
How can I improve the performance of LinqToSql queries that use EntitySet properties?

I'm using LinqToSql to query a small, simple SQL Server CE database. I've noticed that any operations involving sub-properties are disappointingly slow. For example, if I have a Customer table that is referenced by an Order table, LinqToSql will automatically create an EntitySet<Order> property. This is a nice convenience, allowing me ...

SqlMetal alternative for .NET Compact Framework 2.0

Is there any way to generate database models from existing database (sdf file) for .NET Compact Framework 2.0? Since it doesn't support LINQ I cannot use SqlMetal. I'm looking for free for commercial use tool. ...

Finding rank of the student -Sql Compact

I have a table like this : Name Mar1 Mar2 Mar3 Total xxx 80 80 80 240 yyy 60 70 50 180 aaa 85 65 75 225 I wanted to find the rank of the student based on total. I using SQL Compact 3.5 . As we have rank() function in sql server do we have something with which we can find the students rank??? When I used "sele...

problem with SQL CE and orderby linq clause

Hi, I am using linq with SQL CE, but for a simple query like this: var points=from i in this.DomainBoundaryPoints orderby i.Index select i; I get this error: Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type 'System.Data.Linq.EntitySet<DAL.DomainBoundaryPoint>'. 'OrderBy' not found. Are you missing a reference ...

Visual Studio error on valid SQL

I'm getting an annoying error in visual studio for SQL that executes fine. SELECT InvoiceLines.LineID, InvoiceLines.InvoiceID, InvoiceLines.Text, InvoiceLines.Rate, InvoiceLines.Count, InvoiceLines.Rate * InvoiceLines.Count AS LineTotal, ((InvoiceLines.Rate * InvoiceLines.Count) * (1 + Inv...

SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5 performance

I am using SQL Server CE 3.5 SP1 in one of my client applications. When a user loads the program and starts using it, performance is fine. If the user lets the program sit idle for a while, it takes a considerable amount of time (10 or more seconds) for the program to respond. Every time the user asks for a new screen, a call is made to ...

Sync data between a windows desktop app and windows mobile client app

I need to knock up a very quick prototype/proof of concept application to demo to someone within the next couple of days so I've minimal time to research this as fully as I normally would. The set-up is a very simple database application running on a laptop - will only ever be a single user updating a couple of tables so I was thinking ...

How to remove identity column from table

I have created a table with employee id as identity column. Now, I want to remove identity and replace datatype as bigint. I am using Sql Compact edition. How to achieve this? ...

How do I gain permissions to a Sql Compact Database?

I have an Sql Compact Database v3.5 that I'm bundling with my application. When the application is installed, the database is copied into the application's Program Files directory. Because of Vista and Win7's security settings, the installed application can't access the database file. It is merely a problem of having the database file r...

All embedded databases fail to open connections

Hi, I'm working on a winforms desktop application that needs to store data. I made the really bad decision to try and embed a database. I've tried: SQLite VistaDB SQL Server Compact In each case, I was able to generate a Entity Framework Model over the basic schema I've created. I have an event that adds data that I've been using...

Does SQL Server CE support synchronization of Spatial Data type?

Does Sql Server support replication to SQL Server CE? In the documentation, SQL server CE seems to be not supporting the st_geometry type. ...

SQLce Select query problem

Wrote a Truck show Contest voting app, financial etc using sqlite. decided to write backup app for show day using ce 3.5. Created db moved to data directory, created tables configured dgridviews all is well. Entered some test data started management studio 08 ran select query against table and got null returns. Started app from vs studio...

Help catching AV with WinDbg and ADPlus 7.0

I want to catch Memory Access Violation in SQL Server Compact Edition like this described at http://debuggingblog.com/wp/2009/02/18/memory-access-violation-in-sql-server-compact-editionce/ The suggested config is: <ADPlus> <Settings> <RunMode>CRASH</RunMode> <Option>Quiet</Option> <ProcessName>MyApp.exe</ProcessName> ...

Syncing SQL Server CE over web service with SQL Server 2005

Hi, Hi, I have a client winforms which creates xml-s with objects. Once a month I get this xml-s and save theirs in my database(a lot of columns, and fields). Now, I want to get this reports more often and omit serialization and deserialization. I'm only interested in Microsoft technology so if is it impossible to sync sql ce(in my ...

Using Volume Shadow Copy Service OK for backing up SQL Server Compact?

Would one expect a backup of a SQL Server Compact database file created with Volume Shadow Copy Service expected to be consistent? I know the big SQL Server has a VSS writer to ensure consistency. If a connection is writing out to a SQL Server Compact database could the file be backed up in a inconsistent state? ...

Is SQL Server Compact *ever* OK to use on a web server?

I'd like to host a personal database for about 500 people (1 database per person) on my web server. A person could possibly share their database with a friend or two. On my web server, I'd have some web services, perhaps for doing synchronization, and maybe even an ASP.NET Web Forms front end to the database. If I restart my IIS web s...

SQL Server CE checksum changes on SELECT queries

Why when I only do SELECT on a .sdf file, it's checksum changes ? How can I avoid that ? ...

SQLCEException was unhandled: Internal Error: Cannot open the shared memory region

I am trying to do a TableAdapter.Fill(dataTable) and it fails with the above error. Here is the code in ...DataSet.Designer.cs [global::System.Diagnostics.DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute()] [global::System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodAttribute(global::System.ComponentModel.DataObjectMethodType.Fill, true)] public virtual int Fill(Zenwar...

How would I duplicate the Rank function in a Sql Server Compact Edition SELECT statement?

It doesn't look like SQL Server Compact Edition supports the RANK() function. (See Functions (SQL Server Compact Edition) at http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms174077(SQL.90).aspx). How would I duplicate the RANK() function in a SQL Server Compact Edition SELECT statement. (Please use Northwind.sdf for any sample select stateme...

Recommendations for detecting updates to prerequisites in Click once app

I have a click once app that uses SQL CE 3.5, which is set as a pre-requisite. When the install happens Click once, downloads the prerequisites, including SQLCE, installs them, then installs my software and all works - Fantastic! Now, I perform an update to my application, which requires that SQL CE 3.5 SP2 is needed. As the applicat...