So I've got a situation where I need to pass a bunch of data to the server to create a bunch of records. So I read this article and chose the XML method. So I've got the stored procedure all created in sql server 2005. But now I need to call it from code. Only all I've got for a database connection is an odbcconnection. I se...
I can get row count from system table in db2 using
select tabname,card from syscat.tables where tabname='?'
but this will give static row count,If I need to get dynamic one I need to run runstats on the table.
is there any other way apart from using count(*) ?
I need to restrict the development users from creating new schedules for SQL Agent jobs. They should be able to create a job and pick one of the available schedules, but should not be able to create a new schedule.
I have a bunch of developers creating SSIS packages that need to be scheduled off business hours. I am now faced wit...
When I open a MySQL connection in PHP with just PHP's built-in MySQL functions, I do the following:
$link = mysql_connect($servername,$username,$password);
//queries etc.
When I open a connection with PDO, it looks like this:
$link = new PDO("mysql:dbname=$dbname;host=$servername",$userna...
I am getting back a image from SQL server as a byte[]. Can I use xsl transform to convert it into an actual image for a webpage? How, may I do so if this is possible?
So I've read a couple books on SQL and I've used SQL and created databases, but really nothing advanced, a couple tables, a couple joins, that sort of thing.
So now I am working on a project that is pretty big. The database is going to have multiple tables and we will be processing 40'000 to 80'000 rows of data daily.
Now I find myself...
Our application currently stores bunch of configuraton & application specific data to files on disk. Configuration data is stored in a single .ini file where as application data is distributed across multiple files. The application has grown now and data manipulation using files is becoming a nightmare. We would like to make a switch to ...
In code one can specify globally accessible constants/enums/etc once that can then be reused through out the application. This gives the ability to use meaningful names like 'Mazda' instead of numbers like '2'.
We would like to do the same with in our SQL Server stored procedures, but are not sure of the best way of implementing this.
Duplicate Advantages of MS SQL Server 2008 over MS SQL Server 2005?
What are the major differences between Sql Server 2005 and Sql Server 2008?
How could I convince my organization to invest in Sql Server 2008?
For me, one major aspect that I see is that they have a good framework to programmatically generate SSIS packages with the us...
If I have an MS Access database with linked tables from two different database servers (say one table from an SQL Server db and one from an Oracle db) and I write a query which JOINs those two tables, how will Access (or the Jet engine, I guess?) handle this query? Will it issue some SELECTs on each table first to get the fields I'm JOIN...
I have a wierd issue. I am loading 1k invoice objects, header first then details in my DAL. I am using VB.NET on this project. I am able to get the invoice headers just fine. When I get to loading the details for each invoice I am getting a timeout on SQL Server. I increased the timeout to 5 minutes but still the same thing. If I reduce ...
I have one long excel sheet with books details of a library..can i import this data into a .mdf file.
At the moment I use DATEPART(yy, MY_DATE) = DATEPART(yy, GETDATE()) to get Year-To-Date details and have to convert it into the revolving last 12 months.
How would I do that?
i have a table in database that is having 7k plus records. I have a query that searches for a particular id in that table.(id is auto-incremented)
query is like this->
select id,date_time from table order by date_time DESC;
this query will do all search on that 7k + data.......isn't there anyways with which i can optimize this query ...
Hello all;
I have a database table of my own that I am trying to construct a query for that seems simple enough, but I feel like I am messing up somewhere because the results are not what they should be.
I basically have a table that is like the following:
Table: Data
Row ID Profile Import ID Field ID...
When I tried to commit a sql query I ended up with the following message:
cannot insert duplicate key row in object [] with unique index '[]$[]$[]$'
What does that mean? and what "'[]$[]$[]$'" is composed of?
i'm trying to come up with a way to combine rows in a table based on the longest string in any of the rows based on a row key
(akey int not null ,
text1 varchar(50) NULL,
text2 varchar(50) NULL,
text3 varchar(50) NULL )
INSERT INTO test1 VALUES ( 1,'Winchester Road','crawley',NU...
I'm executing a INSERT to a sql 2008 db. How do I specify in T-SQL to insert NOW in a DATETIMEOFFSET column? GETDATE()?
Good morning !
Is there any way to pre compile stored procedures in SQL Server? My requirement goes like this.. I have some stored procedures, which take more time in compiling than executing. So I want to precompile all the stored procedures. It would be nice to precompile them when the db server is started and running.
Any id...
In ActiveRecord there are two ways to declare indexes for multiple columns:
add_index :classifications, [:species, :family, :trivial_names]
add_index :classifications, :species
add_index :classifications, :family
add_index :classifications, :trivial_names
Is there any difference between the first approach and the second one? If so, wh...