
Java SSO: Kerberos authentication against Active Directory

I'm still trying to find a Java based solution for SSO (running on *nix), which I can use on JBoss to authorize against an Active Directory/domain controller. I initially tried to do this via NTLM, but gave up because it will be not supported on Windows Server >= 2008. Therefore I'm trying to implement this using Kerberos, but it seems ...

Seam security with external authentication

Dear all, I use Seam 2.2.1.CR1 on Weblogic 10.3.2 (11g). I want to use an external SSO (the proprietary one Oracle provides, based on OID). I would like to integrate this external login (the login screen belongs to the SSO). Please note that I don't want to use an LdapStore. If I got this right, this would require me to have a login pag...

Is it possible to do LDAP authentication with eDirectory from Java application?

I have to implement LDAP authentication with eDirectory in Java application. I guess some of you have tried this solution. Can you share your ideas and if possible sample code? ...

Single Sign On on multiple domains

We have two websites with different domain names. One of them is a wordpress site. Both websites have their own authentication system. For the sake of convenience, it was decided to have a single authentication for both website and making use of session cookies. I searched about it and got to know about Single Sign On. Can anybody tell ...

Get unique identifier token of currently logged in AD user

I am working to set up SSO for our intranet the idea is that a user would login to their workstation using their active directory username and password. Then a small application would run at login that would send some uniquely identifiable information,user name, and computers MAC address to the server were it would be entered into a data...

OpenSSO SSOToken to SAML assertion and back

I'm considering securing a whole JEE software platform with OpenAM (prev. Sun OpenSSO). Applications - running on WebLogic AS - would be secured by a JEE Policy Agent and web services with WS-Security SAML Token Profile. As of my understanding, the SSOTokenManager enables application code to retrieve OpenAM's SSO token. But in order to ...

Implement SSO using CAS + Spring Security

Hi guys! I'm trying to implement SSO across several web applications using CAS and Spring Security. Expected case: CAS - http:// localhost:8080/cas/ App A protected content - http: //localhost:8081/cas-client1/secure/index.html App B protected content - http: //localhost:8081/cas-client2/secure/index.html 1) When user access cas-client1...

SimpleSAMLphp config problem ?

Hi All, I have configured simplesamlphp(SSO) for my project, but it gives the below error . 0: /var/simplesamlphp/lib/SAML2/Utils.php:104 (SAML2_Utils::validateSignature) 1: [builtin] (call_user_func) 2: /var/simplesamlphp/lib/SAML2/Message.php:210 (SAML2_Message::validate) 3: /var/simplesamlphp/modules/sa...

Authentication for an external Sharepoint Web Part Page (SSO)

An external hosted app can take the username and password in the querystring and auto login the user. How do I get these details from Sharepoint? I know you can use SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser; if the application is hosted locally however it isn't. How can we achieve single sign on from Sharepoint to the external 3rd party softwa...

How to get the value form SimpleSAML_Session Object

The saml Session is SimpleSAML_Session Object $data = ( [trackid:SimpleSAML_Session:private] => 3eb [idp:SimpleSAML_Session:private] => [authenticated:SimpleSAML_Session:private] => 1 [attributes:SimpleSAML_Session:private] => Array ( ...

Single Sign On (SSO) from Firefox on Ubuntu

I am trying to get single sign on working from Firefox version 3.6.6 running on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Lucid Lynx to IIS 7 on Windows Server 2008. If I type kinit then kinit -S HTTP/ the resulting in a klist that looks like this Ticket cache: FILE:/tmp/krb5cc_2040529396 Default principal: [email protected] Valid s...

How to read session values form another session instance in PHP?

Hello guys, I am doing something in PHP where I have to read session values for another session instance. example Browser1: $_SESSION['value']="user1"; Browser2: $_SESSION['value']="user2"; Browser1 will need to get "user2" value from certain request. The request will also include cookie(key, value). How can I do that? Thanks, Wa'e...

WCF - SSO authentication token and POX interfaces

Here's what I'm trying to do. We have a SSO authentication service that other externally facing web pages and services use to authenticate users. A user tries to reach a service, if no cookie is found containing an authentication token, they are redirected to the SingleSignOn authentication service. The auth service does it's work, and ...

Session overlap, 2 users logged in somehow the system sees them as one.

Hello guys, Rarely our system mixes logged in users and I can't figure out why. Here is the scenario: 2 users log in (A and B) normally each one has his own ID, at some point one of the users (A) takes the ID of the other user (B) and contribute to the website as if he is B. Technically that's what is going on: 1- 2 users logs in: ea...

What's the easiest way to test a .NET SAML client?

I will soon need to add SSO to an ASP.NET app using SAML. The client will not provide access to their Shibboleth identity provider for testing, so I'll need to verify that SSO works myself. What would be the easiest method to use/setup a SAML identity provider for testing? I'm not keen on having to setup an infrastructure myself if I ...

Facebook Graph. Multiple sites connect to one application.

I am developing a single sign on for my network of websites. I want to integrate this with facebook so it is a one click single sign on. I have set it up with an application such that the user authorizes the app, and then I can post on their wall from I want to make it possible to also post on the wall through domai...

Using sharepoint to pass credentials to other sites

Hi, being completely new to the Sharepoint scene, I was wondering what basic solutions are to the problem I'm facing. I have 2 different webapplications, which are both accessed by my clients by different logins. I want to simplify things and let them just log in on a Sharepoint application, so they have 2 links on their portal to t...

What website features are essential for attracting IT Pros from corporations?

I'm developing a set of websites that are geared towards the IT Professional at businesses ranging from 10 to 5,000 employees (small/med business). Most IT Professional expects a certain set of features when dealing with blogs, forums (such as gravitar)... but what I'm most interested in are the ~other~ addins that would be used in a si...

Redirect using SAML is not landing in my configured page

I am facing an issue while using SAML to implement SSO on my web application. After successful login I want to redirect to my application’s dashboard / main menu. But, it gets redirected to http://:/IDBUS/first-idau/IDP-1/SAML2/SSO/POST. The flow is, I request my application’s context url in browser. In josso I have configured it to ...

Sign on several sites

i have 2 sites (, Fisical is a 1 site with 1 db. When user sing in, he was sing in too. How do this? P.S. Can do this with ZF? I found a very interesting article on this topic. The author gives some ideas how to implement Multidomain authentication.