
Harcoding view names in the controller alternative?

I am using Java EE with Spring framework. I have been setting up a test project (everything is working so far) and I currently have the following line in the controller to simply load up a view called index.jsp: return new ModelAndView("index"); This is just a test project so I'm not worried about syntax or anything like that. I am ...

Spring HibernateDaoSupport keep the same Session ?

In the standalone application(single threaded command line tool) I am developing ,I use Spring +Hibernate. It has DAO and Service layers and for DAOs I use HibernateDAOSupport. The collections in domain model are lazy-loading. Since for lazy-loading I need to keep the Session opended,I open session at start of my application using: Hib...

Hibernate with MongoDB

I'm looking for resources showing how to integrate MongoDB with Hibernate (preferably from within spring) so that I can switch between a RDBMS and a NoSql alternative: does anyone have experience doing this? ...

How to autowire factorybean

I have a ServiceListFactoryBean which creates a list of service implementations: <bean id="services" class="org.springframework.beans...ServiceListFactoryBean" p:serviceType="ServiceInterface"/> I can access the services using the applicationContext without a problem: final List services = ctx.getBean("services", List...

Loading Liferay Properties from Spring IoC container (to get jdbc connection parameters)

I'm developing some portlets for Liferay Portal 5.2.3 with bundled tomcat 6.0.18 using Spring IoC container. I need to map the User_ table used in Liferay database to an entity with Hibernate, so I need to use two different dataSources to separate the liferay db from the db used by portlets. My jdbc.properties has to hold all connecti...

Spring dependency injection in construcor with annotations

I like constructor injection as it allows me to make injected fields final. I also like annotation driven injection as it simplifies my context.xml. I can mark my contructor with @Autowired and everything works fine, as long as I dont have to parameters of the same type. For example, I have a class : @Component public class SomeClass {...

Drools, spring and mule

Has anyone combined these technologies? Could you share lessons learnt? ...

use compass-lucene as caching technique

Any example of scenarios other than doing search for which I could use "compass"? Lets say we have a page that list top 10 most view article. How to use compass to show this kind of results. Any demo/sample project on this to refer to? definitely Jira would be a good example but its source code is not available. I want to know how to ma...

Spring's JDBCTemplate IllegalArgumentException: datasource required

Well, I am having a problem with configuring Spring's JDBCTemplate to work properly. I am trying to inject the datasource but it seems that it's always null. Here is a sample code: applicationContext.xml: <bean id="dataSource" class="org.springframework.jdbc.datasource.DriverManagerDataSource"> <property name="driverClassName" value="...

Spring's Stored Procedure - results coming back from procedure always empty.

Hi, I am using Spring's JdbcTemplate and StoredProcedure classes. I am having trouble getting the stored procedure class to work for me. I have a stored procedure on an oracle database. Its signature is CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PRC_GET_USERS_BY_SECTION (user_cursor OUT Pkg_Types.cursor_type , section_option_in IN Varchar2 , se...

Is it possible to return the output (html) of a particular controller's action?

Using spring 3.0 MVC: Is it possible to programatically execute a controller's action, and return the generated output (the html)? I want to take that output and store it in the database. ...

Logging response body (HTML) from HttpServletResponse using Spring MVC HandlerInterceptorAdapter

I am trying to log (just to console write now for simplicity sake) the final rendered HTML that will be returned by the HttpServletResponse. (i.e. the body) To this end, I am using the HandlerInterceptorAdapter from Spring MVC like so: public class VxmlResponseInterceptor extends HandlerInterceptorAdapter { @Override public void...

Can Spring Webflow define beans within flow.xml definitions?

I'm defining a lot of flows and each of my flows has a lot of actions within its states. The namespace seems to be getting fairly crowded now, so I'm wondering if it's possible to define the spring beans for flow actions from within the flow.xml or some other way such that it's visible to the flow, but not to other flows, but still has...

Spring 3.0 - Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [http://www.springframework.org/schema/security]

Any ideas what could be the cause of this? Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema namespace [http://www.springframework.org/schema/security] org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoader initWebApplicationContext: Context initialization failed org.springframework.beans.factory.parsing.BeanDefinitionParsingExc...

Intentionally setting a Spring bean to null

Hello everybody, I'm using Spring to inject JMS connection factory into my Java application. Since this factory is only required within the production environment, not while I'm developing though, I put the bean definition into a separate XML which I include into my main applicationContext.xml. In production environments this extra file...

Java Global Identifiers

I am using Java EE and the Spring framework. I am writing my POJOs, and the base object for my system should have a globally unique ID. My question is: what would be a "best-practice" way for me to generate this ID. This id must also be stored in a db table as a primary key. ...

How do I prevent Spring 3.0 MVC @ModelAttribute variables from appearing in URL?

Using Spring MVC 3.0.0.RELEASE, I have the following Controller: @Controller @RequestMapping("/addIntake.htm") public class AddIntakeController{ private final Collection<String> users; public AddIntakeController(){ users = new ArrayList<String>(); users.add("user1"); users.add("user2"); // ... users.add("userN"...

programmatic authentication for JMX in Websphere

We would like to make JMX calls to other deployed applications within Websphere Application Server. This works fine if you do this within a web application where a user does a login with the right credentials. However if you try to make JMX calls, say, from a timer triggered part of the application that has no connection to any logged in...

What is the different between spring 2.5.6 and spring 2.5.6.SEC01

The download page on http://www.springsource.com/download/community mentions: spring-framework-2.5.6.SEC01 spring-framework-2.5.6 What is the difference between those two versions? Why the SEC01 numbering? ...

Spring Security OpenID - Unable to Process claimed identity "null"

I'm having trouble getting the Spring Security OpenID functionality working. I'm getting the error below when I use http://spring.security.test.myopenid.com/ as input. Here is a link to the spring source that shows where the exception is thrown. Any ideas? Unable to process claimed identity 'null'. applicationContext-security.xml...