
How to automate database updates at webserver

hi I am developing the online bidding system using asp.net where I need to close the auction if the auction time is get closed without any bid. As in the following web site : http://www.bidrivals.com/us/ Please help me to resolve to this problem. Waiting for your valuable thoughts. Thanking You. ...

SqlServerCE Compactframework inserts data in table as per the ordinal position of the fields

I Have a strange problem with SQLServerCe on compact framework Following is my code Using cmd As SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand = New SqlServerCe.SqlCeCommand("INSERT INTO Employee (EmployeeName,EmployeeCode) Values (?,?)", cn) cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmployeeName", "Sachin") cmd.Parameters.Add("@EmployeeCode", "1001") mReturn = cmd....

Upgrade SQL CE 2.0 database to SQL CE 3.5 database

Has anybody performed the upgrade? If yes, how is it done. I remember tinkering with running a program on command line on the PDA and that it did not work as expected. Has running the command line program on the PDA worked for anyone? ...

How to insert into a table with just one IDENTITY column (SQL Server CE)

Hello I am trying to insert a value in a one IDENTITY column Table in SQL Server CE 3.5. I Tried the following: INSERT Target DEFAULT VALUES INSERT Target (ID) VALUES (DEFAULT) INSERT Target (ID) VALUES () But none of them worked. This is the SQL command I used to create the table (Using SQL Server Management Studio): CREATE TABLE T...

SubmitChanges doesn't save but removes inserts from change set, no errors

I have a deeper question regarding debug functionality of Linq to Sql SubmitChanges() Function. I want to save a record in a table of a locally cached db (localdbcache: server SqlExpress 2008 client SqlCE). Before calling SubmitChanges I can find the new item via DataContext.GetChangeSet(). After calling Submit Changes, the items to ins...

Print DataBase Schema in Sql Server Compact Edition

Hi All I Want Print DataBase Schema in "Microsoft Sql Server Compact Edition". Maybe Exist Some Tools For it. How Can I do it? ...

SQL Server CE - Internal error: Cannot open the shared memory region

I have a SQL Server CE database that works fine in dev, but when installed on the client has an issue. The SQL Server CE 3.5 dependencies are copied as part of the deployment. The target machine is a clean Windows 7 32-bit Ultimate image. The message for the exception in the event log is: Message: Internal error: Cannot open the s...

retrieving row based on input

public void RemoveTask(int index) { SQL = "DELETE FROM Task where (...) = " +index; dbConn.Open(); dbCommand = new SqlCeCommand(SQL, dbConn); dbCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); dbConn.Close(); } What i want to do is to delete the record based on the index which specified the row number but I don't know what function or variable ...

How programically check if SQL Server CE is installer (System.data.sqlserverce exist)

How can I programmatically check whether SQL Server CE is installed (System.data.sqlserverce exist) in C# .Net 3.5. Can I get the version on SQL Server CE? ...

sdf file (sqlce) not copying to emulator

I have problem with copying sdf file to WM emulator. My solution structure MyApp.DataLayer - there is sdf file MyApp.WMUI - this is windows mobile winform app sdf file has set build action: content copy to output directory: copy always But if I deploy app to emulator, that sdf file doesn't copy. ...

SQL storing data about columns

I'm learning SQL Server Compact for a program I'm writing that requries a local database. I have multiple tables, each with different columns and I'd like to mark each column as being a certain type (not a data type, just an integer tag) to let the program know what to do with it. I'm clueless about SQL. How does one do this? ...

Convert SQLCEResultSet resultview to datatable

Is it possible to convert a sqlceresultset.resultview to datatable? ...

How to access SQL CE 3.5 from VB6

We have a .NET 3.5 SP1 application written in C# that stores data in an SQL CE 3.5 Database. We also need to access (read only) this very data from a legacy VB6 application. I don't know if this is at all possible. There are several approaches to this problem that I can think of. 1) I have read about ADOCE Connections, but this seems t...

LINQ EF not saving to database...

I guess this is a continuation of the last question I asked: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2587542/bulk-insert-and-update-with-ado-net-entity-framework. I am not getting any errors while doing inserts yet no data is actually going into my DB. My DB is a SDF file (SQL CE). Any ideas what to check? My app.config looks like: <?...

Small standalone SQL database similar to access in the old days(ie file database)

Hi, I am looking for a easy to use and deploy sql type database i can ship with a desktop application. This will be a small application user's can download from my website. In the vb6 days, access was the common database for small desktop apps, what is my option these days? Looking at SQL CE it seems to have a quite a few limitations...

What do these .NET auto-generated table adapter commands do? e.g. UPDATE/INSERT followed by a SELECT

I'm working with a legacy application which I'm trying to change so that it can work with SQL CE, whilst it was originally written against SQL Server. The problem I am getting now is that when I try to do dataAdapter.Update, SQL CE complains that it is not expecting the SELECT keyword in the command text. I believe this is because SQL ...

Make VS 2008 Auto Deploy SQL Server CE 3.5 When Debugging on Windows Mobile 5.0 Device

How do you make VS 2008 automatically install SQL Server CE 3.5 when debugging (F5) a CF app on a windows Mobile 5.0 device? VS used to do this automatically, but now it stopped and I don't know why. I have changed the structure of my solution and the projects, but it is still using SQL Server CE 3.5. It used to also install the Query A...

How can I manage SQL CE databases in SQL Server Management Studio?

Dear all, I have Sqlserver 2005 Express Edition only. and VS 2005. How to i create my .sdf file. and how to create tables in that file... I am developing a SmartDevice Application. if any possible to access the Sql server 2000 DataBase without using .SDF file. Note: in my system i have VS 2005, SQL SERVER 2000, SQL SERVER 2005 Express...

Visual Studio : Make files in a folder got to bin/debug and not bin/debug/folder

Consider This: I have folder called \SQLCE35Dlls inside my solution. It has some dlls that are required for application to interact with a SQLCE database in a stand alone fashion [without sql server ce 35 install on the PC]. After a build, I want these files to go to bin/debug and not to bin/debug/SQLCE35Dlls/. Setting "Copy if Newer" ...

sqlserver 2008 and sql CE over Microsoft sync framework

The server will drop the connection, because the client driver has sent multiple requests while the session is in single-user mode. This error occurs when a client sends a request to reset the connection while there are batches still running in the session, or when the client sends a request while the session is resetting a connection. P...