
Pushing from subversion to web server

Long ago I tried to sort out my system between local, web server and subversion. I got some good explanation on this question. Unfortunately I hit a road block on the whole pushing from SVN to a web server part and never revisited. All of my projects are solo, so I'm the only one developing them and often I'm the only user. So I've b...

SSH "Login monitor" for Linux

I'm trying to write a script that informs the user when someone has logged in on the machine via ssh. My current idea is to parse the output of "w" using grep in intervals. But that's neither elegant nor performant. Has anyone got a better idea how to implement such a program? Any help would really be appreciated! ...

differences between SFTP and "FTP over SSH"

Looking for an SFTP client in c# SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP). I've come across these two suitable projects - one two. While trying to understand the basics, I came across this confusing Wikipedia article. What is difference between SFTP and FTP over SSH? No library seems to give support for "FTP over SSH", if it is different. ...

SSH - a way to transfer files without opening a separate SFTP session?

Not really a programming question, but relevant to many programmers... Let's say I have opened an SSH session to another computer. remote:html avalys$ ls welcome.msg index.html readme.txt remote:html avalys$ Is there any command that I can type in my remote shell that will immediately transfer one of the files in the current...

Why does Paramiko hang if you use it while loading a module?!

Put the following into a file (and easy_install paramiko if you haven't got it): hostname,username,password='fill','these','in' import paramiko c = paramiko.SSHClient() c.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) c.connect(hostname=hostname, username=username, password=password) i,o,e = c.exec_command('ls /') print(...

How do I mount a remote Linux folder in Windows through SSH?

I'm a blind student currently in a system admin/shell programming class. Although ssh works fine for executing commands like ls, pwd, etc editors do not work well with my screen reader and an ssh session. I was wondering if it is possible to mount a Linux folder over ssh so it appears as a windows drive? This way I could edit any files I...

How to read iPhone files without jailbreaking?

I'd like to access files in an iPhone, such as using remotely connecting via ssh and telnet. But it appears that the iPhone's ssh or telnet are not supported. I can ping it, but cannot use telnet or ssh. I read through some internet article, it appears that using jailbreak or Cydia it is doable, but I guess it would break my iPhone's li...

Using expect to pass a password to ssh

How can I use expect to send a password to an ssh connection. say the password was p@ssword and the ssh command was ssh [email protected] What would I do with expect to a make it input the password when it says [email protected]'s password: ? The proper action of using an SSH key pair isn't an option because I would have to use ssh (scp) to pu...

Connect to a MySQL server over SSH in PHP

Hi , i read one post regarding this topic, i also want to do the same, i have my database on remote linux machine, and i want to connect using ssh and php funcitons,(i am currently using ssh2 library for that) i tried using mysql_connect, but it gives me cant access (although i have granted permission) when i tried using this function:...

Sharing a GNU Screen Session

I have a meeting with a professor coming up shortly, but he won't be at school for a face-to-face meeting, but instead will meet with me via Skype and a SSH login. I'm a heavy user of GNU Screen, but I've never used its multiuser functionality before. How would I go about setting up multiuser capabilities, and what would be good permis...

Automatically (or more easily) reconnect to a screen session after network interruption.

ADDED: This question is now, I believe, subsumed by this one: See also this related question: Original question: It would be nice if there were a way to ssh to ...

How can I setup subversion with ssh tunnel in Eclipse?

I have a remote server that hosts my subversion repository on a non-standard ssh port. I want to use Eclipse's subclipse plugin as my client end to access the SVN repository. I can access the repository fine by using svn+specialssh://... where specialssh is a tunnel profile setup in my ~/.subversion/config. In subclipse I tried to inp...

SSH automate ftp upload

I have a website that I work on locally and is hosted with a web host on another server. How would I use SSH to automatically push my local files to the production server? Would it possible to setup a list of files that are on my local machine that I do not want uploaded and can I have it upload only the files that have changes? EDIT: T...

ssh and window ids

I have a project to do in school which is baffeling me... I am SSHing into a Solaris computer in the computer lab from my own Debian box via ssh -Y name@***.cs.<school> I can get in just fine, and the X11 seems to be working also. However, this peticular project requires us to find the window id of a netscape window via xwininfo and...

Sender and receiver to transfer files over ssh on request?

I created a program that iterates over a bunch of files and invokes for some of them: scp <file> user@host:<remotefile> However, in my case, there may be thousands of small files that need to transferred, and scp is opening a new ssh connection for each of them, which has quite some overhead. I was wondering if there is no solution w...

Find and Replace Inside a Text File from a Bash Command

Whats the simplest way to do a find and replace for a given input string, say "abc", and replace with another string, say "XYZ" - the the file, /tmp/file.txt? I am wrtting an app and using IronPython to execute commands through SSH - but I dont know unix that well and dont know what I am looking for. I have heard that Bash script, apar...

netstat says 443 is open, but I cannot connect to it with telnet .. why ?

I've built a self hosted wcf server, using wsHttpBinding. I'm running win 2003 server R2 SP2 If in configure it to listen on http://localhost:443/MyService, everything works fine. I can connect to http://localhost:443/MyService with Internet Explorer, and I get the standard "Bad Request" message Now, if I try to switch to https, I'm wi...

How do I keep from losing my work when ssh disconnects?

It's inconvenient to lose code just because ssh decided to drop my connection. How can I avoid that? What if I'm forwarding an X11 connection over the connection? ...

Can't git fetch through SSH

I've setup a git repository one a remote server. Now I'm trying to checkout from it with: git fetch ssh://[email protected]/~username/workfolder/ but I get an error: fatal: Not a git repository What am I doing wrong? Could it be the server does not support Git+SSH? ...

SSH, entered command but it didn't execute, can't type anything

I used the command tar -x file.tar.gz and, for one reason or anything it failed. Then I get stuck being able to type anything in, but not being able to run any more commands. Pressing enter just gives me a new line. I don't know how to break out of it either (escape etc doesn't work). The only way I can get back working is to close putty...