
Open Certificate Information from Web Browser Control

Does anyone know how to open up the "Certificate Information" screen based on the SSL from the WebBrowser control? ...

Ignore certificate errors when requesting a URL in Java

I'm trying to print a URL (without having a browser involved at all) but the URL is currently throwing the following: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requeste...

SSL HandShake on Java Client

I have a very basic doubt in SSL HandShake. Assume that we have a server S which uses self signed certificates. I write a Java client C which connects to the S. When C connects to S, C gets certificates from S and saves them to its truststore and the remaining part of the communication proceeds. After some time I use the same C to connec...

SSL with external static content server

I have a .Net web application that for performance issues gets all the static data (CSS, Images, JS) from an external server that is on different location and different hosting company. I want to enable SSL on my site without the users getting a message: "Page contains both secure and insecure elements" Does this means I’ll have to get...

SSL Not Working on other network

Hi I am running windows server 2003 standard and have installed the ssl cert for the company website . Attempting to access the website securely outside of our network the page does not load. Thanks in advance! ...

Good articles to read on SSL and HTTPS?

I had a problem with accepting invalid SSL certificate in my iPhone program. That problem is solved now, however I came to understanding that I have very abstract idea on how exactly the whole thing is working: how web browser is verifying that received certificate is really for host it communicates to and not faked by same party in th...

Distinguish between clientaccesspolicy.xml failure and untrusted cert in Silverlight

Does anyone know of a clever way to distinguish between an error communicating with a server due to a missing or invalid clientaccesspolicy.xml file vs. a server presenting an untrusted or self-signed certificate? This is a Silverlight 3 application talking to a self-hosted WCF service on a server. Currently both cases are returning the...

Java certificate based authentication

I have a thrift endpoint that someone created who is not longer with our company. They implemented the authentication via client side certs, but I having a hard time wrapping my head around how it all works. Does anyone know of a tutorial, or howto on this topic. All I really have is a sample client class. Here are a list of things t...

How to ignore expired certificates from outside a Java application?

We have a Java application that we need to ignore an expired self-signed cert, however we cannot modify the code to do this. I wondering if there was a System Property or environment variable that we could provide at start up that would allow us to have all expired cert's ignored for now, or even be more specific and provide externally ...

Programmatically adding a trusted cert in Java

I use SSL to communicate between two components written in Java. I can't use a CA, so I have to self-sign everything. Unfortunately, this means that when I try to handshake, I get a SunCertPathBuilderException. I can create my own X509TrustManager that just trusts everything, but that sort of defeats the purpose of having a signed cert. ...

SSL certificate issue when redirecting from '' to ''

I've mapped '' and '' to the same IP address with my hosting service provider. But because my SSL certificate only works for '', so what I want is when the user visit '', he will be redirected to ''. I'm using ASP.Net MVC and IIS 7. Thanks ...

SSL certificates: No Client certificate key exhange

I am trying to access a WCF web service, that is using two way SSL encryption. When I try to call the service I get a System.ServiceModel.Security.SecurityNegotiationException: Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority 'XXX.xx'. ---> System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure c...

Unable to find or obtain a context for request certificate

I am trying to send push notification to iphone. By searching on internet i found that register the P12 file on server with winhttpcertcfg. But when I tried with this command winhttpcertcfg -g -c LOCAL_MACHINE\MY -s "CertificateName" -a "ASPNET" on command window after installing winhttpcertcfg. But I am getting the error "Unable to f...

How do you set up an SSL cert that HttpClient under Android will accept?

I'm connecting to a REST service using HttpClient under Android. I'd like to be able to write code where I could pull the host, port, etc. out of a properties file and not have to write fake Schemes and other things like that in order to do the development work. In other words, the live site will have a cert. The dev site will have a sel...

Is it possible to force the WCF test client to accept a self-signed certificate?

I have a WCF web service running in IIS 7 using a self-signed certificate (it's a proof of concept to make sure this is the route I want to go). It's required to use SSL. Is it possible to use the WCF Test Client to debug this service without needing a non-self-signed certificate? When I try I get this error: Error: Cannot obtain M...

Single certificate to talk to 5 third party boxes

All, I have a web application that uses CURL to talk to 5 boxes that are running third party SDKs. All 6 boxes use HTTPS. Is it fine if we have one certificate and specify CURL to use that certificate to talk to the 5 boxes or do I need to have 5 different certificates? Thanks ...

Any expirience with SSLMatic certificates?

SSLMatic certificates are very cheap. They sell RapidSSL certificates for $20. On RapidSSL website same certificate costs $80. How is that possible? Is it legal? ...

mechanize with pfx certificate

Hi all, Can someone show me an example of using mechanize (python version) with PFX certificates? ...

Open SSL generate Private Key with password from File

Hello, I have this command openssl genrsa -des3 -out host.key 1024 it asks me for a password, I want to automate it! how I can make it read the password from a text file (host.pass) so it will not ask me or have it ignore the password (which one is better?) Thanks ...

SSL authentication error: RemoteCertificateChainErrors on ASP.NET on Ubuntu

I am trying to access Gmail's SMTP service from an ASP.NET MVC site running under Mono But I keep getting this error: System.InvalidOperationException: SSL authentication error: RemoteCertificateChainErrors at System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient.m__3 (System.Object sender, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate ...