
interesting stack problem?

i have an interesting problem in my delphi 2009 app. when run in the debugger, i get an AV between the subroutine's Begin keyword and the first statement. i believe that's when it's setting up local variables. here's the information shown in the debugger: uDeviceModule.pas.940: begin // _GetMeasurementsForChannel 00AF24C8 55 ...

How can I create a parallel stack and run a coroutine on it?

Hey guys, In today's "Zneak's time-wasting adventures", I decided I should try to implement coroutines (I think that's how I should call them). I expect to have to use assembler, and probably some C if I want to make this actually useful for anything. Bear in mind that this is for educational purposes. Using an already built coroutine ...

In C, does an array of a structure gets allocated in the stack?

I think this maybe a really dumb question, but i just want to be clarified. Thanks in advance! I'm not sure if an array of structure declared as a local variable inside a function gets allocated in the stack. Doesn't? ...

What are the exact contents of a program stack in C?

I want to know the exact contents of a program stack. How is the branching operation done? What is meant by memory dump while debugging a program using gdb? Does it give the program stack? TIA, Praveen ...

Menu appears/disappears randomly in IE7 menu shows up about 25% of the time in IE7. It appears to be a stacking issue: I can see the menu at first but once the header image and the rest of the page loads, it disappears. I've tried setting the z-index in both the menu and its parent elements, but nothing's working... Here's the site: http://www.hospiceofmissoula...

How do I manipulate the Android activity stack?

Here's my two scenarios. 1 - User opens app for the first time ever from android home screen User is presented with "first time" screen (backed by first time activity, lets call it A) User hits back button user is returned to android home screen 2 - User opens app for second time User is presented with the main list screen of the app...

Object allocation inline on the stack....

What does that mean when it says 'object allocation inline on the stack'? Especially the 'inline' bit ...

Observable Stack and Queue

I'm looking for an INotifyCollectionChanged implementation of Stack and Queue. I could roll my own but I don't want to reinvent the wheel. ...

StackWalk64 stops at KiUserDispatchException

Hello. I have a process that crashes, and a dll it loads sets an UnhandledExceptionFilter called win32UnhandledExceptionFilter. Inside my function, I create a new process and call WaitForSingleObject on its handle. In my new process, I get the pid of the old process, attach to it and try capturing a stack trace with StackWalk64: ZeroM...

what is the maximum heap size and stack size supported by iphone os?

Hi Could anyone tell me what is the maximum application size supported by iphone? Also what is the maximum heap size and stack size supported? Application goes 'out of memory' very soon... ...

Why do I get a segfault in C from declaring a large array on the stack?

I get a segfault from this line of code: int fatblob[1820][286][5]; Why is that? ...

What is the width of a stack in an Intel IA32 architecture?

Hi there, Is the width of the stack 8 bit wide for IA32 architecture and for all types microprocessors/microcontrollers. I am currently reading about assembly language. At the explanation of "call" it says that the stack pointer is being decreased by 4 and the program cou...

iPhone Navigation Stack Pushing and a Popping

I have an Application. I wish to push View controllers A, B, C, D and E in various arbitrary orders. A is the Home page, so you could say it is the root, Super VC. But any scenario could occur: A->B->C->B->C->D->A->B->C ... etc. Is the UINavigationController the existing answer to my problems? Keep in mind, my View controllers are c...

What causes a java.lang.StackOverflowError

What can cause a java.lang.StackOverflowError? The stack printout that I get is not very deep at all (only 5 methods). ...

How does a stack memory increase?

Hello, In a typical C program, the linux kernel provides 84K - ~100K of memory. How does the kernel allocate more memory for the stack when the process uses the given memory. IMO when the process takes up all the memory of the stack and now uses the next contiguous memory, ideally it should page fault and then the kernel handles the p...

Stack<> implementation in C#

I've recently been implementing a recursive directory search implementation and I'm using a Stack to track the path elements. When I used string.Join() to join the path elements, I found that they were reversed. When I debugged the method, I looked into the stack and found that the elements themselves were reversed in the Stack's inter...

Unexplained stack allocation in native C code built for x64 under Visual Studio 2010.

I am trying to use CL 16.0 for x64 (VS 2010) to produce some readable 64-bit ASM code for an example, but CL insists on preallocating a ton of stack space (28h bytes), with the following line: sub rsp, 40 ; 00000028H (actual value depends on number of local vars of course) Question is, how can I disable this behavior? It is difficult...

Why are stack overflows still a problem?

This question is mystifying me for years and considering this site's name, this is the place to ask. Why do we, programmers, still have this StackOverflow problem? Why in every major language does the thread stack memory have to be statically allocated on thread creation? I will speak in the context of C#/Java, because I use them most...

Where do you keep the configuration files for your stack?

For the website(s) I am a developer for we have a number of different technologies which make up our stack, each with a different set of configurations etc. This is a Rails stack, so we're running things including: Nginx w/ Passenger Varnish Redis Memcached MySQL MongoDB As we're continually tweaking our configs and changing them to...

What does it mean to actually "Implement a stack"?

Is my professor asking me to draw the stack? Does he want me to draw it in action? I feel stupid but it's not like anyone ever told me! Thank you for your help. Wow you guys are quick. Thank you already. The complete question is: Consider two stacks, each of size n (i.e., each one can hold a maximum of n elements). If the sum of the num...