
Recommended (remote) backup technique for SQL Compact?

Hello. Is there a generally recommended approach to backing up an SQL CE/SQLite database over the Internet? The client source is .NET/Windows based, the backup destination runs Ubuntu. I am using a small SQL CE database and have been trying to figure out the most reasonable approach to doing this. The file size (in terms of transfer ti...

How to update a database in SQL CE 3.5?

I have a database in my SQL Server 2008 and the same database in SQL Server CE 3.5. When I update my main database I use the osql tool to run my upgrade scripts. However, on the CE side there is no osql (or at least, I cannot find it ;). How do you update your database scheme on a SQ CE database? Obviously, I can read my update script ...

Is there a way to store and access a SQL CE (.sdf) database in isolated storage?

I have a .Net application which must store all it's local data in isolated storage. I want to start using SQL CE to store this data. I can't find any documentation on how (or even if) this is possible. Is it possible to use isolated storage to store a SQL CE database? If so, what would the connection string look like (or is there som...

Slow SQL Sync with Microsoft Sync Framework on Mobile Client

Hello, we are developing an application which uses MS Sync Framework to sync data between Windows CE 6.0 with SQL CE 3.5 SP1 Clients and an SQL 2008 Database. Our major problem is a slow sync time up to 1 minute for 15 tables which are totally empty. Here's a break down of our components: Server: Sql Server 2008 15 tables with activat...

Unable to determine the provider name for connection of type 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.SqlCeConnection'.

Hi, i am using the Ado.Net Entity Framework with Code Only (Tutorial at: ADO.NET team blog) and i want to be as much database independent as possible. In my first approach i just want to go for Sql Express and Sql Compact databases. With Sql Express everthing works fine but with Sql Compact i get the exception mentioned in my question....

Help using RDA on a Desktop Applicaton?

I have a .NET 3.5 Compact Framework project that uses RDA for moving data between its mobile device's local SqlCe database and a remote MSSql-2008 server(it uses RDA Push and Pull). The server machine a virtual directory with sqlcesa35.dll (v3.5.5386.0) setup for RDA. We usually install these cabs on the mobile devices and the RDA proce...

SQL Server 2008 - Script Data as Insert Statements from SSIS Package

SQL Server 2008 provides the ability to script data as Insert statements using the Generate Scripts option in Management Studio. Is it possible to access the same functionality from within a SSIS package? Here's what I'm trying to accomplish... I have a scheduled job that nightly scripts out all the schema and data for a SQL Server ...

Get id when inserting new row using TableAdapter.Update on a file based database

I have a database table with one field, called ID, being an auto increment integer. Using a TableAdapter I can read and modify existing rows as well as create new ones. However if I try to modify a newly inserted row I get an DBConcurrencyException: OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(@"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Sou...

Does SQL Server Compact Edition (SqlCe) have a SNAPSHOT table like Oracle Lite?

In Oracle Lite, you can create a SNAPSHOT table which is like a normal table except that it tracks changes to itself. The syntax is CREATE SNAPSHOT TABLE tblWhatever ... and you can perform CRUD operations on it like a normal table. To get the change information, you query the table like this: SELECT * FROM tblWhatever + WHERE ... ...

Help with SqlCeChangeTracking

I'm trying to use a new class in SqlCe 3.5 SP2 called SqlCeChangeTracking. This class (allegedly) lets you turn on change tracking on a table, without using RDA replication or Sync Services. Assuming you have an open SqlCeConnection, you enable change tracking on a table like this: SqlCeChangeTracking tracker = new SqlCeChangeTracking...

which lightweight SQL Server type could I use on my Dev machine for a C# VS2010 project?

Hi, Which lightweight SQL Server type could I use on my Dev machine for a C# VS2010 project? (e.g. sql server express, sql server ce, full version etc). That is, I'm running on a VMWare fusion instance on my MacBook, and just want something to develop against for a C# VS2010 project. I'm planning on having a simple database (not man...

How write query to alter table in Sql Server CE

I am new to Sql Server Compact Edition (CE). How to alter a table in Sql Server CE? I have an existing table, and I need to add identity column. ...

How do I deploy SDF files from SQL Server Compact version?

How do I deploy SDF files from SQL Server Compact Edition? Do I need to install SQL Server on client machines to deploy this file? ...

Importing Excel to SQLCE

I have a table in excel format (2007 but I can save as anything below that, naturally), and I have an SQL Compact Edition 3.5 SP1 Database table with corresponding columns. I simply want to populate the SQLCE table with the data from the excel file. The data consists of strings and integers only. I tried this utility to no avail, I also...

SQL Server CE installation on Windows - just reference the DLL and I'm done?

I just want to make sure I'm understanding the documentation correctly. If I add System.Data.SqlServerCe as a reference in my Visual Studio 2008 project, compile it, and copy the contents of the "bin\Release" directory to a Windows machine that has the latest version of the .NET framework, will it just work? Or do I need to do something ...

Creating and Indexing Email Database using SqlCe

I am creating a simple email client program. I am using MS SqlCe as a storage of emails. The database schema for storing the message is as follows: StorageId int IDENTITY NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, FolderName nvarchar(255) NOT NULL, MessageId nvarchar(3999) NOT NULL, MessageDate datetime NOT NULL, StorageData ntext NULL In the StorageData ...

How to write a update query using Sql Compact Server

I want to update column which has datatype of nvarchar. Want to change the column has identity column. Anyone can help? ...

DataGridView not displaying a row after it is created

Hi, I'm using Visual Studio 10 and I just created a Database using SQL Server CE. Within it, I made a table CSLDataTable and that automatically created a CSLDataSet & CSLDataTableTableAdapter. The three variables were automatically created in my MainWindow.cs class: cSLDataSet cSLDataTableTableAdapter cSLDataTableBindingSource I ...

How to identify whether the table has identity column

I want to find out whether the table has an identity column or not. Table is unknown to me. I have not done the structure of the table. Using Query? I am using Sql Server Compact Edition. ...

Approach for caching data from data logger

Greetings, I've been working on a C#.NET app that interacts with a data logger. The user can query and obtain logs for a specified time period, and view plots of the data. Typically a new data log is created every minute and stores a measurement for a few parameters. To get meaningful information out of the logger, a reasonable number o...