
How to avoid 'number stored as text' error when exporting data from SQL server to excel (SSIS)

This is what I am trying to do in the SSIS package: Copy blank excel sheet with headers as new file Run a data flow task populate data in the sheet. When a open the excel, all numeric data is shown with 'number stored as text' error. This stops all my charts from working. I would like to know how can I inform excel to treat the parti...

SSIS error information

I have 15-20 data task each in their own sequence container in a single SSIS. Is it possible to catch the data task or sequence which failed and email that details (task name or sequence name, cause for failure) to a user? ...

stop a DTS package programmatically (using C#)

Hi, Is there a way to stop a SQL Server 2000 DTS (not SSIS) package that is currently running, programmatically using C#?. I think the package can be executed using the COM API, but I couldn't find a way to stop a running package. thanks in advance. Update: there is a method in SSIS to get a list of running packages and a method to stop...

Data Flow Task, XML Source error

I am developing an SSIS application with VS and SQL Server 2008. I am still new to SSIS, however. I have successfully created one project with an XML Task connected to a Data Flow Task. But as part of this same solution I created an identical project with XML Task connected to Data Flow Task. From what I can see, the only difference b...

Dynamic dependency view SQL and SSIS packages

Hi All, In my enterprise project we have nearly 800 tables with 7 staging areas. We have developed nearly 100 packages to implement the DW. Business users constantly chaging the requirements after completing all the packages like table/column names, PK/FK columns with many other changes due to business requirements. Being changes in t...

Nightly database restores - SSIS package - SQL Server 2005

We have an SSIS package that runs nightly which takes the backup of a couple of production databases, restores to a staged database, sensitive information is removed and then the backup of this staged database gets restored on another server so that the hyperion guys can run their jobs. The whole process used to take around 4 and half ho...

SQL Server Mangament Studio 2008 unable to connect to SSIS packages on SQL Server 2005

I get an "Class not registered" error whenever I attempt to connect to the integration services on sql server 2005 from within SQL Managment Studio 2008. Is there a workaround? or do I have to downgrade to SQL managment studio 2005? ...

how to set the log file path of the SSIS package programmatically

Hi, I am executing SSIS package programmatically using C# and I want to set the log file for the package by reading the path from the web.config file. I looked at the code from the link but the package already has logging enabled and file name set to some location, I just need to be ...

Connection to Entity Framework from SSIS-package script task

From a script task in a SSIS-package I am calling a method in a DLL that uses Entity Framework. And when I´m debugging it stops in the DLL. Error message: "The specified named connection is either not found in the configuration, not intended to be used with the EntityClient provider, or not valid" I had this error before, when I used ...

send email task on error in sql

HI All, I have a simple lookup transformation which finds matched and unmatched records, it creates table for matched and unmatched records. Now I want to send an email when the package finds any unmatched records and package should stop right there. Thanks Nick ...

How do you turn off pre-build error checking in Visual Studio 2008 (particularly when working with SSIS)?

I'm working on an SSIS package and the error checking is really causing it to lag. If you delete a component in the middle of a large dataflow, the error list gets populated by hundreds of Validation errors and it keeps refreshing every time you try to do anything. I turned on the DelayValidation property for the package, but that doesn'...

How to Import Excel 2007 file using SSIS - (Only SQL server 2005 installed)

Hi In my production servers i have only excel 2003 and SQL server 2005 installed I have excel 2007 files to be imported is there a way to do this installing service pack, new driver etc.? ...

get ssis package output from SP

I have a SP that runs a SSIS package. xp_cmdshell 'dtexec /f "F:\SSIS Package\test.dtsx" /Rep E' When I run the SP in VS I get an Output window where I can see if it was successful. Is there a way to get the output from this into my application ? ...

Excel Vs XML on Data Upload

I'm trying to upload Excel (2003) file into Sql server 2005. At present we are using SSIS to upload the file into a Temporary table (with defined schema) and then moving the data to their intended location using Stored procedure. This gives lots of errors due to datatype mismatch and sometimes null values are uploaded into table even t...

SSIS - Create a CSV file from 2 different OLE DB sources

I'm looking for a way in SSIS (2005) to create a CSV file from 2 or more different layout OLE DB sources. Again, the column layout is different for all the sources. EX. Source 1 A,1234,ABCD,1234 Source 2 A,ABCD,1234 Final CSV Result File A,1234,ABCD,1234 A,ABCD,1234 ...

SSIS OLE using DBCommand to call tsql function

I'm importing Oracle data into SQL Server. After my OLE DB Source that runs a query to grab the data to process, I'm trying to call a TSQL function on a field value somehow... I have an SSIS data flow where I have a datetime column called DepartureDateGMT, and an integer column called DepartureTimeZoneKey. I have a TSQL Function calle...

SSIS Package run from SQL Server Agent Job no longer do Logging

I Have a package stored in SQL Server which works properly with logging when I run it directly by right-clicking it in SQL Server, with logging. Logging is set to 'SSIS log provider for Text File'. When I run it from an SQL Server Agent Job, it works fine, without errors but the logging isn't done. The job runs with the my user, the s...

SSIS: from XML file to multiple tables

So I just started diggin SSIS today, so don't hate too much if there is something obvious I am missing. So I have an XML file (from a third party) <root> <foo> <fooId>12345</fooId> <name>FOO</name> <bars> <bar>BAR 1</bar> <bar>BAR 2</bar> [...] </bars> </foo> ...

How to formulate conditional expression in SSIS Data Flow tab?

I am developing an SSIS 2008 package and I am trying to create a Derived Column transformation. But when I go to the Expression editor and try this expression it gives me alot of errors. I have tried various differentiations of this but all have resulted in errors. I need one of you SQL experts to point out a better expression! IS...

SSIS Help : How to Send Email if invalid Records Found from a query

Hi Guys, I need your help. I have a query below. i wanna use this query in SSIS package which would run every week. All this query doing is, truncate table PlanFinder.InvalidAwps and load it with new Invalid records. Now, how do i use this query in SSIS package to send email if any invalid record found in invalidAwps table. i can use Ex...