
How to get stack trace information for logging in production when using the GAC

I would like to get stack trace (file name and line number) information for logging exceptions etc. in a production environment. The DLLs are installed in the GAC. Is there any way to do this? This article says about putting PDB files in the GAC: You can spot these easily because they will say you need to copy the debug symbols (.pd...

bash stacktrace

I need something like a stacktrace in bash, is that possible? A script is misbehaving. I need to know who calls that script, and who calls the calling script, and so on, only by modifying the misbehaving script. What do you say? ...

C++ display stack trace on exception

I want to have a way to report the stack trace to the user if an exception is thrown. What is the best way to do this? Does it take huge amounts of extra code? To answer questions: I'd like it to be portable if possible. I want information to pop up, so the user can copy the stack trace and email it to me if an error comes up. ...

What are those + signs at the end of each stack trace line?

I was wondering: When looking at an ASP.NET error page with a stack trace you can see a + sign and a number at the end of each line. For example: Also in the trace pasted in this question: The numbers are not the line numbers in the sources files, so I suspect them to be something like stack ...

Troubleshooting remotely

I am attempting to troubleshoot some issues on machines that I don't have access to. The problems are very intermittent and impossible to reproduce locally. I am thinking of asking them to install WinDbg so they can generate a stacktrace/dump of the process. Is this the best way? What approach have you used to get to the bottom of a prob...

Locating (file/line) the invocation of a constructor in python

I'm implementing a event system: Various pieces of code will post events to a central place where they will be distributed to all listeners. The main problem with this approach: When an exception happens during event processing, I can't tell anymore who posted the event. So my question is: Is there an efficient way to figure out who cal...

How to obtain a Java stack trace from a client running under web start?

I wanted to get ideas from the SO community about this issue. Here is the problem: We have a user on the other side of the world launching our app through WebStart. The user, however, is complaining that her whole application freezes up and becomes unresponsive. Usually, the client is doing a lot of database queries to a distributed da...

How do I throw an Exception from the caller's scope?

I'd like to create a routine that does some logging, takes some other actions, and then throws an Exception. I'd like this routine to be called from many different locations. However, creating Exceptions in this routine means they will have this routine in their stack trace. I would rather the stack trace not report this utility routi...

How to throw exception without resetting stack trace?

This is a follow-up question to Is there a difference between “throw” and “throw ex”? is there a way to extract a new error handling method without resetting the stack trace? [EDIT] I will be trying both "inner method" and another answer provided by Earwicker and see which one can work out better to mark an answer. ...

How do I retrieve the name of the lowest subclass from the context of the superclass in Java?

Rational I would like to have more detailed logging debugging/logging output on a few superclasses, so the subclass name will not actually be effecting real-time performance nor application logic. I'm also of the opinion that it is fairly bad design to do this normally, however I really do want this info to be logged during development ...

How do I interpret this C# stack trace? Error on line zero.

Hi all, I'm getting a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error with the following at the top of the stack in the logs (C# ASP.NET application): @Web.UI.UserBrochurePage.Page_Load(Object,EventArgs)+25 Line: 0 @System.Web.Util.CalliHelper.EventArgFunctionCaller(IntPtr,Object,Object,EventArgs)+0 Line: 0 @System.We...

Can I get detailed exception stacktrace in PowerShell?

Runing such script: 1: function foo() 2: { 3: bar 4: } 5: 6: function bar() 7: { 8: throw "test" 9: } 10: 11: foo I see test At C:\test.ps1:8 char:10 Can I get a detailed stack trace instead? At bar() in C:\test.ps1:8 At foo() in C:\test.ps1:3 At C:\test.ps1:11 ...

how to get a stack trace from dump file programatically on Windows.

I want to retrieve stack trace from a user dump file programmatically . There is this user dump at known location and i want to extract just the stack trace out of it and put that in a plain text file - is there a way to do that ? NOTE : I can do it manually - Open windbg and type "k" command - but as i mentioned earlier i want to do...

Error in velocity and log4J

Hello, I built a webapp that works perfectly fine in my localhost (tomcat). But when I tried to deploy, velocity crashes in init(), leaving me with this strange stack trace here (sorry for the size): ERROR [main] ( - Error initializing Velocity! org.apache.velocity.exception.VelocityException: Failed to i...

How to extract debugging information from a crash

hello, If my C++ app crashes on Windows I want to send useful debugging information to our server. On Linux I would use the GNU backtrace() function - is there an equivalent for Windows? Also, is there a way to extract useful debugging information after a program has crashed? Or only from within the process? Richard (Advice along the...

Line numbers in StackTrace point to method start

We're developing a web application with Rational Application Developer 7.5 (based on Eclipse 3.4) for WebSphere Application Server 6.1 . When examining stacktraces on a staging server, the line numbers always point to the beginning of the methods, never to the actual line. In the local development environment (each developer has his loca...

how to get all stack traces with VS 2008 debugger

I'm trying to help debug a hang with the VS 2008 debugger. If I double click a thread in the Threads pane, I can see the trace for that thread in the Call Stack pane. My question is: Is there a way to get all the call stacks for all the threads in one shot, without having to select each thread individually? I want to email the trac...

correctly printstacktrace of servlet exception

so i am using a filter to catch servlet exception (because we are using a mix of jsf/plain servlets) when catching the ServletException and calling printstacktrace most of the information is lost. the "true" root exception seems to be hidden behind the "funny" expression ((ServletException) e.getRootCause().getCause()).getRootCause()...

Could StackTrace be utilized when <compilation debug="true"> in web.config ?

I know I check it programmatically from ConfigurationSection configSection = (CompilationSection) ConfigurationManager.GetSection( "system.web/compilation" ); I know that it is also somewhat slower to have in production ... yet if we are in a kind of beta it does not harm yet ... ...

How do I get the executing object for a stackframe?

When using reflection it is possible to obtain the call stack (apart from that it can be a crude approximation due to JIT optimizations) using System.Diagnostics.StackTrace and examine the StackFrame objects contained. How can I get a reference to the object (the this-pointer) on which a method in a stack frame is executing? I know I c...