like the licence of the old versions. Then the department told me that 2.0's price was unacceptably high (for the number of seats we need)... I was extremely disapponted, but not disheartened. Can't be...

silverlight and spring.net

can i use both silverlight and spring.net in the same web based project ...

spring.net application scope repository object on loadbalanced application

Hi, We have an application running on a loadbalanced environment, let say webserver A and B. The loadbalancing is on the HTTP level, so the loadbalancer directs each user request to one of both webservers. The scope of the repositories in the application is managed by the spring.net container, and the application relies on data that ca...

Spring.net - how to choose implementation of interface in runtime ?

Hi, in all examples of spring.net IoC i can see something like this: interface IClass; class ClassA : IClass; class ClassB : IClass, and then in config.xml file something like [object id="IClass" type="ClassB, Spring.Net.Test" /] but, i really need to do something like this: in config file there will be more implementations if i...

Spring.Net how does WebApplicationContext.GetObject handle concurrent requests?

Apologies if I have missed something obvious here but having gone through the documentation, forums and googled for a number of hours, I just can't find a definitive answer to the following questions: How does the WebApplicationContext.GetObject() method handle concurrent requests? Are the requests serialized or executed in parallel? Is...

Spring.net is not injecting chained base class properties!

I am successfully injecting base class properties with spring.net with just a class that inherits from a base abstract class. Lets say Class MyClass : MyBase, and I am successfully setting a property like this: <object id="myInstantiableClass" type="myAssembly.MyClass myAssenbly" abstract="true"> <property name="MyBaseClassProperty"...

Lazy property loading in Nhibernate and Spring

I'm using NHibernate 2.1.2 and Spring 1.3 I have two Text columns (blobs) in one of my classes. I'm trying to use lazy="true" for the mapping of those properties but NHProfiler still shows the two columns being added to the SELECT statement when the main object is loaded. I'm using Spring.NHibernate session factory and have configured ...

How to integrate Windows Azure, Spring.NET and NHibernate?

Hi, we have a ASP.NET web application which makes use of NHibernate and Spring.NET (to do the session and transaction management stuff). Now we want to port parts of it to a Windows Azure application without making lots of changes to the used components. I already found this article of stackoverflow so I hope to get NHibernate running ...

How to serialize objects into Spring xml files ?

I am wondering if it is possible to save objects into Spring language... In Java it seamed possible (search for spring java marshaling). But Google did not help me finding what I am looking for concerning Spring.Net. So, I am asking if you guys know one tool that includes this feature. ...

ServiceLocator has not been initialized; I was trying to retrieve SharpArch.Core.CommonValidator.IValidator

Server Error in '/' Application. ServiceLocator has not been initialized; I was trying to retrieve SharpArch.Core.CommonValidator.IValidator Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code...

How to import a resource when using Castle Windsor

Hi, I'd like to hold my components in a separate xml file for production, development etc etc. Can this be done with Castle Windsor? When using spring.net, i can use <springDestinations> <objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net"&gt; <import resource="file://~/Config/blablabla.xml"/> </objects> </springDe...

Sharp Architecture for Winform apps?

The Sharp Architecture Contrib seems to suggest it is possible. It seemed like they had a dependency on "PostSharp" which has now been replaced with Castle interceptors. Has anyone used the Sharp Architecture for a non Web project? How was the experience? Does that mean one is locked in with castle as the IoC container when using Sha...

spring.net proxy factory with target type needs property virtual ?

Hi all, I'm creating spring.net proxy in code by using ProxyFactory object with ProxyTargetType to true to have a proxy on a non interfaced complex object. Proxying seems ok till i call a method on that object. The method references a public property and if this property is not virtual it's value is null. This doesn't happen if i use S...

When to call Dispose in Entity Framework?

Hi All, In my application I am making use of Spring.Net for IoC. The service objects are called from the ASP.Net files to perform CRUD operations using these service object. For example, I have CustomerService to do all CRUD operations on Customer table. I use entity framework and the entities are injected .. my question is where do I c...

Spring.NET. How actively is it being developed/supported?

I've made my choice for the developement components on the .NET platform: Spring.NET for IoC and NHibernate for data access. But how safe is it? I've heard here on SO (don't remember which post exactly) that Spring.NET is on its way down, cause for example the Java original version is developed by a large number of people; but (they say...