
Is stack-only variable possible in C++?

Currently I want to make wrapper accessor class in multithreaded environment. The purpose of the class is simple - Grab a lock on its construction and release a lock on its destruction. Other than that, it's identical to a normal pointer. Moreover, I want to prevent it from being created on heap area to ensure that the lock will be relea...

Search Value in VS2010 Debug Locals and/or expand all Nodes

Hi, does someone might know how to search for a value in the locals in visual studio 2010 or at least how can I expand all nodes, subnodes? ...

How to hide multiple labels

Hi, I'm doing a stack, I have an input box, every time I input a number that number is inserted into stack, and displayed in a label, I keep adding numbers and labels, then whenever I pop a number, the last created label (representing the stack) needs to disappear and so forth until the stack is empty. In short, I add a number to the s...

How to decode a Windows CE call stack?

Desktop Windows OSs have a "StackWalk64" function, upon which Jochen Kalmbach made a library for decoding the call stack into something human-readable. I need a similar tool, but for Windows CE. WinCE has a function to get the call stack, GetThreadCallStack, but once I have the raw return addresses, how do I Determine the module (DLL ...

C++ - Stack Pop() Function with Singly Linked list

For starters this is apart of my current homework assignment for my Data Structures class. I am not asking for answers, I am asking for help. I have a stack class that is implementing a Linked List instead of an array. I am currently trying to write my pop() function. I have a node for my theBack part of the stack. I am just confused a...