
Team Foundation Server 2010: Build with external library

Hello, I have issues to build a project using external libraries with Visual Studio 2010 TFS. At the root of the solution, I have a "libs" folder with all my shared libraries and I'm referencing the libraries from there. When I'm building the project, some libraries are not considered and I get the following error message: C:\Wi...

how to setup dynamic datasources in Spring.NET

Hi, I'm working on a project wherein each time a new client comes in, a new database is created for that specific client. In setting up the datasource, it is normally done this way: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net" xmlns:db="http://www.springframework.net/database"&gt; <db:provide...

Entity Framework v4 and Spring .Net

I would like to know if anyone used EF4 with Spring .Net in a WCF service. How easy it is to use DI with EF4 and other pros and cons. Currently I'm using nHibernate as ORM with Spring .Net as a data access layer. Are there good reasons to move to EF4? ...

Spring.NET NHibernate cannot commit changes to database

I use Spring.net 1.3 and NHibernate 2.0, develop web applications. One of my applications cannot change data, and no exceptions throwed. I checked the log file, It seems that NHibernate can not generate UPDATE,INSERT,DELETE sql. Another application use the same database with same mapping files works fine. What's wrong with it? Did I ...

ASP.NET's ObjectDataSource and NHibernate Session Management

Hello everyone. Let me describe the context first: In a .NET C# project, I use NHibernate to make the link between the C# objects and the database model. I have mapped my objects with NHibernate Mapping Attibutes. I have written data access queries in HQL, all of them being isolated in individual methods, which are decorated with attr...

Spring.NET - constructor-args of IList<Interface>

I am trying to inject an IList into a constructor and want to know if this is possible and if so could someone enlightern me? The fact its asking for a type converter makes me think I can't do it. I tried.... <object name="DataLayer.DataServices.IGetAccountDatabase" type="DataServices.LinqToEntities.EntityDataModel, DataServices.LinqT...

Any good example on Implementation of spring.net + NHibernate + Repository pattern

Are there any good example on implementation of Spring.net with NHibernate and Repository pattern? Currently I'm going through below url's. http://www.springframework.net/doc-latest/reference/html/orm.html#orm-hibernate-web ...

Spring.NET DistributedTxMessageListenerContainer doesn't receive messages

I'm trying to use DistributedTxMessageListenerContainer to receive messages from a queue but without any success. If I replace the DistributedTxMessageListenerContainer by a TransactionalMessageListenerContainer I do receive messages. What am I doing wrong here? Configuration: <!-- MSMQ Configuration --> <object id='ExamSessionAccessCo...

Spring.NET + NHibernate - Multiple (Distinct) Databases with OpenSessionInView

In my web application, I have 2 totally different databases - one that's being used mostly by a CMS from which we'd like to get page information on non CMS pages on the same website, & one that contains totally different data. Is it possible to use Spring.NET's Open Session In View module with multiple session factories for both of thos...

Configuring Acknowledgements with Spring.NET

Is there a way to configure Acknowledgements with Spring.NET? In Code it looks like this: var msgQ = new MessageQueue(OrdersQueueName) { DefaultPropertiesToSend = { AcknowledgeType = AcknowledgeTypes.FullReachQueue | AcknowledgeTypes.FullReceive, Admini...

How to schedule a job in Quartz that repeats forever?

Is it possible to repeat a job in Quartz forever in a serial way? Now, if I don't set RepeatInterval I get an error saying that RepeatInterval cannot be zero. Is it possible to configure this using Spring.NET? What I have now is this: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <objects xmlns="http://www.springframework.net"&gt; <object...

Spring.Net using transactions in web and in service

I am looking for a way leverage a current DAL in a web app that uses Spring.Net (managed transactions leveraging OpenSessionInViewModule) in a Windows Service. Currently I am getting this error "No Hibernate Session bound to thread, and configuration does not allow creation of non-transactional one here" in the Windows Service. Is ther...

Captcha in spring roo

Hi, I wonder if anyone has ever experienced JCaptcha in spring roo? please share your ideas, thanks. ...

Why my SqlConnection hang forever when working with NHibernte + Spring.Net

Hi everyone: I wrote an test case extending the Spring.Net's AbstractTransactionalDbProviderSpringContextTests class and trying to do something like this. Step.1 MyHibernateDao.Find(id) Step.2 Use SqlConnection API to insert some record into database. Either step.1 or step.2 can run successfully, but if I put them together, step.2 wi...

Applying "Before" advice to all methods within a class using spring.net

Say I have a class, "FQN.AuthorizeAllOfMe", with a series of methods, say X(), Y(), and Z(). Then let's say I have the following advice already: public class AuthorizationAdvice: IMethodBeforeAdvice { public void Before(MethodInfo method, object[] args, object target) { } } In an ASP.NET application, how do I configure spr...

Spring.Net Before Advice not working

Hi everybody, I am trying to implement a very basic before advice with Spring.Net, that just prints some information to the console. Here is the relevant part of the spring config: <!-- Before Advice: Method Logging --> <object id="methodLoggingBeforeAdvice" type="Ch.Test.AddressBook.Common.Advice.MethodLoggingBeforeAdvice" />...

Spring.net TransactionPropagation NotSupported

Hello, I'm in troubles with TransactionPropagation.NotSupported. I believed that this propagation causes that the code is executed within no transaction. Means that when I marked the specific method, the current transaction will be suspended and the code will be executed without any transaction. The current version of spring.net create...

Is is possible to proxy a COM interface using Spring.Net?

I am trying to create a dynamic proxy using Spring.NET and C# for a COM interface. I am currently experimenting using code, not config files. I have code similar to the following: Type comInterfaceType = typeof(ICOMInterface); ProxyFactory proxyFactory = new ProxyFactory(); proxyFactory.AddInterface(comInterfaceType); proxyFactory.GetP...

spring Net vs enterprise library

Hi, I've been searching the web for information about a Net Framework I can use to "take it and keep it" from now on in my projects, and I've almost made a decision, but I would like some reference about what direction the market is moving on. I can't find anything in google about which is the most used, which one have the most future, e...

Use Spring.NET with NHibernate 3

Hi, I am trying to use the sping.net nhibernate integration with the latest nhibernate 3 release. Unfortunately spring.net references nhibernate I tried to fix it with an assembly redirect to but this yields the error: The method "IsInstrumented" in Type "Spring.Data.NHibernate.Bytecode.ProxyFactoryFactory" of A...